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Save $2.00
Secret Clinical-Essential Oils
Save $2.00 ONE Secret Clinical Product (excludes trial/travel size).

Secret Clinical-Essential Oils
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Secret Clinical Product (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1204401010, 1204401011, 1204401308, 3077202610, 3077202877, 3077203703, 3077204963, 3077205050, 3077205635, 3077205636, 3077205675, 3077206631, 3077206655, 3077206772, 3077209140, 3077209141, 3077209294, 3077209307, 3077209308, 3077209309, 3077209342, 3077210356, 3077210359, 3077210361, 3077210362, 3077210363, 3077210365, 3077210408, 3077210409, 3077210698, 3077210699, 3077212888, 3077213168, 3077213169, 3077213170, 3077213171, 3077213172, 3077213173, 3077213174, 3077213175, 3077213176, 3077213177, 3077214893, 3077214894, 3077214936, 3077214937, 3077214938, 3700009614, 3700009615, 3700017423, 3700017425, 3700017463, 3700019550, 3700022970, 3700023873, 3700023875, 3700049702, 3700049863, 3700057584, 3700060947, 3700063413, 3700064826, 3700064827, 3700064828, 3700065711, 3700067316, 3700067742, 3700071406, 3700072235, 3700075986, 3700076847, 3700076848, 3700080061, 3700081608, 3700083771, 3700085023, 3700085051, 3700085063, 3700085065, 3700085149, 3700088342, 3700088351, 3700088353, 3700088354, 3700088435, 3700088511, 3700088512, 3700088514, 3700088515, 3700088516, 3700088519, 3700088520, 3700088521, 3700088526, 3700088527, 3700088530, 3700088531, 3700088532, 3700088535, 3700088546, 3700088547, 3700088548, 3700088549, 3700088550, 3700088551, 3700088552, 3700088553, 3700088602, 3700088854, 3700088986, 3700092174, 3700092175, 3700092176, 3700092177, 3700092186, 3700092187, 3700092189, 3700092190, 3700092191, 3700092192, 3700092193, 3700092194, 3700092202, 3700092203, 3700092204, 3700092226, 3700092227, 3700092228, 3700092229, 3700092441, 3700092442, 3700092488, 3700092489, 3700092490, 3700092491, 3700092581, 3700094181, 3700094212, 3700094214, 3700094216, 3700094217, 3700095083, 3700095085, 3700095388, 3700095389, 3700095390, 3700095391, 3700095392
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Old Spice Total Body
Save $3.00 ONE Old Spice Total Body Deodorant Spray, Stick, or Cream (excludes trial/travel size).

Old Spice Total Body
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Old Spice Total Body Deodorant Spray, Stick, or Cream (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1204405891, 1204405892, 1204405893, 1204405895, 1204405896, 1204405897, 1204405898, 1204405929, 1204405945, 1204405946, 1204406059, 1204406060, 1204406064, 1204406075, 1204406222, 1204406302, 1204406309, 1204406310, 1204406313, 1204406314, 1204406318, 1204406320
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $2.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 65 oz OR Gain Powder 44 ld (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets and trial/travel size).

Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 65 oz OR Gain Powder 44 ld (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sh.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200718, 3077200726, 3077202408, 3077203055, 3077207385, 3077216692, 3077216825, 3077216828, 3077216834, 3077216838, 3700055863, 3700076052, 3700076382, 3700076453, 3700076850, 3700076922, 3700076967, 3700077170, 3700077327, 3700077905, 3700084930, 3700084932
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Secret Body Cream/Stick/Spray
Save $3.00 ONE Secret Whole Body Deodorant (excludes trial/travel size).

Secret Body Cream/Stick/Spray
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Secret Whole Body Deodorant (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077212603, 3077212604, 3077212605, 3077212606, 3077212607, 3077212608, 3077212928, 3077213387, 3077213388, 3077215671, 3077215672, 3077215674, 3077216775, 3077217015, 3077217016, 3077217092, 3077217212, 3077217213, 3077217214, 3077217215, 3077217216, 3077217217, 3077217218, 3077217219, 3077217565, 3077217566, 3077218002
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Old Spice Total Body
Save $3.00 ONE Old Spice Gentleman's Super Hydration Body Wash (excludes trial/travel size).

Old Spice Total Body
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Old Spice Gentleman's Super Hydration Body Wash (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1204405777, 1204405778
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 127 oz (includes Happy and Relax) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-30.1 oz (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Ultra Flings and trial/travel size).

Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 127 oz (includes Happy and Relax) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-30.1 oz (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200305, 3077205063, 3077208873, 3077208874, 3077208875, 3077208876, 3077208877, 3077209174, 3077209607, 3077209613, 3077214335, 3077214338, 3077214512, 3077214513, 3077214514, 3077214515, 3077214516, 3700060520, 3700060523, 3700061337, 3700092278
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear
Save $2.00 ONE Jumbo Bag Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear.

Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Jumbo Bag Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3700062797, 3700062798, 3700062802, 3700062804
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Secret Clinical-Essential Oils
Save $1.00 ONE Secret Fresh, Secret Outlast, Secret Aluminum Free, or Secret Dry Sprays (excludes trial/travel size).

Secret Clinical-Essential Oils
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Secret Fresh, Secret Outlast, Secret Aluminum Free, or Secret Dry Sprays (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200098, 3077200114, 3077200115, 3077200655, 3077200657, 3077200660, 3077200669, 3077200675, 3077200677, 3077200678, 3077200679, 3077200680, 3077200681, 3077200682, 3077200683, 3077200684, 3077200685, 3077200686, 3077200687, 3077200688, 3077200689, 3077200690, 3077200691, 3077200692, 3077200700, 3077200705, 3077200715, 3077200716, 3077200788, 3077200789, 3077200790, 3077200791, 3077201419, 3077201775, 3077201780, 3077201781, 3077201782, 3077201784, 3077201788, 3077201815, 3077201828, 3077202878, 3077202879, 3077203681, 3077203682, 3077203683, 3077203711, 3077204127, 3077204863, 3077204906, 3077204908, 3077204949, 3077204964, 3077204983, 3077205300, 3077205301, 3077205440, 3077205633, 3077205634, 3077205637, 3077205694, 3077205695, 3077205697, 3077205782, 3077205783, 3077205784, 3077205785, 3077205786, 3077206569, 3077206570, 3077206640, 3077206641, 3077206665, 3077206666, 3077206667, 3077206668, 3077207047, 3077207048, 3077208076, 3077208138, 3077208139, 3077208140, 3077209125, 3077209250, 3077209293, 3077209306, 3077209349, 3077209778, 3077210360, 3077210364, 3077210369, 3077210371, 3077210372, 3077210400, 3077210401, 3077210402, 3077210403, 3077210404, 3077210464, 3077210465, 3077210476, 3077210477, 3077210478, 3077210702, 3077210891, 3077210892, 3077212609, 3077212610, 3077212886, 3077212887, 3077213183, 3077213184, 3077213185, 3077213186, 3077213190, 3077213191, 3077213247, 3077213259, 3077214035, 3077214207, 3077214700, 3077214895, 3077214896, 3077214897, 3077214898, 3077214900, 3077214901, 3077214911, 3077214912, 3077214928, 3077214931, 3077214932, 3077215043, 3077215579, 3077215580, 3077215581, 3077215583, 3077216025, 3077216026, 3077216027, 3077216028, 3077216029, 3077216272, 3077217375, 3077217544, 3700000252, 3700003776, 3700019896, 3700020370, 3700020444, 3700020460, 3700020468, 3700022982, 3700027296, 3700049704, 3700049707, 3700049800, 3700049812, 3700049823, 3700049841, 3700050006, 3700050031, 3700052509, 3700052528, 3700052541, 3700054825, 3700054826, 3700057464, 3700057468, 3700062397, 3700062567, 3700062650, 3700062652, 3700063964, 3700063966, 3700063968, 3700064810, 3700064852, 3700064862, 3700065212, 3700065220, 3700065221, 3700065225, 3700065227, 3700065228, 3700066787, 3700066788, 3700067536, 3700067658, 3700067998, 3700067999, 3700068517, 3700068523, 3700068532, 3700068563, 3700068654, 3700068655, 3700068656, 3700069254, 3700070033, 3700072368, 3700072610, 3700072982, 3700072983, 3700072984, 3700072986, 3700072991, 3700072992, 3700073149, 3700073900, 3700073901, 3700073902, 3700073933, 3700074545, 3700074764, 3700074772, 3700075772, 3700075773, 3700075777, 3700075866, 3700076710, 3700078082, 3700078083, 3700078232, 3700078593, 3700079884, 3700079885, 3700080091, 3700080093, 3700080100, 3700080101, 3700080103, 3700080104, 3700080213, 3700080259, 3700080261, 3700080522, 3700080804, 3700080805, 3700080815, 3700080819, 3700080822, 3700080831, 3700080832, 3700080847, 3700080848, 3700080849, 3700080851, 3700080852, 3700080853, 3700080854, 3700080901, 3700080905, 3700080999, 3700081000, 3700081068, 3700083335, 3700083555, 3700085070, 3700085073, 3700087438, 3700088790, 3700088791, 3700088793, 3700088804, 3700091872, 3700091874, 3700091877, 3700091884, 3700091885, 3700091895, 3700091896, 3700091910, 3700091913, 3700091914, 3700091917, 3700092243, 3700092256, 3700092444, 3700094201, 3700094202, 3700094203, 3700094204, 3700094208, 3700094209, 3700094210, 3700094211, 3700094859, 3700094864, 3700094868, 3700094874, 3700094875, 3700094879, 3700094890, 3700094891, 3700095347, 3700095454, 3700096707, 3700096709, 3700097883, 3700097885, 3700097893, 3700097925, 3700097927, 3700097928, 3700098195, 5610004241, 5610004242
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Save $3.00
Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 100 oz (includes Gain Happy or Relax 71 oz) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 12.2-13.4 oz OR Gain Sheets 240 ct OR Gain Super Sized Sheets 130 ct (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils and trial/travel size).

Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 100 oz (includes Gain Happy or Relax 71 oz) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 12.2-13.4 oz OR Gain Sheets 240 ct OR Gain Super Sized Sheets 130 ct (ex.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200529, 3077201561, 3077205048, 3077208884, 3077208885, 3077208886, 3077208887, 3077208888, 3077208889, 3077209255, 3077209405, 3077209406, 3077209407, 3077209408, 3077209409, 3077209561, 3077209562, 3077209563, 3077209564, 3077209565, 3077209566, 3077210087, 3077210088, 3077210089, 3077210090, 3077210102, 3077210111, 3077210625, 3077214093, 3077214094, 3077214339, 3077214340, 3700081386, 3700084175, 3700092510
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear
Save $5.00 ONE BOX Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear.

Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 ONE BOX Ninjamas Nighttime Underwear..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077204988, 3077204989, 3077204990, 3077204991, 3077207972, 3077207973, 3077207974, 3077216494, 3700062819, 3700062821, 3700062825, 3700062826, 3700063089, 3700063098, 3700063111, 3700063141, 3700068910, 3700068917, 3700068919, 3700068921
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $1.00 ONE Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 16 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 35-44 oz OR Downy Sheets 105-120 ct OR Downy Mega Sheets 50-60 ct (includes Infusions and Light Sheets) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0-5.7 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy OR Blends 5.3-5.9 oz (excludes trial/travel size).

Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 16 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 35-44 oz OR Downy Sheets 105-120 ct OR Downy Mega Sheets 50-60 ct (includes Infusions and Light Sheets) OR Downy In-Wa.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200403, 3077200443, 3077200448, 3077200453, 3077203904, 3077203905, 3077204005, 3077204006, 3077204024, 3077204045, 3077204048, 3077204139, 3077205245, 3077205827, 3077205854, 3077205855, 3077205856, 3077205858, 3077205859, 3077205860, 3077205869, 3077208725, 3077208734, 3077208749, 3077208751, 3077208768, 3077208769, 3077208780, 3077208790, 3077209094, 3077209171, 3077209223, 3077209235, 3077209236, 3077209238, 3077209239, 3077210032, 3077210033, 3077210040, 3077210048, 3077212452, 3077214169, 3077214172, 3077214179, 3077214555, 3077214556, 3077214565, 3077214566, 3077214568, 3077214574, 3077214599, 3077215070, 3077217038, 3077219100, 3077219104, 3077219105, 3077219488, 3077219492, 3077219496, 3077219507, 3077219564, 3077219842, 3700036262, 3700041435, 3700052416, 3700062069, 3700063522, 3700065053, 3700065081, 3700069962, 3700076126, 3700076129, 3700079720, 3700079721, 3700079722, 3700079723, 3700079726, 3700079734, 3700079736, 3700079739, 3700079747, 3700079748, 3700079750, 3700080327, 3700082386, 3700083561, 3700088998, 3700091582, 3700095283, 3700096031
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Bounty Paper Towels
Save $1.00 ONE Bounty Paper Towel Product 4 Roll Count or Larger (includes Double Plus Roll and 2 ct Mega Roll, excludes Bounty Essentials).

Bounty Paper Towels
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Bounty Paper Towel Product 4 Roll Count or Larger (includes Double Plus Roll and 2 ct Mega Roll, excludes Bounty Essentials)..
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200057, 3077200629, 3077201229, 3077201363, 3077202396, 3077203678, 3077203679, 3077203680, 3077204889, 3077205163, 3077205284, 3077205625, 3077205630, 3077205661, 3077205662, 3077205663, 3077205664, 3077205668, 3077205701, 3077205709, 3077205710, 3077205814, 3077205825, 3077205826, 3077205828, 3077205849, 3077205850, 3077206095, 3077206100, 3077206106, 3077206109, 3077206130, 3077206132, 3077206134, 3077206135, 3077206138, 3077206142, 3077206143, 3077206159, 3077206166, 3077206172, 3077207250, 3077207251, 3077207252, 3077207597, 3077207975, 3077207976, 3077207977, 3077208003, 3077208362, 3077208646, 3077208648, 3077208680, 3077208692, 3077208693, 3077208696, 3077208698, 3077208699, 3077208701, 3077208702, 3077208707, 3077208708, 3077208709, 3077208714, 3077208715, 3077208716, 3077208717, 3077208720, 3077208723, 3077208743, 3077208745, 3077208750, 3077208774, 3077208775, 3077208776, 3077208843, 3077208957, 3077209160, 3077210204, 3077210205, 3077210512, 3077211344, 3077211345, 3077211346, 3077211347, 3077211348, 3077211456, 3077211457, 3077211833, 3077212212, 3077212804, 3077212805, 3077212806, 3077213824, 3077214051, 3077214466, 3077215662, 3077215663, 3077215664, 3077215665, 3077215666, 3077215667, 3077215670, 3077215702, 3077215703, 3077215704, 3077215705, 3077215706, 3077215710, 3077215712, 3077215714, 3077215715, 3077216007, 3077216008, 3077216009, 3077216012, 3077216014, 3077216015, 3077216019, 3077216020, 3077216021, 3077216041, 3077216069, 3077216071, 3077216073, 3077216074, 3077216076, 3077216276, 3077216277, 3077216334, 3077216774, 3077217116, 3077217720, 3077217721, 3077217998, 3077218614, 3077219009, 3077219022, 3077219023, 3077219078, 3077219235, 3077219236, 3077219273, 3077219274, 3077219286, 3077219287, 3077219520, 3077219521, 3077219642, 3077219707, 3077219718, 3700028727, 3700031304, 3700037364, 3700037548, 3700037550, 3700037651, 3700037675, 3700037690, 3700037704, 3700046615, 3700046616, 3700047726, 3700050077, 3700050172, 3700059749, 3700059751, 3700059755, 3700059757, 3700065246, 3700065326, 3700065496, 3700065506, 3700065510, 3700065534, 3700065538, 3700065544, 3700065841, 3700065906, 3700065992, 3700065995, 3700066359, 3700066427, 3700066461, 3700066523, 3700066529, 3700066531, 3700066534, 3700066541, 3700066557, 3700066563, 3700066564, 3700066575, 3700066579, 3700066584, 3700066600, 3700066715, 3700066839, 3700066878, 3700066901, 3700066920, 3700066921, 3700066924, 3700066933, 3700066936, 3700066937, 3700066960, 3700066965, 3700066987, 3700067001, 3700067002, 3700067025, 3700067090, 3700067519, 3700069284, 3700070477, 3700070478, 3700070489, 3700070589, 3700070933, 3700071197, 3700071898, 3700073471, 3700073548, 3700073550, 3700073570, 3700073595, 3700073673, 3700073856, 3700074111, 3700074183, 3700074584, 3700074699, 3700074740, 3700074769, 3700074795, 3700074798, 3700074801, 3700074844, 3700074859, 3700075024, 3700075025, 3700075026, 3700075029, 3700075032, 3700075091, 3700075702, 3700075867, 3700075981, 3700076675, 3700076800, 3700076801, 3700076961, 3700077707, 3700078225, 3700078445, 3700078582, 3700080265, 3700080291, 3700080429, 3700081463, 3700081464, 3700081769, 3700082875, 3700082880, 3700082895, 3700082904, 3700082949, 3700083714, 3700083769, 3700085609, 3700085610, 3700088172, 3700088306, 3700089086, 3700089088, 3700091797, 3700092921, 3700094133, 3700094245, 3700094989, 3700095216, 3700095698, 3700096337, 3700096367, 3700096449, 3700096450, 3700096472, 3700096997, 3700097162, 3700097755, 3700097756, 3700097757, 3700098395, 3700099055, 3700099833, 3700099835, 3700099838, 3700099849, 3700099913
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Safeguard Hand Soap
Save $1.00 ONE Safeguard 15.5 oz Liquid Hand Soap (excludes Twin Pack).

Safeguard Hand Soap
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Safeguard 15.5 oz Liquid Hand Soap (excludes Twin Pack)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200834, 3077200835, 3077200836, 3077200837, 3077201221, 3077201222, 3077201223, 3077205746, 3077205747, 3077205749, 3077206931, 3077206932, 3077208031, 3077208032, 3077208438, 3077212501, 3077212502, 3077216630, 3077216631, 3077216632, 3077216633, 3077218654, 3700026316, 3700026318
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $0.50
Ivory Body Wash
Save $0.50 ONE Ivory Body Wash 27oz or larger OR any Ivory Deodorant (excludes trial/travel size).

Ivory Body Wash
Save $0.50
Save $0.50 ONE Ivory Body Wash 27oz or larger OR any Ivory Deodorant (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200070, 3077200276, 3077200540, 3077201839, 3077201840, 3077201841, 3077201843, 3077201845, 3077201846, 3077201847, 3077201848, 3077201849, 3077201850, 3077205830, 3077205873, 3077205874, 3077205875, 3077206136, 3077206137, 3077208197, 3077208281, 3077208349, 3077208350, 3077210655, 3077210656, 3077212715, 3077212716, 3077213182, 3077217796, 3700058042, 3700058060, 3700058062, 3700058075, 3700058078, 3700060837, 3700069589, 3700069590, 3700069759, 3700073753, 3700073765, 3700075753, 3700077339, 3700078247, 3700080272, 3700091992, 3700092533, 3700096385
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Crest Whitestrips
Save $5.00 ONE Crest 3DWhitestrips (excludes Noticeably White, Classic White and trial/travel size).

Crest Whitestrips
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 ONE Crest 3DWhitestrips (excludes Noticeably White, Classic White and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
88971400003, 88971400005, 88971400043, 88971400044, 88971400046, 88971400055, 88971400058, 88971400131, 88971400135, 88971400136, 88971400191, 88971400192, 88971400196, 88971400234, 88971400238, 88971400239, 88971400243, 88971400261, 88971400262, 88971400263, 88971400298, 88971400308, 88971400313, 88971400314, 88971400332, 88971400333, 88971400338, 88971400367, 88971400368, 88971400369, 88971400371
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 72 oz OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 9.1 oz OR Gain Sheets 180 ct (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils and trial/travel size).

Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 72 oz OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 9.1 oz OR Gain Sheets 180 ct (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry .
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200310, 3077205428, 3077205462, 3077205467, 3077205468, 3077205684, 3077208890, 3077208891, 3077208892, 3077208893, 3077208894, 3077208895, 3077208896, 3077209175, 3077210083, 3077210084, 3077210085, 3077210086, 3077210101, 3077210106, 3077210107, 3077210108
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $2.00 TWO Crest Toothpaste 2.4 oz or more (excludes Crest Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, Brilliance, Gum, Densify, Aligner Care, Kids, More Free packs, and trial/travel size).

Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 TWO Crest Toothpaste 2.4 oz or more (excludes Crest Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, Brilliance, Gum, Densify, Aligner Care, Kids, More Free packs, and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200039, 3077203577, 3077203709, 3077203713, 3077204212, 3077205356, 3077205360, 3077205387, 3077205721, 3077205724, 3077205725, 3077205726, 3077205727, 3077205728, 3077205884, 3077205885, 3077205916, 3077205917, 3077205979, 3077205992, 3077207416, 3077207575, 3077207576, 3077207578, 3077207645, 3077208296, 3077208367, 3077208477, 3077208478, 3077208486, 3077208678, 3077208679, 3077209040, 3077209041, 3077210168, 3077210169, 3077210313, 3077210315, 3077210316, 3077210335, 3077210337, 3077210338, 3077210341, 3077210342, 3077210343, 3077210344, 3077210474, 3077210596, 3077210931, 3077211924, 3077211926, 3077211927, 3077211950, 3077211951, 3077211956, 3077212545, 3077212546, 3077212547, 3077212548, 3077212549, 3077212550, 3077212551, 3077212552, 3077212553, 3077212554, 3077212555, 3077212556, 3077212557, 3077212558, 3077212559, 3077212560, 3077213009, 3077213010, 3077217232, 3700015734, 3700017281, 3700022880, 3700027229, 3700027259, 3700038590, 3700038593, 3700039603, 3700040026, 3700040027, 3700040028, 3700040057, 3700040058, 3700040061, 3700040066, 3700040068, 3700040070, 3700040073, 3700040079, 3700040128, 3700045136, 3700047980, 3700047981, 3700047983, 3700048029, 3700058457, 3700059668, 3700059853, 3700059854, 3700064966, 3700064967, 3700065440, 3700067033, 3700067034, 3700067038, 3700067050, 3700067051, 3700067066, 3700067068, 3700067077, 3700067080, 3700068636, 3700068650, 3700069063, 3700069156, 3700071043, 3700071075, 3700071078, 3700071090, 3700071116, 3700071150, 3700071157, 3700071161, 3700071167, 3700071170, 3700071178, 3700071205, 3700073936, 3700074222, 3700080660, 3700080834, 3700080896, 3700080907, 3700080973, 3700081027, 3700081919, 3700081995, 3700082024, 3700083524, 3700083908, 3700084121, 3700084368, 3700084397, 3700084414, 3700084416, 3700084417, 3700084426, 3700085165, 3700085193, 3700085379, 3700085427, 3700085652, 3700087485, 3700090724, 3700090726, 3700090729, 3700090731, 3700090734, 3700090785, 3700091204, 3700091270, 3700097652, 3700097653, 3700097658, 3700097659, 3700097660, 3700097667, 3700097669, 3700097671, 3700097672, 3700097673, 3700097674, 3700097677, 3700097678, 3700097679, 3700097689
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Laundry Detergents
Save $3.00 ONE Tide EVO Laundry Detergent 22 ct (product limited to Colorado and excludes trial and travel size).

Laundry Detergents
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Tide EVO Laundry Detergent 22 ct (product limited to Colorado and excludes trial and travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077209386, 3077209389
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Dreft Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00 ONE Dreft Power PODS 18- 45 ct (excludes trial/travel size).

Dreft Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Dreft Power PODS 18- 45 ct (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077211866, 3077211867, 3077211868
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 14-16 ct (excludes Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets, Gain Flings 9 ct and below and trial/travel size).

Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 14-16 ct (excludes Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets,.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077202418, 3077202422, 3077207222, 3077207225, 3077207389, 3077207390, 3077208580, 3077209112, 3077211900, 3077211901, 3077211902, 3077211903, 3077211904, 3077211905, 3077211906, 3700028296, 3700028297, 3700050591, 3700058365, 3700075041, 3700077528, 3700077529, 3700077624, 3700079918, 3700086173, 3700086193, 3700086748, 3700086749, 3700086750, 3700086751, 3700091622
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $0.75
Ivory Bar Soap
Save $0.75 ONE Ivory Exfoliating Bar Soap 4ct or larger.

Ivory Bar Soap
Save $0.75
Save $0.75 ONE Ivory Exfoliating Bar Soap 4ct or larger..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077216495, 3077216497
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Dreft Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00 ONE Dreft Newborn Laundry Detergent 46 oz or larger OR Dreft Active Baby Laundry Detergent 46 oz or larger OR Dreft Free and Gentle Laundry Detergent 46 oz or larger OR Dreft Pure Gentleness Laundry Detergent 46 oz or larger (excludes trial/travel size).

Dreft Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Dreft Newborn Laundry Detergent 46 oz or larger OR Dreft Active Baby Laundry Detergent 46 oz or larger OR Dreft Free and Gentle Laundry Detergent 46 oz or larger OR Dreft Pure Gentlenes.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200727, 3077203239, 3077203240, 3077203241, 3077203251, 3077204144, 3077204412, 3077207843, 3077208624, 3077209504, 3077209505, 3077209512, 3077209513, 3077209688, 3077209689, 3077211050, 3077211356, 3077212128, 3077212129, 3077212133, 3077212134, 3077214012, 3077214013, 3077217330, 3077217331, 3077217332, 3077217334, 3077217335, 3077217336, 3077217337, 3077217338, 3077218207, 3077218208, 3077218209, 3077218562, 3700012874, 3700020826, 3700020830, 3700029336, 3700031825, 3700051040, 3700051487, 3700060405, 3700062717, 3700063196, 3700074458, 3700074576, 3700074577, 3700074582, 3700074689, 3700074712, 3700074746, 3700074759, 3700074810, 3700074811, 3700074814, 3700074817, 3700077592, 3700080377, 3700080580, 3700080612, 3700081765, 3700087719, 3700092695, 3700092696, 3700092699, 3700092700, 3700092706, 3700092798, 3700094766, 3700094845
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 7.8 oz (excludes trial/travel size).

Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 7.8 oz (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00 ONE Downy, Tide, Dreft OR Gain Rinse 48 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 140 oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 93 oz OR Nature Inspired 111 oz) OR Downy Infusions Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Downy Light Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 18.2 oz (includes Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton, Infusions and Light) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 19.4 oz OR Fusions 16 oz (excludes Downy Fresh 50 oz & 125 oz and trial/travel size).

Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Downy, Tide, Dreft OR Gain Rinse 48 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 140 oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 93 oz OR Nature Inspired 111 oz) OR Downy Infusions Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Dow.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077208730, 3077208737, 3077208747, 3077208758, 3077208759, 3077208764, 3077208778, 3077208782, 3077208785, 3077208788, 3077209078, 3077209096, 3077209169, 3077209417, 3077209420, 3077209430, 3077209784, 3077209787, 3077210041, 3077210042, 3077210043, 3077210049, 3077210050, 3077210051, 3077210865, 3077211918, 3077211919, 3077211986, 3077211987, 3077211988, 3077214052, 3077214168, 3077214175, 3077214177, 3077214536, 3077214552, 3077214560, 3077214575, 3077214671, 3077214672, 3077215391, 3077215406, 3077215407, 3077215418, 3077215602, 3077216552, 3077216553, 3077216599, 3077219311
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Save $3.00
Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 88-154 oz OR Gain Powder Laundry Detergent 69-113 ld (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets and trial/travel size).

Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 88-154 oz OR Gain Powder Laundry Detergent 69-113 ld (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oil.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200719, 3077200720, 3077200724, 3077201367, 3077202413, 3077202415, 3077202416, 3077206760, 3077207386, 3077207387, 3077207388, 3077208541, 3077209044, 3077209045, 3077209208, 3077209209, 3077209210, 3077209466, 3077209467, 3077209468, 3077209471, 3077209509, 3077209511, 3077209806, 3077209807, 3077210583, 3077211596, 3077211600, 3077211769, 3077211770, 3077211771, 3077211772, 3077211773, 3077211774, 3077216533, 3077216535, 3077216536, 3077216537, 3077216538, 3077216539, 3077216591, 3077216595, 3077216598, 3077216690, 3077216693, 3077216694, 3077216695, 3077216696, 3077216697, 3077216807, 3077216808, 3077216809, 3077216810, 3077216831, 3077216832, 3077216836, 3077216837, 3077216850, 3077216851, 3077219111, 3077219116, 3077219117, 3077219118, 3077219120, 3077219121, 3077219122, 3077219123, 3700012769, 3700012773, 3700012786, 3700019494, 3700021216, 3700023032, 3700023033, 3700023048, 3700023052, 3700024030, 3700024031, 3700027834, 3700028606, 3700028609, 3700049017, 3700051419, 3700051459, 3700055867, 3700058784, 3700059672, 3700059673, 3700060389, 3700060402, 3700073107, 3700073715, 3700076019, 3700076026, 3700076124, 3700076256, 3700076258, 3700076262, 3700076403, 3700076506, 3700076544, 3700076787, 3700076796, 3700076799, 3700076903, 3700076971, 3700076972, 3700076973, 3700077005, 3700077006, 3700077089, 3700077179, 3700077180, 3700077181, 3700077196, 3700077239, 3700077272, 3700077273, 3700077944, 3700077953, 3700077979, 3700077992, 3700078006, 3700078031, 3700078039, 3700078093, 3700080643, 3700080644, 3700080663, 3700080702, 3700080716, 3700081757, 3700081759, 3700081763, 3700081773, 3700081774, 3700081775, 3700081776, 3700082292, 3700083416, 3700083417, 3700083431, 3700084910, 3700084915, 3700084925, 3700085375, 3700086105, 3700086158, 3700086169, 3700086995, 3700087729, 3700087746, 3700091923, 3700091924, 3700091925, 3700091928, 3700094937, 3700096728, 3700096729, 3700096886, 3700098330, 3700098332, 3700098333, 3700098341, 3700098344
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.50
Always Menstrual Care Pads
Save $1.50 ONE Always Maxi and Ultra Thin Pads (14-or higher), Always Liners (30 ct or higher) (excludes trial/travel sizes, Always Infinity Pads, Always Radiant Pads, Always Pure Cotton Pads, Always Pocket, Always ZZZ, and Always Discreet).

Always Menstrual Care Pads
Save $1.50
Save $1.50 ONE Always Maxi and Ultra Thin Pads (14-or higher), Always Liners (30 ct or higher) (excludes trial/travel sizes, Always Infinity Pads, Always Radiant Pads, Always Pure Cotton Pads, Always .
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200162, 3077202090, 3077202112, 3077202265, 3077202266, 3077202267, 3077202284, 3077202285, 3077203112, 3077203334, 3077203335, 3077203339, 3077203341, 3077203345, 3077203350, 3077203352, 3077203366, 3077203368, 3077203369, 3077203399, 3077203400, 3077203420, 3077203532, 3077203533, 3077207587, 3077207588, 3077207737, 3077207738, 3077207739, 3077207740, 3077207741, 3077212779, 3077212780, 3077212781, 3077212782, 3077216165, 3077216166, 3077216168, 3077216169, 3077216340, 3077216344, 3077216345, 3077216347, 3077216348, 3077216351, 3077216352, 3077216498, 3077216900, 3077216901, 3077217149, 3077217150, 3077217155, 3077217156, 3077218013, 3077218014, 3077218041, 3077218042, 3077218937, 3700005490, 3700006187, 3700007550, 3700007552, 3700007553, 3700007555, 3700010793, 3700010796, 3700011432, 3700014216, 3700017110, 3700017901, 3700017902, 3700018145, 3700018146, 3700018147, 3700018395, 3700022322, 3700022323, 3700025540, 3700025551, 3700025560, 3700025605, 3700028159, 3700030495, 3700030562, 3700030563, 3700030565, 3700030566, 3700030655, 3700030656, 3700030657, 3700030659, 3700030660, 3700030662, 3700031349, 3700031484, 3700032494, 3700033159, 3700038601, 3700039408, 3700042521, 3700042683, 3700044916, 3700044917, 3700045275, 3700045498, 3700045581, 3700049198, 3700049760, 3700050468, 3700054284, 3700054301, 3700056150, 3700056153, 3700059650, 3700060040, 3700062858, 3700066103, 3700066116, 3700066381, 3700066890, 3700068522, 3700073450, 3700073455, 3700073456, 3700076449, 3700077865, 3700077866, 3700078239, 3700078240, 3700079826, 3700079828, 3700081605, 3700081683, 3700081684, 3700081687, 3700081690, 3700082872, 3700083394, 3700084702, 3700084705, 3700085705, 3700085708, 3700086962, 3700087088, 3700087522, 3700088440, 3700088917, 3700088922, 3700088930, 3700089028, 3700089029, 3700089030, 3700089031, 3700089032, 3700089033, 3700089415, 3700089669, 3700089907, 3700089908, 3700090239, 3700090241, 3700092247, 3700092445, 3700092583, 3700092863, 3700092867, 3700093755, 3700094742, 3700094984, 3700094985, 3700097061, 3700097628, 3700097629, 3700097630, 3700097631, 3700097638, 3700097668, 3700097743, 3700097744, 3700097751, 3700097752, 3700097949, 3700097952, 3700097953, 3700098217, 3700098347, 3700098727, 3700098729, 3700098860, 3700098862, 3700098864, 3700098999, 3700099089, 3700099095, 3700099515, 3700099519
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Save $1.00
Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $1.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0-5.7 oz (excludes trial/travel size).

Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0-5.7 oz (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205882, 3077208504, 3700079817
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Nervive Nerve Relief
Save $1.00 ONE Nervive 14ct Supplement Product (excludes trial/travel size).

Nervive Nerve Relief
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Nervive 14ct Supplement Product (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077201388, 3077201409, 3077204029
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $0.75
Tide Simply Pods
Save $0.75 ONE Tide Simply PODS Laundry Detergent 13 ct (excludes TIde Rinse, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent and trial/travel size).

Tide Simply Pods
Save $0.75
Save $0.75 ONE Tide Simply PODS Laundry Detergent 13 ct (excludes TIde Rinse, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3700075257, 3700075259, 3700076820
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 35-44 oz (includes Gain Happy or Relax 37 oz) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0-6.5 oz OR Gain Sheets 105-120 ct (includes Gain Super Sized Sheets 60 ct) (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils and trial/travel size).

Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 35-44 oz (includes Gain Happy or Relax 37 oz) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0-6.5 oz OR Gain Sheets 105-120 ct (includes Gain Super Sized Sheets.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200299, 3077200308, 3077200309, 3077200312, 3077203936, 3077203937, 3077204326, 3077204342, 3077204348, 3077204355, 3077205046, 3077205047, 3077205052, 3077205060, 3077205870, 3077205871, 3077205872, 3077205879, 3077205880, 3077205881, 3077208196, 3077208848, 3077208849, 3077208850, 3077208851, 3077208852, 3077208853, 3077208854, 3077208871, 3077208872, 3077210070, 3077210071, 3077210072, 3077210073, 3077210076, 3077210077, 3077210078, 3077210079, 3077210080, 3077210082, 3077210099, 3077210100, 3077210109, 3077210110, 3077214095, 3077214243, 3077214334, 3077214337, 3077215069, 3700043227, 3700043228, 3700048434, 3700058375, 3700058388, 3700058401, 3700064301, 3700064329, 3700064378, 3700068857, 3700069818, 3700071873, 3700075789, 3700075791, 3700076919, 3700076920, 3700076921, 3700077509, 3700077625, 3700077735, 3700077752, 3700079482, 3700079715, 3700079717, 3700086205, 3700086276, 3700086301, 3700086305, 3700091946, 3700094938, 3700097835, 3700098359, 3700098360, 3700098366, 3700098465, 3700098499, 3700098559, 3700098560, 3700098562, 3700098563, 3700099931, 3700099933
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00 ONE Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 25.5oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 66-88oz(includes Ultra Soft 26oz OR Wrinkleguard 48oz) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 7.8-9.1oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 8.3oz OR Cozy Collection Beads 7.8 oz OR Fusions 6.9oz OR Downy Mega Sheets 80-90 ct (excludes Downy Fresh 50oz, 125oz and trial/travel size).

Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 25.5oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 66-88oz(includes Ultra Soft 26oz OR Wrinkleguard 48oz) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 7.8-9.1oz (includes Downy Ligh.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077203900, 3077203907, 3077203962, 3077204010, 3077204013, 3077204035, 3077204039, 3077204047, 3077204122, 3077204123, 3077204128, 3077204130, 3077204137, 3077204140, 3077205913, 3077208731, 3077208733, 3077208735, 3077208739, 3077208740, 3077208742, 3077208744, 3077208752, 3077208753, 3077208754, 3077208770, 3077208771, 3077209083, 3077209092, 3077209093, 3077209098, 3077209172, 3077209173, 3077209234, 3077209237, 3077209424, 3077209783, 3077209786, 3077209788, 3077210017, 3077210026, 3077210028, 3077210029, 3077210031, 3077210036, 3077210039, 3077210045, 3077210046, 3077210047, 3077210052, 3077210053, 3077210311, 3077210330, 3077210331, 3077210332, 3077210346, 3077210347, 3077210868, 3077211003, 3077214171, 3077214174, 3077214363, 3077214533, 3077214557, 3077214562, 3077214570, 3077214667, 3077214673, 3077215393, 3077215396, 3077215398, 3077215404, 3077215405, 3077215409, 3077215412, 3077218591, 3077218592, 3077219313, 3077219316, 3077219320, 3077219336, 3700010631, 3700010632, 3700010633, 3700013423, 3700023542, 3700025802, 3700026167, 3700026217, 3700026218, 3700056246, 3700062309, 3700064711, 3700064712, 3700065209, 3700065210, 3700070039, 3700074010, 3700074335, 3700075286, 3700075489, 3700075895, 3700075920, 3700076508, 3700076771, 3700076772, 3700078893, 3700078989, 3700079000, 3700079003, 3700079030, 3700079033, 3700079059, 3700079088, 3700079089, 3700079111, 3700081252, 3700081281, 3700081290, 3700081858, 3700082040, 3700083296, 3700087915, 3700089039, 3700089222, 3700090318, 3700095309, 3700099732
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $3.00 ONE Bounce WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Lasting Fresh Mega Sheets 180 ct (excludes trial/travel size).

Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Bounce WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Lasting Fresh Mega Sheets.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077206544, 3077206545, 3077206548, 3077214731, 3077214791
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00 ONE Downy, Tide, Gain OR Dreft Rinse 36.7oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 100-111oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 38-64oz OR Cozy Collection 38oz OR WrinkleGuard 81oz) OR Downy Sheets 240ct (includes Downy Infusions 130ct OR Downy Light Sheets 130ct) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 12.2-13.4oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 13oz OR Fusions 10.7oz (excludes Downy Fresh 50 oz, 125 oz and trial/travel size).

Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Downy, Tide, Gain OR Dreft Rinse 36.7oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 100-111oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 38-64oz OR Cozy Collection 38oz OR WrinkleGuard 81oz) OR Downy Sheets 240.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077203964, 3077204014, 3077204043, 3077204131, 3077204132, 3077204135, 3077204138, 3077206101, 3077208092, 3077208729, 3077208732, 3077208736, 3077208741, 3077208746, 3077208755, 3077208756, 3077208757, 3077208772, 3077208781, 3077208784, 3077208787, 3077209082, 3077209097, 3077209170, 3077209189, 3077209241, 3077209404, 3077209422, 3077209429, 3077209435, 3077209550, 3077209551, 3077209552, 3077209553, 3077209557, 3077209558, 3077209567, 3077209568, 3077209569, 3077209570, 3077209571, 3077209572, 3077209794, 3077209795, 3077210018, 3077210019, 3077210027, 3077210030, 3077210044, 3077210122, 3077210435, 3077210611, 3077210739, 3077210866, 3077210867, 3077212453, 3077214163, 3077214164, 3077214165, 3077214167, 3077214170, 3077214176, 3077214178, 3077214180, 3077214534, 3077214535, 3077214550, 3077214559, 3077214567, 3077214669, 3077214674, 3077215161, 3077215251, 3077215390, 3077215392, 3077215394, 3077215395, 3077215397, 3077215399, 3077215402, 3077215403, 3077215408, 3077215410, 3077215411, 3077215413, 3077215414, 3077215415, 3077215416, 3077215417, 3077215419, 3077215439, 3077215551, 3077215552, 3077215553, 3077215554, 3077215555, 3077215603, 3077216141, 3077216142, 3077216143, 3077216144, 3077218596, 3077218597, 3077218598, 3077219305, 3077219310, 3077219312, 3077219314, 3077219322, 3077219337, 3077219730, 3700024861, 3700029513, 3700031220, 3700031764, 3700039685, 3700041809, 3700042548, 3700047022, 3700048522, 3700054732, 3700054763, 3700060408, 3700064705, 3700064707, 3700075491, 3700076127, 3700077087, 3700077209, 3700081242, 3700081639, 3700081640, 3700082667, 3700082844, 3700082851, 3700089022, 3700092195, 3700092196, 3700092198, 3700092509, 3700092640, 3700092887
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.50
Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $5.50 ONE Always Discreet Boutique Underwear 44-48ct.

Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $5.50
Save $5.50 ONE Always Discreet Boutique Underwear 44-48ct..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205641, 3077210935, 3077210936, 3077210937
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Tide Simply Pods
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Simply PODS Laundry Detergent 20 ct or larger (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent and trial/travel size).

Tide Simply Pods
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Simply PODS Laundry Detergent 20 ct or larger (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3700060601, 3700075229, 3700075230, 3700075234, 3700075235, 3700075512, 3700075513, 3700076824, 3700076828, 3700076829, 3700076842, 3700079963, 3700085918, 3700086450
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
V DayQuil-NyQuil Cough Relief
Save $1.00 TWO DayQuil, NyQuil, Vapo, VapoCOOL, Formula44, or Sinex Products (excludes DayQuil or NyQuil products under 8oz or 24ct, VapoRub 50g, BabyRub, Children's VapoRub, VapoShower 3ct, VapoInhaler 1ct, VapoCOOL Drops 18 ct, Sinex Severe Squeeze Nasal Spray, Vicks Botanicals and trial/travel size).

V DayQuil-NyQuil Cough Relief
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 TWO DayQuil, NyQuil, Vapo, VapoCOOL, Formula44, or Sinex Products (excludes DayQuil or NyQuil products under 8oz or 24ct, VapoRub 50g, BabyRub, Children's VapoRub, VapoShower 3ct, VapoInhal.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077214461, 3077214462, 3700096901, 5610000086, 5610000091, 5610000112, 5610000117, 5610000119, 5610000248, 5610005465, 5610007374, 5610007379, 5610007381, 5610007382, 5610007383, 5610007384, 5610007395, 5610007481, 5610007482, 5610007483, 5610007485, 5610007504, 5610007621, 5610007623, 5610007629, 5610007630, 5610007686, 5610007687, 5610007769, 32390000015, 32390000362, 32390001076, 32390001077, 32390001424, 32390001425, 32390001426, 32390001427, 32390001429, 32390001430, 32390001433, 32390001434, 32390001435, 32390001436, 32390001440, 32390001441, 32390001443, 32390001444, 32390001452, 32390001453, 32390001479, 32390001641, 32390001778, 32390001863, 32390001866, 32390002033, 32390002515, 32390002519, 32390002552, 32390002554, 32390002556, 32390002557, 32390002645, 32390002705, 32390002732, 32390002734, 32390002799, 32390002801, 32390003008, 32390003009, 32390003077, 32390003086, 32390003101, 32390003107, 32390003108, 32390003109, 32390003110, 32390003111, 32390003112, 32390003119, 32390003120, 32390003131, 32390003210, 32390003211, 32390003212, 32390003245, 32390003246, 32390003247, 32390003338, 32390003339, 32390003340, 32390003341, 32390003348, 32390003358, 32390003361, 32390003362, 32390003369, 32390003370, 32390003380, 32390003381, 32390003382, 32390003383, 32390003384, 32390003385, 32390003386, 32390003387, 32390003390, 32390003391, 32390003392, 32390003393, 32390003394, 32390003400, 32390003401, 32390003402, 32390003403, 32390003404, 32390003410, 32390003411, 32390003413, 32390003415, 32390003417, 32390003419, 32390003420, 32390003421, 32390003422, 32390003424, 32390003434, 32390003439, 32390003440, 32390003443, 32390003450, 32390003454, 32390003456, 32390003457, 32390003459, 32390003473, 32390003474, 32390003475, 32390003477, 32390003479, 32390003486, 32390003487, 32390003488, 32390003490, 32390003496, 32390003497, 32390003504, 32390003505, 32390003508, 32390003513, 32390003519, 32390003520, 32390003521, 32390003548, 32390003549, 32390003550, 32390003551, 32390003552, 32390003574, 32390003579, 32390003580, 32390003581, 32390003582, 32390003618, 32390003619, 32390003625, 32390003675, 32390003713, 32390003716, 32390003717, 32390003719, 32390003720, 32390003721, 32390003790, 32390003809, 32390003811, 32390003812, 32390003813, 32390003814, 32390003815, 32390003816, 32390003839, 32390003840, 32390003841, 32390003842, 32390003846, 32390003848, 32390003849, 32390003894, 32390003895, 32390003902, 32390003904, 32390003905, 32390003916, 32390003917, 32390003919, 32390003924, 32390003940, 32390003941, 32390003943, 32390003945, 32390003950, 32390003951, 32390003952, 32390003955, 32390003956, 32390003957, 32390003961, 32390003962, 32390003967, 32390003968, 32390003969, 32390003976, 32390003977, 32390003978, 32390003986, 32390003991, 32390003996, 32390003997, 32390003998, 32390003999, 32390004001, 32390004041, 32390004042, 32390004049, 32390004050, 32390004053, 32390004056, 32390004057, 32390004058, 32390004059, 32390004060, 32390004063, 32390004066, 32390004068, 32390004073, 32390004077, 32390004094, 32390004103, 32390004104, 32390004114, 32390004115, 32390004120, 32390004121, 32390004122, 32390004131, 32390004132, 32390004137, 32390004141, 32390004147, 32390004150, 32390004151, 32390004161, 32390004162, 32390004163, 32390004198, 32390004199, 32390004200, 32390004204, 32390004205, 32390004209, 32390004211, 32390004216, 32390004218, 32390004219, 32390004225, 32390004240, 32390004243, 32390004244, 32390004265, 32390004269, 32390004270, 32390004274, 32390004275, 32390004286, 32390004308, 32390004309, 32390004321, 32390004322, 32390004331, 32390004332, 32390004333, 32390004334, 32390004343, 32390004344, 32390004345, 32390004346, 32390004354, 32390004356, 32390004357, 32390004365, 32390004371, 32390004372, 32390004373, 32390004488, 32390004489, 32390004490, 32390004508, 32390004510, 32390004512, 32390004535
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Save $3.00
Tide Pods
Save $3.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 23 ct TO 31 ct OR 35 ct OR Tide Power PODS Laundry Detergent 18 ct (excludes Tide Clean Boost Rinse,Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply PODS and trial/travel size).

Tide Pods
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 23 ct TO 31 ct OR 35 ct OR Tide Power PODS Laundry Detergent 18 ct (excludes Tide Clean Boost Rinse,Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077203221, 3077207517, 3077207518, 3077207523, 3077207524, 3077207680, 3077207685, 3077207690, 3077211803, 3077211812, 3077217125, 3077217243, 3700050960, 3700050962, 3700050963, 3700050964, 3700052975, 3700056167, 3700075086, 3700075103, 3700075104, 3700076160, 3700076163, 3700077966, 3700080262, 3700080263, 3700081648, 3700083150, 3700083159, 3700084520, 3700086091, 3700086102, 3700089886, 3700089887, 3700091614, 3700091615, 3700092468, 3700092471, 3700092797, 3700093037, 3700093038, 3700093101, 3700095568, 3700095569, 3700095571, 3700096872, 3700097479, 3700097781, 3700097782, 3700097786, 3700097787
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $4.00
Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $4.00 ONE Crest Gum Detoxify, Enamel Repair & Gum, Gum Restore, Sensitivity & Gum, Gum & Bacteria Shield, Breath Purify & Gum, Gum Rescue, or Densify 3.8 oz or larger (excludes all other variants, kids, and trial/travel size).

Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 ONE Crest Gum Detoxify, Enamel Repair & Gum, Gum Restore, Sensitivity & Gum, Gum & Bacteria Shield, Breath Purify & Gum, Gum Rescue, or Densify 3.8 oz or larger (excludes all other variants.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077201678, 3077201683, 3077202323, 3077203051, 3077203371, 3077205549, 3077206715, 3077206716, 3077206717, 3077211249, 3077211254, 3077211257, 3077211261, 3077211269, 3077211270, 3077211271, 3077211274, 3077211277, 3077211284, 3077211294, 3077211296, 3077211359, 3077211360, 3077211362, 3077211363, 3077211568, 3700052462, 3700061248, 3700063348, 3700063350, 3700075419, 3700075421, 3700075422, 3700077969, 3700077970, 3700078775, 3700087734, 3700090396, 3700090397
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $3.00 ONE Always Discreet Boutique Underwear 9-12ct (excludes all other Always Discreet counts and other Always products).

Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Always Discreet Boutique Underwear 9-12ct (excludes all other Always Discreet counts and other Always products)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077211387, 3077217420, 3077217422, 3077217423, 3077217426, 3077217706, 3700069535, 3700069537, 3700072795, 3700072810, 3700076352, 3700078609, 3700078610, 3700078611
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $10.00
Oral B Power Toothbrush
Save $10.00 ONE Oral-B iO Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush iO3, iO4, OR iO5.

Oral B Power Toothbrush
Save $10.00
Save $10.00 ONE Oral-B iO Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush iO3, iO4, OR iO5..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6905513297, 6905513298, 6905513299, 6905513300, 6905513301, 6905513302, 6905513305, 6905513307, 6905513308, 6905513309, 6905513310, 6905513311, 6905513312, 6905513401, 6905513496, 6905513497, 6905513498, 6905513500, 6905513501, 6905513503, 6905513535, 6905513536, 6905513804, 6905513805, 6905513894, 6905513895, 6905513896, 6905513897, 6905513898, 6905513899, 6905513900, 6905513909, 6905513956, 6905514079, 6905514080, 6905514085, 6905514179, 6905514359, 6905514367
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Tide Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Laundry Detergent 34-42 oz (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide PODS, Tide purclean, Tide Rescue, Studio by Tide Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply PODS, Tide Detergent 10 oz and trial/travel size).

Tide Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Laundry Detergent 34-42 oz (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide PODS, Tide purclean, Tide Rescue, Studio by Tide Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply PODS, Tide Dete.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077209507, 3077212117, 3077212118, 3077212119, 3077212120, 3077212121, 3077212146, 3077212147, 3077212148, 3077212266, 3077212267, 3077212268, 3077212269, 3077212270, 3077212271, 3077212272, 3077212273, 3077212275, 3077212276, 3077212277, 3077212278, 3077212279, 3077212280, 3077212281, 3077212282, 3077213550, 3077214584, 3077214587, 3077214590, 3077217288, 3077217502, 3077217503, 3077217504, 3077217506, 3700028821, 3700028823, 3700040209, 3700040210, 3700040419, 3700041600, 3700041812, 3700041822, 3700047587, 3700056733, 3700058593, 3700062686, 3700062693, 3700073975, 3700075268, 3700080968, 3700081037, 3700083897, 3700087426, 3700087447, 3700087452, 3700087563, 3700088573, 3700088574, 3700088575, 3700088576, 3700088577, 3700088582, 3700089341, 3700089352, 3700089374, 3700089375, 3700089376, 3700089377, 3700098513
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Oral B Power Battery Brush
Save $2.00 ONE Oral-B Pro 100 Battery Powered Toothbrush (excludes Kids Battery Powered Toothbrushes and trial/travel size).

Oral B Power Battery Brush
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Oral-B Pro 100 Battery Powered Toothbrush (excludes Kids Battery Powered Toothbrushes and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6905512731, 6905512786, 6905512789, 6905513051, 6905513052, 6905513392, 6905513394, 6905513395, 6905513396, 6905513397, 6905513398, 6905513399, 6905513514, 6905513515, 6905514258, 6905585490
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Olay Premium Moisturizers
Save $2.00 ONE Olay Complete, Active Hydrating, Total Effects or Age Defying Facial Moisturizers (excludes Eye, Serum and mini/trial/travel size).

Olay Premium Moisturizers
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Olay Complete, Active Hydrating, Total Effects or Age Defying Facial Moisturizers (excludes Eye, Serum and mini/trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5610078584, 5610078585, 7560900003, 7560900014, 7560900015, 7560900020, 7560900022, 7560900023, 7560900091, 7560900092, 7560900093, 7560900094, 7560900095, 7560900097, 7560900098, 7560900165, 7560900177, 7560900278, 7560900492, 7560900719, 7560900744, 7560900746, 7560900749, 7560901102, 7560901113, 7560901469, 7560901507, 7560901826, 7560902088, 7560904623, 7560906132, 7560906747, 7560906843, 7560906895, 7560906896, 7560906954, 7560907074, 7560907154, 7560907159, 7560907182, 7560907200, 7560907204, 7560907226, 7560907227, 7560907237, 7560907238, 7560907354, 7560907685, 7560907700, 7560907740, 7560907889, 7560907953, 7560908080, 7560908082, 7560908132, 7560908208, 7560908259, 7560908261, 7560908292, 7560908386, 7560919041, 7560919042, 7560919047, 7560919051, 7560919052, 7560919145, 7560919146, 7560919333, 7560919351, 7560919476, 7560919530, 7560919570, 7560919642, 7560919707, 7560919709, 7560919724, 7560919725, 7560919726, 7560919727, 7560919728, 7560919729, 7560919730, 7560919731, 7560919732, 7560919733, 7560919734, 7560919869, 7560919945, 7560919981, 7560919982, 7560920840, 7560920878, 7560920887, 7560921065, 7560921066, 7560921067, 7560921127, 7560921130, 7560921163, 7560921165, 7560921208, 7560921210, 7560960143
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Tampax Menstrual Care Tampons
Save $1.00 ONE Tampax Tampons (14 or higher) (excludes trial/travel size).

Tampax Menstrual Care Tampons
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Tampax Tampons (14 or higher) (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3700073459, 7301000370, 7301000454, 7301000455, 7301000609, 7301000616, 7301000618, 7301000622, 7301000915, 7301000922, 7301000986, 7301001217, 7301001371, 7301001372, 7301001533, 7301001878, 7301001879, 7301001880, 7301001884, 7301001885, 7301001887, 7301002126, 7301002127, 7301022110, 7301028010, 7301032110, 7301036519, 7301037853, 7301037908, 7301038010, 7301042110, 7301047848, 7301047905, 7301048010, 7301052028, 7301054231, 7301063010, 7301063061, 7301063109, 7301063110, 7301063111, 7301063118, 7301071016, 7301071048, 7301071097, 7301071102, 7301071120, 7301071124, 7301071132, 7301071133, 7301071135, 7301071139, 7301071144, 7301071160, 7301071177, 7301071186, 7301071187, 7301071214, 7301071215, 7301071216, 7301071217, 7301071233, 7301071234, 7301071237, 7301071238, 7301071272, 7301071273, 7301071274, 7301071275, 7301071276, 7301071277, 7301071278, 7301071279, 7301071280, 7301071281, 7301071282, 7301071283, 7301071284, 7301071285, 7301071286, 7301071287, 7301071288, 7301071289, 7301071290, 7301071291, 7301071295, 7301071296, 7301071297, 7301071302, 7301071303, 7301071304, 7301071306, 7301071307, 7301071308, 7301071309, 7301071310, 7301071311, 7301071313, 7301071316, 7301071317, 7301071318, 7301071319, 7301071322, 7301071323, 7301071324, 7301071338, 7301071362, 7301071363, 7301071364, 7301071365, 7301071366, 7301071367, 7301071368, 7301071369, 7301071441, 7301071445, 7301071447, 7301071448, 7301071449, 7301071450, 7301071451, 7301071453, 7301071477, 7301071478, 7301071511, 7301071512, 7301071513, 7301071515, 7301071525, 7301071526, 7301071575, 7301071597, 7301071598, 7301071599, 7301071600, 7301071601, 7301071602, 7301071603, 7301071604, 7301071629, 7301071630, 7301071631, 7301071632, 7301071633, 7301071644, 7301071657, 7301071717, 7301071737, 7301071738, 7301071739, 7301071740, 7301071743, 7301071827, 7301071828, 7301071829, 7301071830, 7301071831, 7301071850, 7301071851, 7301071852, 7301071853, 7301071854, 7301071855, 7301071895, 7301071896, 7301071897, 7301071900, 7301071901, 7301071902, 7301071903, 7301071905, 7301071906, 7301071908, 7301071930, 7301071933, 7301071974, 7301071994, 7301071997, 7301071999, 7301072000, 7301072001, 7301072005, 7301072006, 7301072007, 7301072008, 7301072011, 7301072017, 7301072018, 7301072019, 7301072020, 7301072021, 7301072022, 7301072023, 7301072024, 7301072025, 7301072026, 7301072027, 7301072028, 7301072029, 7301072056
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Save $1.00
Tide Antibacterial Spray
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Antibacterial Spray (excludes Tide Rinse and trial/travel size).

Tide Antibacterial Spray
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Antibacterial Spray (excludes Tide Rinse and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3700028290, 3700028299, 3700047557, 3700057321, 3700057331, 3700076533, 3700081306
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $2.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 24 ct (excludes Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Super Flings, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets, Gain Flings 9 ct and below and trial/travel size).

Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 24 ct (excludes Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Super Flings, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets, Ga.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200325, 3077202427, 3077207223, 3077207226, 3077207398, 3077208579, 3700050720, 3700073406, 3700073409, 3700073436, 3700073462, 3700073494, 3700073496
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00 ONE Downy Wrinkleguard 120 oz OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-30.1 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 25.6-32.2 oz OR Fusions 21.1-26.5 oz (excludes trial/travel size).

Downy Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Downy Wrinkleguard 120 oz OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-30.1 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Co.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200402, 3077200407, 3077200447, 3077200452, 3077206103, 3077208221, 3077208726, 3077208738, 3077208748, 3077208765, 3077208766, 3077208767, 3077208779, 3077208783, 3077208786, 3077208789, 3077209077, 3077209095, 3077209168, 3077209608, 3077209609, 3077209610, 3077209611, 3077209612, 3077209614, 3077210864, 3077213165, 3077213167, 3077214508, 3077214509, 3077214510, 3077214511, 3077214517, 3077214518, 3077214519, 3077214520, 3077214521, 3077214522, 3077214523, 3077214537, 3077214551, 3077214553, 3077214571, 3077214572, 3077214600, 3077214675, 3077214676, 3077215371, 3077219304, 3077219306, 3077219318, 3077219323, 3700056295, 3700061330, 3700061338, 3700061397, 3700061398, 3700061419, 3700061423, 3700068674, 3700077088, 3700083951
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $1.00 ONE Bounce Sheets 80-120 ct (Includes WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 40-60 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 40-60 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 40-60 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sheets 40-60ct OR Lasting Fresh Mega Sheets 40-60 ct) (excludes trial/travel size).

Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Bounce Sheets 80-120 ct (Includes WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 40-60 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 40-60 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 40-60 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sheets 40.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205145, 3077205146, 3077205149, 3077214729, 3077214732, 3077214790, 3077214793, 3077214795, 3077214796, 3700004492, 3700018608, 3700051461, 3700057068, 3700057070, 3700057071, 3700057557, 3700057574, 3700057602, 3700064993, 3700064994, 3700065026, 3700065042, 3700067159, 3700080068, 3700080069, 3700080070, 3700080071, 3700080252, 3700080253, 3700082334, 3700082355, 3700082361, 3700082366, 3700089015, 3700089332, 3700090704, 3700090712, 3700090714, 3700090715, 3700090833, 3700090834
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Tide Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00 ONE Tide Laundry Detergent 63 oz OR Tide purclean 63 oz OR Tide Powder Laundry Detergent 56-66 oz OR Tide Powder Ultra OXI Boost 66 ld (excludes Tide PODS, Tide Rescue, Studio by Tide Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply PODS, Tide Detergent 10 oz and trial/travel size).

Tide Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Tide Laundry Detergent 63 oz OR Tide purclean 63 oz OR Tide Powder Laundry Detergent 56-66 oz OR Tide Powder Ultra OXI Boost 66 ld (excludes Tide PODS, Tide Rescue, Studio by Tide Laund.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077210759, 3077211954, 3077211960, 3077212067, 3077212068, 3077212114, 3077212115, 3077212116, 3077212145, 3077212253, 3077212254, 3077212255, 3077212256, 3077212258, 3077212259, 3077212260, 3077212261, 3077212262, 3077212263, 3077212264, 3077212294, 3077214582, 3077214588, 3077214589, 3077216675, 3077217291, 3700027785, 3700027790, 3700027797, 3700027814, 3700027816, 3700062707, 3700062756, 3700062757, 3700075398, 3700084001, 3700084981
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Safeguard Bar Soap
Save $1.00 ONE Safeguard 8ct 3.2oz Bar Soap Fresh Clean Scent with Aloe.

Safeguard Bar Soap
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Safeguard 8ct 3.2oz Bar Soap Fresh Clean Scent with Aloe..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $0.75
Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $0.75 ONE Bounce Sheets 60 ct (Includes Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 30 ct) (excludes trial/travel size).

Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $0.75
Save $0.75 ONE Bounce Sheets 60 ct (Includes Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 30 ct) (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205901, 3077205902, 3077205903, 3077205912, 3077211564, 3077214729, 3077214796, 3700047093, 3700047128, 3700064990, 3700065025, 3700067129, 3700067146, 3700068933, 3700097192
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $3.00 ONE Bounce Sheets 240-250 ct OR Bounce WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 130-150 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 130-150 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Mega Guard Sheets 130-150 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sheets 130-150 ct OR Lasting Fresh Mega Sheets 130-150 ct (excludes trial/travel size).

Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Bounce Sheets 240-250 ct OR Bounce WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 130-150 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 130-150 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Mega Guard Sheets 130-150 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sh.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205151, 3077205153, 3077205249, 3077205250, 3077205251, 3077210190, 3077210610, 3077213471, 3077214730, 3077214794, 3700007312, 3700024684, 3700051452, 3700051456, 3700051457, 3700064619, 3700073848, 3700078695, 3700081100, 3700083832, 3700099987
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $4.00
Laundry Detergents
Save $4.00 ONE Tide EVO Laundry Detergent 30- 44 ct (product limited to Colorado and excludes trial and travel size).

Laundry Detergents
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 ONE Tide EVO Laundry Detergent 30- 44 ct (product limited to Colorado and excludes trial and travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077201430, 3077201432, 3077209385, 3077209387, 3077209388, 3077209394, 3077218174
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $2.00 ONE Bounce Sheets 160-180 ct (Includes WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 80-90 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 80-90 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 80 - 90 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sheets 80-90 ct OR Lasting Fresh Mega Sheets 80-90 ct) (excludes trial/travel size).

Bounce Fabric Sheets
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Bounce Sheets 160-180 ct (Includes WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 80-90 ct OR Paradise Blossom Mega Sheets 80-90 ct OR Pet Hair & Lint Guard Mega Sheets 80 - 90 ct OR Fresh Breeze Mega Sheets.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205147, 3077205465, 3077205466, 3077206520, 3077206673, 3077206674, 3077214727, 3077214728, 3077214789, 3077214797, 3700001798, 3700005275, 3700057069, 3700057573, 3700065018, 3700065052, 3700067131, 3700080168, 3700083442, 3700090707, 3700090716
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Laundry Detergents
Save $2.00 ONE Tide EVO Laundry Detergent 16 ct (product limited to Colorado and excludes trial and travel size).

Laundry Detergents
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Tide EVO Laundry Detergent 16 ct (product limited to Colorado and excludes trial and travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077209384, 3077209390
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.50
Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $5.50 ONE Always Discreet 104, 112, 156 ct Pad OR 54-84ct Underwear (excludes Boutique).

Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $5.50
Save $5.50 ONE Always Discreet 104, 112, 156 ct Pad OR 54-84ct Underwear (excludes Boutique)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200148, 3077200220, 3077200905, 3077200960, 3077210933, 3077210934, 3077210938, 3077210939, 3077210940, 3077211691, 3077211716, 3700029928, 3700079831, 3700079883
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $1.00 ONE Crest Gum Detoxify, Enamel Repair & Gum, Gum Restore, Sensitivity & Gum, Gum & Bacteria Shield, Breath Purify & Gum, Gum Rescue, or Densify 3.0 oz or smaller (excludes all other variants, kids, and trial/travel size).

Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Crest Gum Detoxify, Enamel Repair & Gum, Gum Restore, Sensitivity & Gum, Gum & Bacteria Shield, Breath Purify & Gum, Gum Rescue, or Densify 3.0 oz or smaller (excludes all other variant.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077201876, 3077204681, 3077205556, 3077205557, 3077206185, 3077206201, 3077206718, 3077217234, 3700058446, 3700058453, 3700058454, 3700075022
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $3.00 ONE Always Discreet 120ct, 111ct Liners, 26ct, 28ct, 33ct, 34ct, 39ct, 48ct, 54ct, 57ct, 66 ct Pads OR 13-19 ct Underwear (excludes Boutique, all other Always Discreet counts and other Always products).

Always Discreet Incontinence
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Always Discreet 120ct, 111ct Liners, 26ct, 28ct, 33ct, 34ct, 39ct, 48ct, 54ct, 57ct, 66 ct Pads OR 13-19 ct Underwear (excludes Boutique, all other Always Discreet counts and other Alwa.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200813, 3077200815, 3077211689, 3077211694, 3077211714, 3077211720, 3077211721, 3077212159, 3077212161, 3077212162, 3077215310, 3077215313, 3077215314, 3077217798, 3077217799, 3077219565, 3077219567, 3077219569, 3700052140, 3700056218, 3700070784, 3700073804, 3700077550, 3700077574, 3700081022, 3700085010, 3700086104, 3700086108, 3700086648, 3700086663, 3700086668, 3700086676, 3700087882, 3700088707, 3700088727, 3700088730, 3700088736, 3700088757, 3700088761, 3700089695, 3700090751, 3700092739, 3700092741, 3700094029, 3700096856, 3700097441, 3700097460, 3700097645, 3700098273, 3700098274
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $10.00
Oral B Power Irrigator Brush
Save $10.00 ONE Oral-B Handheld OR Countertop Water Flosser.

Oral B Power Irrigator Brush
Save $10.00
Save $10.00 ONE Oral-B Handheld OR Countertop Water Flosser..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6905513036, 6905513122, 6905513215, 6905513477, 6905513478
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Tide Pods
Save $3.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 32 ct OR 42-81 ct (excludes 35 ct) OR Tide Power PODS 25-48 ct (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, and trial/travel size).

Tide Pods
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 32 ct OR 42-81 ct (excludes 35 ct) OR Tide Power PODS 25-48 ct (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, and.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077202429, 3077202430, 3077202432, 3077203222, 3077203223, 3077203643, 3077203645, 3077203648, 3077204743, 3077204744, 3077205966, 3077207519, 3077207520, 3077207521, 3077207525, 3077207526, 3077207527, 3077207681, 3077207682, 3077207686, 3077207687, 3077207691, 3077207692, 3077209164, 3077209165, 3077209166, 3077209488, 3077209489, 3077209490, 3077209491, 3077209497, 3077209498, 3077209503, 3077211804, 3077211805, 3077211810, 3077211811, 3077215271, 3077217131, 3077217133, 3077217239, 3077217241, 3700000460, 3700000462, 3700000780, 3700000922, 3700000935, 3700000974, 3700000992, 3700000995, 3700000997, 3700000998, 3700027332, 3700035882, 3700038704, 3700050978, 3700050981, 3700052232, 3700052350, 3700052351, 3700052352, 3700052353, 3700052355, 3700052980, 3700052992, 3700053091, 3700054263, 3700059132, 3700059164, 3700059180, 3700065317, 3700075073, 3700075075, 3700075076, 3700075082, 3700075511, 3700075514, 3700075623, 3700075649, 3700075650, 3700075836, 3700075837, 3700076161, 3700076162, 3700076171, 3700076178, 3700076179, 3700076389, 3700076810, 3700077968, 3700078995, 3700078996, 3700078998, 3700079001, 3700079002, 3700079004, 3700079006, 3700079007, 3700079042, 3700080939, 3700083160, 3700083161, 3700083181, 3700083255, 3700085376, 3700087257, 3700087317, 3700089892, 3700091618, 3700091619, 3700091734, 3700091781, 3700091798, 3700091799, 3700092032, 3700092058, 3700092223, 3700092458, 3700092493, 3700092503, 3700092511, 3700092531, 3700092532, 3700093041, 3700093043, 3700093044, 3700093045, 3700093102, 3700093104, 3700093105, 3700093267, 3700094083, 3700094084, 3700094085, 3700094086, 3700095575, 3700095576, 3700095577, 3700095681, 3700095683, 3700095685, 3700095687, 3700095689, 3700095691, 3700096277, 3700096316, 3700097480, 3700097783, 3700097784, 3700097785, 3700097828, 3700098546, 3700098549, 3700099663, 3700099692
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Olay Premium Moisturizers
Save $5.00 ONE Olay Facial Moisturizer, Eye or Serum (excludes Super Collection, Complete, Active Hydrating, Total Effects, Age Defying and Minis/trial/travel size).

Olay Premium Moisturizers
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 ONE Olay Facial Moisturizer, Eye or Serum (excludes Super Collection, Complete, Active Hydrating, Total Effects, Age Defying and Minis/trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7560900739, 7560900740, 7560900741, 7560901018, 7560901870, 7560901932, 7560902367, 7560903298, 7560903700, 7560903769, 7560904113, 7560904229, 7560904546, 7560905928, 7560906482, 7560906590, 7560906797, 7560906858, 7560906885, 7560906891, 7560906955, 7560906956, 7560907139, 7560907181, 7560907183, 7560907202, 7560907290, 7560907291, 7560907512, 7560907546, 7560907601, 7560907657, 7560907680, 7560907846, 7560907855, 7560907901, 7560907925, 7560907994, 7560908162, 7560908224, 7560908226, 7560908234, 7560908236, 7560908244, 7560908256, 7560908355, 7560919049, 7560919050, 7560919109, 7560919182, 7560919214, 7560919279, 7560919380, 7560919383, 7560919384, 7560919385, 7560919386, 7560919387, 7560919415, 7560919428, 7560919429, 7560919430, 7560919459, 7560919460, 7560919503, 7560919506, 7560919507, 7560919520, 7560919526, 7560919535, 7560919593, 7560919605, 7560919636, 7560919637, 7560919640, 7560919666, 7560919708, 7560919715, 7560919716, 7560919743, 7560919807, 7560919816, 7560919817, 7560919818, 7560919824, 7560919833, 7560919834, 7560919872, 7560919879, 7560919882, 7560919893, 7560919898, 7560919899, 7560919900, 7560919904, 7560919905, 7560919906, 7560919907, 7560919913, 7560919914, 7560919915, 7560919916, 7560919920, 7560919921, 7560919922, 7560919939, 7560919940, 7560919941, 7560919942, 7560919951, 7560919952, 7560919970, 7560919974, 7560919977, 7560919979, 7560919980, 7560919994, 7560919995, 7560919996, 7560920013, 7560920015, 7560920016, 7560920017, 7560920022, 7560920023, 7560920024, 7560920025, 7560920027, 7560920037, 7560920038, 7560920039, 7560920046, 7560920047, 7560920048, 7560920054, 7560920055, 7560920056, 7560920058, 7560920065, 7560920066, 7560920067, 7560920068, 7560920069, 7560920070, 7560920073, 7560920074, 7560920075, 7560920076, 7560920077, 7560920081, 7560920082, 7560920084, 7560920087, 7560920089, 7560920091, 7560920092, 7560920093, 7560920097, 7560920098, 7560920122, 7560920128, 7560920129, 7560920131, 7560920135, 7560920137, 7560920138, 7560920139, 7560920148, 7560920150, 7560920153, 7560920234, 7560920240, 7560920254, 7560920255, 7560920264, 7560920273, 7560920296, 7560920297, 7560920299, 7560920300, 7560920301, 7560920302, 7560920303, 7560920305, 7560920306, 7560920307, 7560920308, 7560920309, 7560920310, 7560920318, 7560920319, 7560920321, 7560920322, 7560920323, 7560920324, 7560920333, 7560920338, 7560920339, 7560920350, 7560920355, 7560920365, 7560920380, 7560920382, 7560920383, 7560920384, 7560920393, 7560920410, 7560920411, 7560920412, 7560920423, 7560920473, 7560920474, 7560920475, 7560920640, 7560920649, 7560920667, 7560920700, 7560920707, 7560920708, 7560920709, 7560920745, 7560920746, 7560920748, 7560920772, 7560920773, 7560920805, 7560920810, 7560920811, 7560920813, 7560920815, 7560920823, 7560920824, 7560920846, 7560920847, 7560920848, 7560920849, 7560920850, 7560920904, 7560921028, 7560921029, 7560921030, 7560921031, 7560921032, 7560921039, 7560921040, 7560921041, 7560921042, 7560921043, 7560921059, 7560921060, 7560921075, 7560921076, 7560921078, 7560921106, 7560921113, 7560921175, 7560921225
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Save $4.00
Tide Pods
Save $4.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 85 ct TO 112 ct OR Tide Power PODS 57 ct TO 63 ct (excludes Tide Clean Boost Rinse, Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, and trial/travel size).

Tide Pods
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 85 ct TO 112 ct OR Tide Power PODS 57 ct TO 63 ct (excludes Tide Clean Boost Rinse, Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, and .
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077203225, 3077203228, 3077203229, 3077203243, 3077203250, 3077203616, 3077203617, 3077203620, 3077203621, 3077203622, 3077203624, 3077204776, 3077204965, 3077207522, 3077207528, 3077207535, 3077207586, 3077207684, 3077207689, 3077207694, 3077207728, 3077207729, 3077207730, 3077211807, 3077211808, 3077213546, 3077213547, 3077213548, 3077213549, 3077213588, 3077215265, 3077215266, 3077215267, 3077215268, 3077215269, 3077215270, 3077215272, 3077217103, 3077217104, 3077217105, 3077217106, 3077217107, 3077217108, 3077217109, 3077217132, 3077217134, 3077217236, 3700035863, 3700035865, 3700035866, 3700048783, 3700048784, 3700049149, 3700049425, 3700063971, 3700064289, 3700075244, 3700080032, 3700080035, 3700080041, 3700080145, 3700080163, 3700080287, 3700080288, 3700081704, 3700085646, 3700086447, 3700086521, 3700086542, 3700087302, 3700087321, 3700093046, 3700093047, 3700093276, 3700094895, 3700094897, 3700095590, 3700095591, 3700096883, 3700097843, 3700097844
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Crest Whitening Serum
Save $5.00 ONE Crest Daily Whitening Serum (excludes Crest 3DWhitestrips and trial/travel size).

Crest Whitening Serum
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 ONE Crest Daily Whitening Serum (excludes Crest 3DWhitestrips and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
88971400187, 88971400188, 88971400189, 88971400225, 88971400226, 88971400228, 88971400251, 88971400252, 88971400288
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Nervive Nerve Relief
Save $2.00 ONE Nervive Supplement (excludes 14ct Nervive Supplements and trial/travel size).

Nervive Nerve Relief
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Nervive Supplement (excludes 14ct Nervive Supplements and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200571, 3077200575, 3077200576, 3077205273, 3077205274, 3077208315, 3077208316, 3077209850, 3077209851, 3077211011, 3077211796, 3077211797, 3077211798, 3077216301, 3077218238, 3077218239, 3077218240, 3700049115, 3700049580, 3700049712
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Oral B Power Toothbrush Refill
Save $5.00 ONE Oral-B Precision Clean, Sensitive & Gum, 3D White, CrossAction, or FlossAction Replacement Brush Heads 3 ct or greater OR Oral-B iO Ultimate Clean, Gentle Care, or Ultimate White Replacement Brush Heads 2ct or greater (excludes trial/travel size).

Oral B Power Toothbrush Refill
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 ONE Oral-B Precision Clean, Sensitive & Gum, 3D White, CrossAction, or FlossAction Replacement Brush Heads 3 ct or greater OR Oral-B iO Ultimate Clean, Gentle Care, or Ultimate White Replac.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6905504593, 6905512438, 6905512520, 6905512564, 6905512567, 6905512608, 6905512650, 6905512651, 6905512652, 6905512653, 6905512665, 6905512668, 6905512717, 6905512718, 6905512719, 6905512812, 6905512813, 6905512892, 6905512893, 6905512915, 6905512950, 6905513003, 6905513004, 6905513006, 6905513031, 6905513056, 6905513073, 6905513074, 6905513135, 6905513161, 6905513162, 6905513163, 6905513164, 6905513165, 6905513166, 6905513167, 6905513168, 6905513170, 6905513171, 6905513177, 6905513313, 6905513459, 6905513546, 6905513547, 6905513548, 6905513583, 6905513584, 6905513585, 6905513611, 6905513784, 6905513785, 6905514014, 6905514027, 6905514028, 6905514039, 6905514087, 6905514097, 6905514182, 6905514183, 6905514216, 6905514228, 6905514376, 6905514377, 6905514403, 6905582418, 6905582419, 6905582420, 6905584146, 6905584201, 6905585847, 6905586113, 6905586744, 6905587526, 6905587559, 6905588050, 6905588119, 6905588120, 6905588123, 6905588698
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $1.00 ONE Crest 3DWhite Brilliance or 3DWhite Whitening Therapy Charcoal 3.0 oz or smaller (excludes all other variants, Kids and trial/travel size).

Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Crest 3DWhite Brilliance or 3DWhite Whitening Therapy Charcoal 3.0 oz or smaller (excludes all other variants, Kids and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205373, 3077205374, 3077211280, 3700072613, 3700072614, 3700082037
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Always Menstrual Care Pads
Save $1.00 ONE Always Radiant, Infinity, Pocket, or Pure Cotton Pad (10ct-or higher), Always ZZZ (7ct)(excludes travel/trial, Always Maxi, Always Ultra Thin, Always Liners and Always Discreet).

Always Menstrual Care Pads
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Always Radiant, Infinity, Pocket, or Pure Cotton Pad (10ct-or higher), Always ZZZ (7ct)(excludes travel/trial, Always Maxi, Always Ultra Thin, Always Liners and Always Discreet)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200441, 3077202078, 3077203236, 3077203242, 3077203265, 3077203266, 3077204397, 3077207949, 3077207951, 3077207953, 3077207954, 3077210627, 3077210628, 3077210629, 3077210631, 3077210632, 3077210634, 3077210635, 3077211353, 3077211749, 3077212685, 3077212686, 3077213606, 3077215850, 3077215851, 3077216521, 3077218087, 3700011713, 3700011714, 3700011716, 3700011717, 3700027268, 3700054501, 3700071222, 3700071652, 3700073109, 3700073136, 3700075131, 3700076557, 3700076566, 3700076859, 3700079513, 3700081756, 3700081780, 3700081785, 3700081811, 3700081863, 3700082023, 3700082025, 3700082073, 3700082121, 3700083095, 3700083903, 3700083904, 3700087885, 3700087964, 3700087977, 3700087978, 3700087979, 3700089034, 3700089035, 3700089909, 3700089910, 3700090813, 3700095305, 3700095334, 3700095441, 3700097753, 3700097754, 3700097764, 3700097766, 3700097767, 3700097863, 3700097905, 3700097910, 3700097922
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 9.1 oz (excludes trial/travel size).

Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 9.1 oz (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 12.2-24.0 oz (excludes trial/travel size).

Dreft Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters 12.2-24.0 oz (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077208499, 3077208501, 3077208502, 3077208503, 3077209555, 3077209556, 3700058753, 3700060425, 3700076341
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Crest Whitening Pen
Save $5.00 ONE Crest Whitening Pen (excludes Crest 3DWhitestrips, Crest Daily Serum and trial/travel size).

Crest Whitening Pen
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 ONE Crest Whitening Pen (excludes Crest 3DWhitestrips, Crest Daily Serum and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
88971400337, 88971400363
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Tide Pods
Save $1.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 12 ct TO 20 ct OR Tide Power PODS Laundry Detergent 9 ct (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply PODS, Tide PODS 9 ct and below and trial/travel size).

Tide Pods
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 12 ct TO 20 ct OR Tide Power PODS Laundry Detergent 9 ct (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simp.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077211943, 3077211945, 3077211947, 3077211948, 3077213726, 3077217128, 3700050954, 3700050955, 3700052951, 3700053882, 3700053917, 3700054602, 3700075101, 3700075102, 3700076516, 3700076592, 3700077965, 3700085365, 3700085377, 3700089885, 3700091613, 3700092024, 3700092467, 3700092796, 3700093035, 3700093036, 3700093273, 3700095567, 3700095583, 3700095585, 3700095682, 3700095684, 3700095686, 3700095688, 3700095690, 3700097500, 3700097779, 3700097780
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Oral B Power Battery Brush
Save $2.00 ONE Oral-B Kids Battery Toothbrush (excludes trial/travel size).

Oral B Power Battery Brush
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Oral-B Kids Battery Toothbrush (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6905512538, 6905512569, 6905512620, 6905512714, 6905512720, 6905512996, 6905513011, 6905513192, 6905513213, 6905513214, 6905513456, 6905513457, 6905513512, 6905513513, 6905513528, 6905513529, 6905513530, 6905513531, 6905513617, 6905513618, 6905513746, 6905513781, 6905513786, 6905513787, 6905513788, 6905513946, 6905514115, 6905583313, 6905588386, 6905588387
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Powder Laundry Detergent 30-33 ld OR Ariel Powder Laundry Detergent 66 ld-132 ld (excludes Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets and trial/travel size).

Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Powder Laundry Detergent 30-33 ld OR Ariel Powder Laundry Detergent 66 ld-132 ld (excludes Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain F.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077204236, 3077204430, 3077212310, 3077216687, 3077217407, 3077219625, 3700027852, 3700035956, 3700036006, 3700062700, 3700062750, 3700085873, 3700088119, 3700094600, 3700094618
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 140 oz (includes Gain Happy and Relax 101 oz) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 18.2 oz (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Ultra Flings and trial/travel size).

Gain Fabric Enhancer
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 140 oz (includes Gain Happy and Relax 101 oz) OR Gain Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 18.2 oz (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry .
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077208878, 3077208879, 3077208880, 3077208881, 3077208882, 3077208883, 3077210067, 3077210068, 3077210069, 3077210103, 3077210112, 3077211608, 3077214333, 3077214336
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $4.00
Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $4.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 112 ct (excludes Gain Fabric Softener, Gain Super Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Sheets and trial/travel size).

Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 112 ct (excludes Gain Fabric Softener, Gain Super Flings, Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Sheets and tri.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077202442, 3077202446, 3077202479, 3077202482, 3077202485, 3077202581, 3077207404, 3700095649, 3700096862
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $4.00
Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $4.00 ONE Crest 3DWhite Brilliance 3.8oz or larger, 3DWhite Deep Stain Remover (any size), or 3DWhite Whitening Therapy Charcoal 3.8oz or larger (excludes all other variants, Kids and trial/travel size).

Crest Adult Toothpaste
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 ONE Crest 3DWhite Brilliance 3.8oz or larger, 3DWhite Deep Stain Remover (any size), or 3DWhite Whitening Therapy Charcoal 3.8oz or larger (excludes all other variants, Kids and trial/trave.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200238, 3077201097, 3077203033, 3077203517, 3077203742, 3077205980, 3077206056, 3077206058, 3077206060, 3077207551, 3077208354, 3077211252, 3077211253, 3077211263, 3077211264, 3077211265, 3077211266, 3077211276, 3077211279, 3077211625, 3077211626, 3077211627, 3077211628, 3077211629, 3077216187, 3077216188, 3077216189, 3077216191, 3077218439, 3700012927, 3700018011, 3700021881, 3700021887, 3700021893, 3700021894, 3700021930, 3700052517, 3700064793, 3700068758, 3700078446, 3700088942, 3700093878, 3700094382
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Tide Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00 ONE Tide Laundry Detergent 84-149 oz OR Tide purclean Laundry detergent 105 oz OR Tide Powder 95-169oz (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide PODS, Tide Rescue, Studio by Tide Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply PODS, Tide Detergent 10 oz and trial/travel size).

Tide Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Tide Laundry Detergent 84-149 oz OR Tide purclean Laundry detergent 105 oz OR Tide Powder 95-169oz (excludes Tide Rinse, Tide PODS, Tide Rescue, Studio by Tide Laundry Detergent, Tide S.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200152, 3077202595, 3077202596, 3077202597, 3077202598, 3077202629, 3077202632, 3077202635, 3077202636, 3077202637, 3077202641, 3077202643, 3077202644, 3077202645, 3077203097, 3077203098, 3077203510, 3077203511, 3077204714, 3077204722, 3077204726, 3077206726, 3077207618, 3077207619, 3077207620, 3077207621, 3077207622, 3077207623, 3077207624, 3077207625, 3077207626, 3077207627, 3077207628, 3077207629, 3077207630, 3077207631, 3077207632, 3077207633, 3077207989, 3077207990, 3077207991, 3077207993, 3077207994, 3077207995, 3077208530, 3077208961, 3077209449, 3077209452, 3077209453, 3077209454, 3077209455, 3077209456, 3077209457, 3077209458, 3077209459, 3077209460, 3077209461, 3077209462, 3077209463, 3077209464, 3077209506, 3077209510, 3077209704, 3077209705, 3077209706, 3077210846, 3077211597, 3077211598, 3077211599, 3077211917, 3077211955, 3077211957, 3077211958, 3077211959, 3077212100, 3077212101, 3077212102, 3077212103, 3077212104, 3077212105, 3077212106, 3077212107, 3077212108, 3077212109, 3077212110, 3077212111, 3077212112, 3077212113, 3077212140, 3077212141, 3077212142, 3077212143, 3077212144, 3077212152, 3077212153, 3077212213, 3077212214, 3077212215, 3077212216, 3077212218, 3077212219, 3077212220, 3077212221, 3077212222, 3077212223, 3077212224, 3077212225, 3077212226, 3077212227, 3077212228, 3077212229, 3077212230, 3077212231, 3077212232, 3077212233, 3077212235, 3077212236, 3077212237, 3077212238, 3077212239, 3077212240, 3077212241, 3077212242, 3077212243, 3077212244, 3077212245, 3077212246, 3077212247, 3077212248, 3077212297, 3077212386, 3077212387, 3077212388, 3077212389, 3077212390, 3077212391, 3077212503, 3077212504, 3077212505, 3077212506, 3077212904, 3077212931, 3077212945, 3077212958, 3077212959, 3077213083, 3077213084, 3077213085, 3077213086, 3077213087, 3077213088, 3077213116, 3077214148, 3077214150, 3077214151, 3077214152, 3077214153, 3077214154, 3077214155, 3077214156, 3077214157, 3077214158, 3077214159, 3077214160, 3077214161, 3077214583, 3077214585, 3077214586, 3077214622, 3077216665, 3077216667, 3077216670, 3077216672, 3077216673, 3077216674, 3077216676, 3077217246, 3077217247, 3077217248, 3077217249, 3077217287, 3077217289, 3077217290, 3077217292, 3077217293, 3077217462, 3077217481, 3077217484, 3077217485, 3077217486, 3077217487, 3077217488, 3077217489, 3077217490, 3077217491, 3077217492, 3077217493, 3077217495, 3077217497, 3077217520, 3077217525, 3077217526, 3077217527, 3077217528, 3077217529, 3077217530, 3077217531, 3077217532, 3077217533, 3077217534, 3077217535, 3077217536, 3077217537, 3077217538, 3077217542, 3077218229, 3077218230, 3077218232, 3077218234, 3077219042, 3077219051, 3077219055, 3077219091, 3077219092, 3077219480, 3077219481, 3077219482, 3700008887, 3700013789, 3700013847, 3700021159, 3700025787, 3700025788, 3700027579, 3700027661, 3700027788, 3700027789, 3700027791, 3700027792, 3700027800, 3700027824, 3700028616, 3700040217, 3700040218, 3700040219, 3700040365, 3700040367, 3700040567, 3700040690, 3700040744, 3700041460, 3700041461, 3700041653, 3700041664, 3700041828, 3700041829, 3700041830, 3700041831, 3700041965, 3700041967, 3700045398, 3700045399, 3700045400, 3700045402, 3700045405, 3700052394, 3700054941, 3700054942, 3700059832, 3700059850, 3700060401, 3700060426, 3700061069, 3700075264, 3700075265, 3700077096, 3700077098, 3700081023, 3700081030, 3700081058, 3700081101, 3700081467, 3700081721, 3700081728, 3700081729, 3700081742, 3700081743, 3700081768, 3700083896, 3700084983, 3700084990, 3700084995, 3700084997, 3700084998, 3700085002, 3700085005, 3700085006, 3700086555, 3700086556, 3700086559, 3700086560, 3700086562, 3700086565, 3700086567, 3700086568, 3700086573, 3700086576, 3700087420, 3700087424, 3700087425, 3700087432, 3700087436, 3700087446, 3700087450, 3700087451, 3700087455, 3700087473, 3700087474, 3700087501, 3700087517, 3700087546, 3700087549, 3700087550, 3700087553, 3700087555, 3700087561, 3700087562, 3700087566, 3700087588, 3700088560, 3700089013, 3700089437, 3700091563, 3700091824, 3700091827, 3700091851, 3700093958, 3700094702, 3700094703, 3700098511
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Save $10.00
Oral B Power Toothbrush
Save $10.00 ONE Oral-B iO2 Starter Kit Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush.

Oral B Power Toothbrush
Save $10.00
Save $10.00 ONE Oral-B iO2 Starter Kit Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6905514224, 6905514226, 6905514264, 6905514316
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Tide Simply Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Simply Laundry Detergent 50 oz or larger OR ERA Laundry Detergent 75 oz or larger (excludes TIde Rinse, Tide Simply PODS, Downy Libre Enjuague, Bounce/Downy WrinkleGuard, Bounce Pet Hair & Lint Guard, Gain Fireworks, Tide Detergent, Tide PODS and trial/travel size).

Tide Simply Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Tide Simply Laundry Detergent 50 oz or larger OR ERA Laundry Detergent 75 oz or larger (excludes TIde Rinse, Tide Simply PODS, Downy Libre Enjuague, Bounce/Downy WrinkleGuard, Bounce Pe.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077203666, 3077203667, 3077203930, 3077203931, 3077207842, 3077208567, 3077208568, 3077210236, 3077210237, 3077210485, 3077210486, 3077211594, 3077211595, 3077211851, 3077211852, 3077211854, 3077211856, 3077211857, 3077211858, 3077211860, 3077211861, 3077212071, 3077212072, 3077212073, 3077212074, 3077212078, 3077212079, 3077212080, 3077212081, 3077212082, 3077212321, 3077212322, 3077212323, 3077212575, 3077212932, 3077213142, 3077213143, 3077213144, 3077213145, 3077213937, 3077216760, 3077216761, 3077217206, 3077217207, 3077217208, 3077217227, 3077217601, 3077218162, 3077219036, 3077219037, 3077219038, 3077219039, 3077219040, 3700012891, 3700023024, 3700044106, 3700044190, 3700044206, 3700044311, 3700044487, 3700044798, 3700044799, 3700044800, 3700045182, 3700045183, 3700052359, 3700055619, 3700055666, 3700057688, 3700057715, 3700058698, 3700058704, 3700058710, 3700060611, 3700060709, 3700063358, 3700063700, 3700072482, 3700072483, 3700072492, 3700072493, 3700072494, 3700074807, 3700075385, 3700076059, 3700076538, 3700076540, 3700080295, 3700084362, 3700086591, 3700089010, 3700089171, 3700089175, 3700089178, 3700089181, 3700089189, 3700089190, 3700091425, 3700091426, 3700091427, 3700091428, 3700091434, 3700091443, 3700091444, 3700095001, 3700095009, 3700095526, 3700095528, 3700096318, 3700096319, 3700096320, 3700097525
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $3.00
Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 31-76 ct OR Gain Super Flings Laundry Detergent 18-45 ct (excludes Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets, Gain Flings 9 ct and below and trial/travel size).

Gain Flings Laundry Detergent
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Gain Flings Laundry Detergent 31-76 ct OR Gain Super Flings Laundry Detergent 18-45 ct (excludes Gain Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners,.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077202428, 3077202435, 3077202440, 3077207224, 3077207227, 3077207399, 3077207400, 3077207402, 3077208509, 3077208510, 3077208635, 3077209043, 3077209207, 3077209473, 3077209475, 3077209476, 3077209477, 3077209478, 3077209479, 3077209480, 3077209481, 3077209482, 3077209483, 3077209484, 3077209485, 3077209486, 3077209796, 3077209797, 3077209798, 3077210584, 3077211813, 3077211814, 3077211815, 3077211816, 3077211829, 3077211830, 3077211831, 3077211832, 3077211989, 3077216706, 3077216709, 3077216710, 3077216711, 3077216714, 3077216715, 3077216717, 3077216719, 3700000993, 3700000994, 3700000996, 3700028298, 3700028506, 3700029138, 3700035860, 3700048226, 3700048239, 3700048464, 3700048848, 3700048853, 3700050319, 3700050354, 3700050384, 3700050385, 3700050811, 3700050846, 3700050918, 3700051093, 3700051094, 3700058367, 3700062645, 3700075050, 3700075051, 3700075052, 3700075054, 3700077989, 3700077991, 3700078262, 3700079167, 3700079168, 3700079170, 3700079207, 3700079225, 3700086107, 3700086114, 3700086197, 3700086201, 3700086202, 3700086338, 3700086756, 3700086757, 3700086792, 3700086795, 3700090663, 3700090664, 3700090665, 3700090667, 3700090676, 3700090677, 3700090680, 3700090725, 3700091624, 3700092759, 3700092762, 3700093946, 3700093980, 3700095695, 3700095697, 3700096340, 3700096874
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 46 oz (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Powder, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets and trial/travel size).

Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 46 oz (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Powder, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets and.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200717, 3077200725, 3077202407, 3077203054, 3077207384, 3077211834, 3700051029, 3700051032, 3700055861, 3700076013, 3700076049, 3700076786, 3700076954, 3700077129, 3700077934, 3700077977, 3700078000, 3700080639, 3700080944, 3700080945
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Olay Facial Cleansing Melts
Save $1.00 ONE Olay Cleansing Melts 32ct (excludes mini/trial/travel size).

Olay Facial Cleansing Melts
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Olay Cleansing Melts 32ct (excludes mini/trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7560920905, 7560921000, 7560921001
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $0.25
Vicks Sore Throat Relief
Save $0.25 ONE VapoCOOL 18ct Drops.

Vicks Sore Throat Relief
Save $0.25
Save $0.25 ONE VapoCOOL 18ct Drops..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
32390003963, 32390003970, 32390004047, 32390004129, 32390004340
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Prilosec OTC Heartburn Relief
Save $1.00 ONE Prilosec OTC Heartburn Relief Product.

Prilosec OTC Heartburn Relief
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Prilosec OTC Heartburn Relief Product..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077205453, 3700018284, 3700027004, 3700035905, 3700035906, 3700035907, 3700046513, 3700056334, 3700072149, 3700077213, 3700077642, 3700080836, 3700080844, 3700080934, 3700084724, 3700089149
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $20.00
Oral B Power Toothbrush
Save $20.00 ONE Oral-B® iO Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush iO7, iO8, OR iO9 (excludes iO7G).

Oral B Power Toothbrush
Save $20.00
Save $20.00 ONE Oral-B® iO Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush iO7, iO8, OR iO9 (excludes iO7G)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6905512879, 6905512880, 6905512881, 6905512882, 6905512883, 6905512884, 6905512885, 6905512886, 6905512887, 6905512888, 6905512889, 6905512890, 6905512891, 6905512904, 6905512905, 6905512937, 6905512939, 6905513099, 6905513193, 6905513194, 6905513504, 6905513505, 6905513506, 6905513750, 6905513839, 6905513840, 6905513841, 6905514054, 6905514178, 6905514347, 6905514348
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $4.00
Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $4.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 184 oz OR Gain Powder Laundry Detergent 167 ld (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gain Fireworks, Gain Sheets and trial/travel size).

Gain Laundry Detergent
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 ONE Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 184 oz OR Gain Powder Laundry Detergent 167 ld (excludes Gain Rinse, Gain Flings, Gain Ultra Flings, Gain Liquid Fabric Softeners, Gain Essential Oils, Gai.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077208008, 3077208009, 3077208010, 3077208011, 3077208012, 3077211785, 3077216686, 3700029733
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $0.75
Tide Simply Laundry Detergent
Save $0.75 ONE Tide Simply Laundry Detergent 31-42 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 34 oz (includes Downy Fresh 50oz) OR Gain Suavizante Liquid Fabric Softener 50oz OR Downy Sheets 34 ct (includes Gain Sheets 34ct) OR Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Boosters 3.3 oz OR ERA Laundry Detergent 50 oz or smaller (excludes Tide Rinse, Downy WrinkleGuard Sheets, Downy Libre Enjuague, Gain Fireworks, Tide Detergent, Tide PODS and trial/travel size).

Tide Simply Laundry Detergent
Save $0.75
Save $0.75 ONE Tide Simply Laundry Detergent 31-42 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 34 oz (includes Downy Fresh 50oz) OR Gain Suavizante Liquid Fabric Softener 50oz OR Downy Sheets 34 ct (include.
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200797, 3077200801, 3077200802, 3077201098, 3077211593, 3077211853, 3077211859, 3077211862, 3077212085, 3077212086, 3077212091, 3077212092, 3077212093, 3077212094, 3077212096, 3077212318, 3077212319, 3077212320, 3077213607, 3077214258, 3077214304, 3077216758, 3077216759, 3700012889, 3700012893, 3700035751, 3700035756, 3700035780, 3700035804, 3700035819, 3700044105, 3700044477, 3700044721, 3700044837, 3700058682, 3700059076, 3700060705, 3700063352, 3700072479, 3700072491, 3700075487, 3700082329, 3700082365, 3700082370, 3700086257, 3700089150, 3700089169, 3700090816, 3700091429, 3700094939, 3700095000, 3700096573, 3700097068
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Save $3.00
Native Deodorant
Save $3.00 ONE Native Whole Body Deodorant Cream, Whole Body Deodorant Spray, or Whole Body Deodorant (excludes trial/travel size).

Native Deodorant
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 ONE Native Whole Body Deodorant Cream, Whole Body Deodorant Spray, or Whole Body Deodorant (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077215212, 3077215471, 3077215472, 3077215473, 3077216031, 3077216032, 3077216609, 3077216610, 3077216728, 3077216731, 3077216747, 3077216748, 3077217095, 3077217097, 3077217098, 3077217137, 3077217138, 3077218072, 3077218077, 3077218080, 3077218083, 3077218224, 3077218334, 3077218335, 3077218336, 3077218353, 3077218354, 3077218355, 3077218356, 3077218491, 3077218492, 3077218509, 3077218510, 81215403663, 81215403664, 81215403665, 81215403666, 81215403667, 81215403668, 81215403669, 81215403670, 81215403823, 81215403831, 81215403837, 81215403838, 81215403839, 81215403840, 81215403841, 81215403842, 81215403843
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Nervive Nerve Relief
Save $1.00 ONE Nervive Cream/Roll - on Product (excludes trial/travel size).

Nervive Nerve Relief
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Nervive Cream/Roll - on Product (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 1/26/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077204288, 3077204289, 3077209842, 3077209843, 3077215400, 3077215401, 3077217197, 3077217198
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Scott® Towels (4 ct+ or higher)

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Scott® Towels (4 ct+ or higher).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5400012219, 5400016447, 5400036371, 5400038869, 5400046843, 5400047848, 5400048370, 5400049077, 5400050868, 5400053067, 5400054715, 5400055413, 5400055414, 5400055415, 5400055416, 5400055417, 5400055606, 5400055607, 5400055824, 5400056667, 5400056673
Reproduction, alteration, proliferation, or sale of this coupon or its contents is strictly prohibited. Civil and criminal penalties up to $2,000,000 and/or imprisonment may apply. CONSUMER:LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on product/quantity specified. Only 1 coupon per product purchased CANNOT BE COMBINED with any other coupon. Any other use constitutes fraud. VOID IF COPIED, SCANNED, TRANSFERRED, MODIFIED, AUCTIONED, PURCHASED OR SOLD. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price after discounts may be returned to consumer or applied to the transaction. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program RETAILER: K-C will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus $.08 handling if submitted in compliance with our Coupon Redemption Policy. Mail coupons or requests for Policy to: Kimberly-Clark 1112, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001.Void where prohibited or restricted. Cash value 1/100 cent. Valid only in the USA, its Territories and Possessions.® Registered Trademark and ™ Trademark of

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Scott® Bath Tissue (6 ct+ or higher)

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Scott® Bath Tissue (6 ct+ or higher).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5400010060, 5400011971, 5400013342, 5400015029, 5400039287, 5400039699, 5400039907, 5400043964, 5400044039, 5400044218, 5400046832, 5400046848, 5400047521, 5400047607, 5400047610, 5400047612, 5400047618, 5400047647, 5400049209, 5400049775, 5400051434, 5400051437, 5400051684, 5400054245, 5400054258, 5400054261, 5400054262, 5400054350, 5400054493, 5400054615, 5400054731, 5400055211, 5400055212, 5400055258, 5400055319, 5400055786, 5400055855, 5400055859, 5400056026, 5400056142, 5400056376, 5400057024
Reproduction, alteration, proliferation, or sale of this coupon or its contents is strictly prohibited. Civil and criminal penalties up to $2,000,000 and/or imprisonment may apply. CONSUMER:LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on product/quantity specified. Only 1 coupon per product purchased CANNOT BE COMBINED with any other coupon. Any other use constitutes fraud. VOID IF COPIED, SCANNED, TRANSFERRED, MODIFIED, AUCTIONED, PURCHASED OR SOLD. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price after discounts may be returned to consumer or applied to the transaction. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program RETAILER: K-C will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus $.08 handling if submitted in compliance with our Coupon Redemption Policy. Mail coupons or requests for Policy to: Kimberly-Clark 1112, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001.Void where prohibited or restricted. Cash value 1/100 cent. Valid only in the USA, its Territories and Possessions.® Registered Trademark and ™ Trademark of

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper (4 mega roll pack or larger)

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper (4 mega roll pack or larger).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3600047515, 3600047622, 3600047747, 3600047766, 3600047767, 3600047804, 3600048036, 3600048596, 3600048598, 3600048605, 3600048611, 3600048637, 3600049676, 3600050965, 3600050966, 3600050968, 3600053051, 3600053116, 3600053268, 3600053269, 3600054150, 3600054151, 3600054152, 3600054153, 3600054154, 3600054155, 3600054157, 3600054158, 3600054164, 3600054165, 3600054166, 3600054167, 3600054168, 3600054169, 3600054170, 3600054172, 3600054336, 3600054337, 3600054577, 3600054579, 3600054695, 3600054696, 3600054709, 3600054710, 3600054711, 3600054712, 3600055152, 3600055153, 3600055182, 3600055183, 3600055429, 3600055430, 3600055431, 3600055432, 3600055433, 3600055434, 3600055436, 3600055437, 3600055438, 3600055439, 3600055463, 3600055464, 3600055465, 3600055466, 3600055478, 3600055479, 3600055480, 3600055481, 3600055484, 3600055485, 3600055487, 3600055488, 3600055489, 3600055490, 3600055492, 3600055494, 3600055495, 3600055496, 3600055507, 3600055508, 3600055699, 3600055707, 3600055712, 3600055766, 3600055767, 3600055898, 3600055900, 3600055902, 3600056162, 3600056166, 3600056287, 3600056289, 3600056487, 3600056488, 3600056546, 3600056547, 3600056989
Reproduction, alteration, proliferation, or sale of this coupon or its contents is strictly prohibited. Civil and criminal penalties up to $2,000,000 and/or imprisonment may apply. CONSUMER:LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on product/quantity specified. Only 1 coupon per product purchased CANNOT BE COMBINED with any other coupon. Any other use constitutes fraud. VOID IF COPIED, SCANNED, TRANSFERRED, MODIFIED, AUCTIONED, PURCHASED OR SOLD. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price after discounts may be returned to consumer or applied to the transaction. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program RETAILER: K-C will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus $.08 handling if submitted in compliance with our Coupon Redemption Policy. Mail coupons or requests for Policy to: Kimberly-Clark 1112, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001.Void where prohibited or restricted. Cash value 1/100 cent. Valid only in the USA, its Territories and Possessions.® Registered Trademark and ™ Trademark of

SAVE $5.00
Irish Spring® or Softsoap®
SAVE $5.00 On any TWO (2) Irish Spring® or Softsoap® Body Washes or Softsoap® Body Wash & Shave Gels (20oz or larger)

Irish Spring® or Softsoap®
SAVE $5.00
SAVE $5.00 On any TWO (2) Irish Spring® or Softsoap® Body Washes or Softsoap® Body Wash & Shave Gels (20oz or larger).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3500096734, 3500096911, 3500097134, 3500098325, 3500098449, 3500099360, 3500099361, 3500099376, 3500099397, 3500099398, 3500099399, 3500099400, 3500099474, 3500099560, 3500099561, 3500099661, 3500099662, 3500099674, 3500099675, 7418228352, 7418246489, 7418247338, 7418247339, 7418247340, 7418247343, 7418247351, 7418247352, 7418247357, 7418247366, 7418247369, 7418247370, 82785401179, 82785401194, 82785401259, 82785401260, 82785401916, 82785401917, 82785401921, 82785401984, 82785402054, 82785402071, 82785402092, 82785402124, 82785402126
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF PRODUCT & QUANTITY STATED. No more than two (2) identical coupons for same product in same day. Do not send this coupon to Colgate-Palmolive. Void if transferred, sold, auctioned, reproduced or altered from original. You must pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Colgate-Palmolive will reimburse the face value plus up to 10.5¢ handling if submitted in accordance with our Redemption Policy. For policy and/or coupon redemption send to: Colgate-Palmolive 1119, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value 1/100¢. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price may be returned to consumer or applied to transaction. Coupon may not be bought, reproduced, transferred or sold. Void where prohibited or if transferred to any person, firm or group prior to store redemption. Valid only in the USA (not in Puerto Rico). Redeemable at Food, Drug, Discount & other stores accepting coupons. Colgate-Palmolive participates in the CIC® member Coupon Integrity Program

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF on any ONE (1) Purex® 128oz or Larger Liquid Laundry Detergent

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF on any ONE (1) Purex® 128oz or Larger Liquid Laundry Detergent.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
2420000086, 2420000160, 2420000432, 2420000992, 2420001134, 2420003914, 2420004136, 2420004139, 2420004142, 2420004145, 2420004148, 2420004153, 2420004217, 2420004220, 2420004223, 2420004226, 2420004454, 2420004502, 2420004559, 2420004614, 2420004676, 2420004991, 2420005016, 2420005019, 2420005020, 2420005308, 2420005311, 2420005314, 2420005392, 2420005401, 2420005528, 2420006119, 2420009200, 2420009238, 2420009284, 2420009668, 2420009778, 2420009817
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF SPECIFIED PRODUCT AND QUANTITY STATED. DO NOT COMBINE WITH ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER COUPON(S), REBATES, OFFERS OR DISCOUNTS.?COUPON MAY NOT EXCEED VALUE OF ITEM PURCHASED. LIMIT OF ONE (1) IDENTICAL COUPON PER SHOPPING TRIP. Void if expired, reproduced, altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, or exchanged to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption, or where prohibited or restricted by law. Any other use constitutes fraud. Consumer: You pay any sales tax. Not valid on special packs, trial or travel sizes.?Item(s) may not be available at all stores.?Coupon valid in stores only. Retailer: Henkel Corporation will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in accordance with Henkel Corporation Coupon Redemption Policy (available upon request). Mail coupons to: Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. #17000, Henkel Corporation, Mfr Rcv Office, 801 UNION PACIFIC BLVD STE 5, LAREDO, TX 78045-9475. Cash value 1/100¢.

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF on any ONE (1) Persil® Laundry Detergent Product (excluding Club sizes)

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF on any ONE (1) Persil® Laundry Detergent Product (excluding Club sizes).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 2/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
2420000599, 2420000602, 2420000605, 2420003882, 2420003885, 2420003888, 2420003891, 2420003903, 2420003906, 2420003909, 2420003938, 2420004027, 2420004168, 2420004173, 2420004175, 2420004178, 2420004181, 2420004184, 2420004312, 2420004426, 2420004429, 2420004432, 2420004484, 2420004487, 2420004490, 2420004493, 2420004496, 2420004499, 2420004566, 2420004569, 2420004904, 2420004907, 2420004910, 2420004913, 2420004916, 2420005003, 2420005258, 2420005259, 2420005260, 2420005327, 2420005330, 2420005339, 2420005342, 2420005345, 2420005347, 2420005350, 2420005353, 2420005356, 2420005359, 2420005362, 2420005365, 2420005368, 2420005371, 2420005374, 2420005377, 2420005380, 2420005383, 2420005386, 2420005445, 2420005448, 2420005451, 2420005458, 2420005461, 2420005464, 2420005467, 2420005473, 2420005476, 2420005479, 2420005482, 2420005485, 2420005493, 2420005496, 2420005501, 2420005507, 2420005508, 2420005514, 2420005517, 2420005531, 2420009414, 2420009417, 2420009420, 2420009423, 2420009426, 2420009429, 2420009432, 2420009435, 2420009438, 2420009441, 2420009444, 2420009447, 2420009450, 2420009453, 2420009456, 2420009459, 2420009477, 2420009478, 2420009481, 2420009484, 2420009542, 2420009545, 2420009551, 2420009554, 2420009721, 2420009724, 2420009727, 2420009730, 2420009733, 2420009739, 2420009811, 2420009814, 2420009958
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF SPECIFIED PRODUCT AND QUANTITY STATED. DO NOT COMBINE WITH ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER COUPON(S), REBATES, OFFERS OR DISCOUNTS.?COUPON MAY NOT EXCEED VALUE OF ITEM PURCHASED. LIMIT OF ONE (1) IDENTICAL COUPON PER SHOPPING TRIP. Void if expired, reproduced, altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, or exchanged to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption, or where prohibited or restricted by law. Any other use constitutes fraud. Consumer: You pay any sales tax. Not valid on special packs, trial or travel sizes.?Item(s) may not be available at all stores.?Coupon valid in stores only. Retailer: Henkel Corporation will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in accordance with Henkel Corporation Coupon Redemption Policy (available upon request). Mail coupons to: Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. #17000, Henkel Corporation, Mfr Rcv Office, 801 UNION PACIFIC BLVD STE 5, LAREDO, TX 78045-9475. Cash value 1/100¢.

$5.00 OFF
$5.00 OFF any ONE (1) Ocuvite product

$5.00 OFF
$5.00 OFF any ONE (1) Ocuvite product.
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 2/23/2025.
Valid UPC's:
32420807053, 32420838760, 32420838762, 32420840319, 32420846530, 32420846533, 32420846535, 32420846545, 32420846570, 32420860260
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb. PN11614

SAVE $1.50
SAVE $1.50 On any ONE (1) Starbucks ® Zero Sugar Added Mocha Creamer, Oat Brown Sugar Cinnamon Creamer, OR Oat Lavendar Creamer 28oz

SAVE $1.50
SAVE $1.50 On any ONE (1) Starbucks ® Zero Sugar Added Mocha Creamer, Oat Brown Sugar Cinnamon Creamer, OR Oat Lavendar Creamer 28oz.
Valid from 1/24/2025 to 2/24/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5000033104, 5000040299, 5000061688
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé USA, Inmar Dept #00020, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption policy found at www.nestleusa.com/coupon-policy. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs. Cash value: 1/80?.

Save $1.50
Natural Bliss®
Save $1.50 On any ONE (1) Natural Bliss Dairy Zero Sugar Vanilla Creamer, Dairy Zero Sugar Cinnamon Coffee Cake Creamer, OR Dairy Pistachio Creamer 32oz

Natural Bliss®
Save $1.50
Save $1.50 On any ONE (1) Natural Bliss Dairy Zero Sugar Vanilla Creamer, Dairy Zero Sugar Cinnamon Coffee Cake Creamer, OR Dairy Pistachio Creamer 32oz.
Valid from 1/24/2025 to 2/24/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5000023506, 5000089573, 5000095892
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé USA, Inmar Dept #00020, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption policy found at https://www.nestleusa.com/coupon-policy . Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 when you buy ONE (1) Folgers® Can OR K-Cup Coffee

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 when you buy ONE (1) Folgers® Can OR K-Cup Coffee.
Valid from 2/1/2025 to 2/28/2025.
Valid UPC's:
2550000195, 2550000288, 2550007084, 2550007085, 2550010502, 2550010851, 2550010852, 2550010853, 2550011037, 2550012722, 2550017178, 2550018374, 2550020040, 2550020042, 2550020043, 2550020044, 2550020106, 2550020204, 2550020212, 2550020419, 2550020430, 2550020433, 2550020434, 2550020435, 2550020436, 2550020474, 2550020478, 2550020546, 2550020654, 2550020655, 2550020656, 2550020657, 2550021967, 2550029425, 2550030209, 2550030401, 2550030402, 2550030403, 2550030404, 2550030406, 2550030410, 2550030425, 2550030427, 2550030428, 2550030429, 2550030430, 2550030431, 2550030432, 2550030433, 2550030435, 2550030436, 2550030437, 2550030438, 2550030449, 2550033513, 2550035611, 2550042387, 2550046991, 2550060506, 2550060507, 2550060508, 2550060513, 2550060514, 2550060515, 2550060516, 2550060540, 2550060541, 2550062881, 2550062994, 2550067944, 2550068607, 2550068665, 2550068675, 2550075114, 2550076608, 2550077456, 2550077457, 2550077458, 2550077459, 2550077460, 2550077461, 2550077462, 2550077463, 2550085037, 2550085550, 2550087328, 2550089634, 2550093312, 2550093451, 2550097968, 2550098181
CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per purchase. Good only in the U.S.A. on purchase of brand/size indicated. Void where regulated or prohibited, or if altered, reproduced, or transferred. Any other use constitutes fraud. Consumer must pay any sales tax. RETAILER: You will be reimbursed in accordance with the Smucker Retail Foods, Inc. Coupon Redemption Policy, to obtain visit www.redemptionpolicy.com/smuckers. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Redeem by mailing to: Smucker Retail Foods, Inc. 277, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Good only in the U.S.A. © The J.M. Smucker Company © 2024. DD IP Holder LLC (as to Dunkin’, Dunkin’ Donuts, and all other trademarks, logos and trade dress of DD IP Holder LLC) used under license. Smucker Retail Foods, Inc. participates in the CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program ©/TM/® The Folger Coffee Company. Smucker Retail Foods, Inc. participates in the CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. Keurig and K-Cup are trademarks of Keurig Green Mo

SAVE $5.00
SAVE $5.00 on any TWO (2) SheaMoisture Body Wash, Body Scrub, or Bar Soap 8oz (excludes trial and travel)

SAVE $5.00
SAVE $5.00 on any TWO (2) SheaMoisture Body Wash, Body Scrub, or Bar Soap 8oz (excludes trial and travel).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
76430201540, 76430201550, 76430201551, 76430201561, 76430201569, 76430201581, 76430201644, 76430201645, 76430201646, 76430201648, 76430201664, 76430201698, 76430201889, 76430202027, 76430202028, 76430202089, 76430202159, 76430202177, 76430202373, 76430202602, 76430202603, 76430202605, 76430202606, 76430202607, 76430202626, 76430202641, 76430202642, 76430202643, 76430202644, 76430202646, 76430202678, 76430202744, 76430202745, 76430219055, 76430219057, 76430219059, 76430220102, 76430220384, 76430220385, 76430220426, 76430220494, 76430221060, 76430221100, 76430221102, 76430221123, 76430221305, 76430221454, 76430221456, 76430222074, 76430222099, 76430222112, 76430222150, 76430222156, 76430222640, 76430222800, 76430222915, 76430222916, 76430223113, 76430223161, 76430223162, 76430223164, 76430223203, 76430223208, 76430223303, 76430227000, 76430227013, 76430227040, 76430227057, 76430227060, 76430227085, 76430227123, 76430227125, 76430229012, 76430229134, 76430230791, 76430231289, 76430231299, 76430231302, 76430231306, 76430231406, 76430231407, 76430231409, 76430231412
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

Save $2.00
Fixodent Denture Adhesive
Save $2.00 TWO FIXODENT ADHESIVE SINGLE, TWIN, OR TRIPLE PACK 1.4 oz or larger (excludes trial/travel size).

Fixodent Denture Adhesive
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 TWO FIXODENT ADHESIVE SINGLE, TWIN, OR TRIPLE PACK 1.4 oz or larger (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200597, 3077201426, 3077201736, 3077204217, 3077205762, 3077205763, 3077205764, 3077205768, 3077205769, 3077205770, 3077209646, 3077211077, 3077212334, 3077218613, 3077218672, 3700024628, 3700030893, 3700045564, 3700045565, 3700045566, 3700045572, 3700045583, 3700059863, 3700061995, 3700067593, 3700071650, 3700071651, 3700072110, 3700072131, 3700072132, 3700075605, 3700078890, 3700078920, 3700080435, 3700081770, 3700082235, 3700082417, 3700082418, 3700086161, 3700090619, 3700096068, 3700096070, 3700097093, 3700097094, 3700097096, 3700099300, 5610005513, 5610005671, 7666000173, 7666000465, 7666000864, 7666000866, 7666030001, 7666030002, 7666030021, 7666030051, 7666072536, 7666074064
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Oral B Special Care Oral Rinse
Save $5.00 TWO Oral-B Mouthwash 475 mL (16 oz) or larger.

Oral B Special Care Oral Rinse
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 TWO Oral-B Mouthwash 475 mL (16 oz) or larger..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6830510022, 6830510023, 6830510024, 6830510025, 6830510029, 6830510039, 6830510063, 30041765507
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Oral B Manual Interdental Care
Save $1.00 ONE Oral-B Glide Manual Floss OR Oral-B Expanding Floss OR Oral-B Glide Floss Picks (excludes Essential Floss, Satin Floss, Oral-B Fresh Mint Picks and trial/travel size).

Oral B Manual Interdental Care
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Oral-B Glide Manual Floss OR Oral-B Expanding Floss OR Oral-B Glide Floss Picks (excludes Essential Floss, Satin Floss, Oral-B Fresh Mint Picks and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200041, 3077202258, 3077202397, 3077202588, 3077206720, 3077207923, 3077207925, 3077207926, 3077207927, 3077208077, 3077208078, 3077210261, 3077210877, 3077210878, 3077212461, 3077212687, 3077213727, 3077213728, 3077213729, 3700001121, 3700001122, 3700001132, 3700003866, 3700014296, 3700014301, 3700020198, 3700020339, 3700020341, 3700029972, 3700046953, 3700046956, 3700046962, 3700046967, 3700046974, 3700052429, 3700069176, 3700072484, 3700073546, 3700074673, 3700079144, 3700079243, 3700081220, 3700083475, 3700083476, 3700090779, 3700093850, 3700095339, 3700096903, 3700097971, 3700098694, 5610002927, 5610004964, 5610004966, 5610005099, 5610007907, 6830568586, 6830568592, 6830568623, 6830568624, 6830568628, 6830568631, 30041010039, 30041010090, 30041010195, 30041010385, 30041010420, 30041010422, 30041010530, 30041010717, 30041010718, 30041010719, 30041010728, 30041010786, 30041010787, 30041010790, 30041010875, 30041010897, 30041010898, 30041010901, 30041010909, 30041010960, 30041010961, 30041010970, 30041010974, 30041011041, 30041011043, 30041011102, 30041011143, 30041011145, 30041011146, 30041011149, 30041011197, 30041011206, 30041011225, 30041011228, 30041082570, 30041082929, 30041665217, 30041665218
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $1.00
Oral B Manual Adult Toothbrush
Save $1.00 ONE Oral-B Expert, Pro, or Advanced toothbrushes (excludes Oral-B Essential Toothbrushes).

Oral B Manual Adult Toothbrush
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 ONE Oral-B Expert, Pro, or Advanced toothbrushes (excludes Oral-B Essential Toothbrushes)..
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
30041001120, 30041010003, 30041010004, 30041010062, 30041010068, 30041010069, 30041010070, 30041010107, 30041010111, 30041010141, 30041010218, 30041010282, 30041010283, 30041010627, 30041010628, 30041010639, 30041010640, 30041010641, 30041010738, 30041010784, 30041010828, 30041010836, 30041010837, 30041010845, 30041010846, 30041010853, 30041010868, 30041010962, 30041010985, 30041010986, 30041011094, 30041011283, 30041011284, 30041081001, 30041082972, 30041664765
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
Crest-Scope Mouthwash
Save $2.00 TWO Crest OR Scope Mouthwash 473mL (16 oz) or larger OR Scope Squeez Mouthwash Concentrate 50 mL (excludes trial/travel size).

Crest-Scope Mouthwash
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 TWO Crest OR Scope Mouthwash 473mL (16 oz) or larger OR Scope Squeez Mouthwash Concentrate 50 mL (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3077200601, 3077201872, 3077201950, 3077202146, 3077202147, 3077202846, 3077202847, 3077202848, 3077202849, 3077204625, 3077204626, 3077205530, 3077205531, 3077205532, 3077205533, 3077205914, 3077205915, 3077207391, 3077207392, 3077207393, 3077207394, 3077208344, 3077208578, 3077210475, 3077211005, 3077212571, 3077212573, 3077213253, 3077213254, 3077213255, 3077217090, 3077217091, 3077218026, 3077218147, 3700000443, 3700008986, 3700008987, 3700022747, 3700022749, 3700030619, 3700044981, 3700044982, 3700044983, 3700050525, 3700050953, 3700050969, 3700052868, 3700053712, 3700055823, 3700055825, 3700056148, 3700057591, 3700061817, 3700061846, 3700061847, 3700061848, 3700061952, 3700061956, 3700063673, 3700064563, 3700064566, 3700064601, 3700064602, 3700064614, 3700064953, 3700065216, 3700065549, 3700067923, 3700068117, 3700069365, 3700069437, 3700070308, 3700070445, 3700070447, 3700070479, 3700071046, 3700071277, 3700071305, 3700072249, 3700073030, 3700073485, 3700073507, 3700074785, 3700074789, 3700076866, 3700077111, 3700077112, 3700077451, 3700077505, 3700077652, 3700077672, 3700077962, 3700078013, 3700078362, 3700078363, 3700078663, 3700078680, 3700078681, 3700078690, 3700078714, 3700078715, 3700078722, 3700078723, 3700079499, 3700079500, 3700079711, 3700079761, 3700079805, 3700080233, 3700080266, 3700081123, 3700081124, 3700081891, 3700082307, 3700082422, 3700082423, 3700087960, 3700090689, 3700092434, 3700092454, 3700092495, 3700092557, 3700093229, 3700094321, 3700094322, 3700094563, 3700094564, 3700094566, 3700094567, 3700094569, 3700094570, 3700094576, 3700094577, 3700094952, 3700094953, 3700095661, 3700095662, 3700095663, 3700095664, 3700095665, 3700095666, 3700095667, 3700095859, 3700098194, 5610002401, 5610003442, 5610004487, 5610004779, 5610005575, 5610005614, 5610005615, 5610005695, 5610007503, 5610007523, 5610007708, 5610007709, 5610007729, 5610007770, 5610007771, 5610007804, 5610007805, 5610007842, 5610007843, 5610007844, 5610007852, 5610007974, 5610008411, 6830510040, 6830510072
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

SAVE $3.00
Schick Disposable
SAVE $3.00 off ONE (1) Schick® Men's or Womens or Skintimate® Disposable Razor Pack (excludes Schick® Xtreme® & Skintimate® 1 & 2 ct. Disposable)

Schick Disposable
SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 off ONE (1) Schick® Men's or Womens or Skintimate® Disposable Razor Pack (excludes Schick® Xtreme® & Skintimate® 1 & 2 ct. Disposable).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
84105800048, 84105800061, 84105800062, 84105800117, 84105800444, 84105800802, 84105800858, 84105801164, 84105801168, 84105801173, 84105801471, 84105801476, 84105802009, 84105802014, 84105802016, 84105802017, 84105802018, 84105802095, 84105802097, 84105802104, 84105802136, 84105802191, 84105802209, 84105802263, 84105802265, 84105802266, 84105802344, 84105802345, 84105802400, 84105804607, 84105804618, 84105804802
CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day. Any other use is fraudulent. VOID if transferred, sold, auctioned, altered, or reproduced from original; unauthorized internet distribution is strictly prohibited. Counterfeits will not be honored. You must pay sales tax. Coupon cannot be redeemed for cash. RETAILER: We will pay you the face value plus 8¢ handling for each coupon sent to Edgewell, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. #41058, Mfr Rcv Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd. STE5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475 provided you comply with the Edgewell Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupon Policy available at same address. No Cash Back if Coupon Value Exceeds Retail Price. Cash value 1/20¢. ©2025 Edgewell.

SAVE $3.00
Schick Womens
SAVE $3.00 off ONE (1) Schick® Hydro Silk®, Intuition® or Quattro for Women® Razor or Refill or Schick Hydro Silk® Wax or Dermaplaning Wand or Refill (excl. Schick® Disposables)

Schick Womens
SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 off ONE (1) Schick® Hydro Silk®, Intuition® or Quattro for Women® Razor or Refill or Schick Hydro Silk® Wax or Dermaplaning Wand or Refill (excl. Schick® Disposables).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
84105800092, 84105800700, 84105800701, 84105800702, 84105800703, 84105800721, 84105800722, 84105800729, 84105800749, 84105800765, 84105800835, 84105800836, 84105800837, 84105800838, 84105801172, 84105801177, 84105801178, 84105801179, 84105801181, 84105801455, 84105801457, 84105801463, 84105801464, 84105801880, 84105801881, 84105804002, 84105804014, 84105804042, 84105804067, 84105804068, 84105804069, 84105804086, 84105804087, 84105804090, 84105804104, 84105805065, 84105805067, 84105805068, 84105805069, 84105806804
CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day. Any other use is fraudulent. VOID if transferred, sold, auctioned, altered, or reproduced from original; unauthorized internet distribution is strictly prohibited. Counterfeits will not be honored. You must pay sales tax. Coupon cannot be redeemed for cash. RETAILER: We will pay you the face value plus 8¢ handling for each coupon sent to Edgewell, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. #41058, Mfr Rcv Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd. STE5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475 provided you comply with the Edgewell Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupon Policy available at same address. No Cash Back if Coupon Value Exceeds Retail Price. Cash value 1/20¢. ©2025 Edgewell.

SAVE $3.00
Schick Mens RazorRefill
SAVE $3.00 off ONE (1) Schick Hydro® or Schick® Quattro® Titanium* Razor or Refill (excludes Schick® Disposables & Women's Razor or Refill) *coated blades

Schick Mens RazorRefill
SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 off ONE (1) Schick Hydro® or Schick® Quattro® Titanium* Razor or Refill (excludes Schick® Disposables & Women's Razor or Refill) *coated blades.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
84105800019, 84105800020, 84105800023, 84105800028, 84105800030, 84105800031, 84105800876, 84105801331, 84105801480, 84105801482, 84105801484, 84105801485, 84105801501, 84105801515, 84105801547, 84105801558, 84105801560, 84105801574, 84105801585, 84105801598, 84105801878, 84105801879, 84105808247, 84105808248
CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day. Any other use is fraudulent. VOID if transferred, sold, auctioned, altered, or reproduced from original; unauthorized internet distribution is strictly prohibited. Counterfeits will not be honored. You must pay sales tax. Coupon cannot be redeemed for cash. RETAILER: We will pay you the face value plus 8¢ handling for each coupon sent to Edgewell, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. #41058, Mfr Rcv Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd. STE5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475 provided you comply with the Edgewell Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupon Policy available at same address. No Cash Back if Coupon Value Exceeds Retail Price. Cash value 1/20¢. ©2025 Edgewell.

Save $4.00
Whole Body Deo Scale
Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Dove, Dove Men+Care, or Degree® Whole Body Deodorant (excludes trial and travel sizes)

Whole Body Deo Scale
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Dove, Dove Men+Care, or Degree® Whole Body Deodorant (excludes trial and travel sizes).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7940051155, 7940051156, 7940051157, 7940051182, 7940051183, 7940051185, 7940051362, 7940051377, 7940051433, 7940051434, 7940051753, 7940051755, 7940051776, 7940051778, 7940051879, 7940051880, 7940051886, 7940051894, 7940051895, 7940051926, 7940051978, 7940051982
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

Save $2.00
Degree Deo
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Degree Body Heat Activated or Ultraclear Antiperspirant Stick or Dry Spray or Degree Clinical Protection Deodorant product (excludes Whole Body Deodorant, twin packs, 0.5oz, 1.0oz sizes)

Degree Deo
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Degree Body Heat Activated or Ultraclear Antiperspirant Stick or Dry Spray or Degree Clinical Protection Deodorant product (excludes Whole Body Deodorant, twin packs, 0.5oz, .
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7940001743, 7940006147, 7940007021, 7940011802, 7940020207, 7940020695, 7940020696, 7940021628, 7940027210, 7940027532, 7940032722, 7940034308, 7940034362, 7940034364, 7940034367, 7940034368, 7940034370, 7940034766, 7940041649, 7940044121, 7940044851, 7940044854, 7940044868, 7940044870, 7940045664, 7940045740, 7940045743, 7940046583, 7940047390, 7940047710, 7940047838, 7940047856, 7940048035, 7940048632, 7940048635, 7940048637, 7940048678, 7940048686, 7940048688, 7940048697, 7940048713, 7940048729, 7940049069, 7940049070, 7940049418, 7940049973, 7940049974, 7940049983, 7940050044, 7940050354, 7940050355, 7940050356, 7940050357, 7940050358, 7940050359, 7940050688, 7940050925, 7940050926, 7940050933, 7940051161, 7940051624, 7940051941, 7940058708, 7940058719, 7940058956, 7940061274, 7940061460, 7940066914, 7940067025, 7940067027
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

SAVE $2.00
Dove and Dove Men+Care
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) select Dove or Dove Men+Care skin cleansing item, including Bars (1-ct 5oz & 4-ct+), Scrubs (9oz+), and Dove Plant-Milk or Serum Body Washes (17.5oz & 18.5oz only). (Excludes: trial & travel sizes)

Dove and Dove Men+Care
SAVE $2.00
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) select Dove or Dove Men+Care skin cleansing item, including Bars (1-ct 5oz & 4-ct+), Scrubs (9oz+), and Dove Plant-Milk or Serum Body Washes (17.5oz & 18.5oz only). (Excludes: tr.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1111100200, 1111100202, 1111100259, 1111100261, 1111100559, 1111100593, 1111100594, 1111100872, 1111100879, 1111101071, 1111101073, 1111101075, 1111101208, 1111101209, 1111101217, 1111101218, 1111101250, 1111101251, 1111101632, 1111101634, 1111101688, 1111101690, 1111101691, 1111101779, 1111101795, 1111101868, 1111101869, 1111101870, 1111101871, 1111101872, 1111101878, 1111101883, 1111102003, 1111102008, 1111102269, 1111102463, 1111102464, 1111102515, 1111102516, 1111102522, 1111102586, 1111102587, 1111102588, 1111102590, 1111102591, 1111102592, 1111102595, 1111102698, 1111102699, 1111102700, 1111102701, 1111102717, 1111102822, 1111102983, 1111103040, 1111103357, 1111103358, 1111103406, 1111103437, 1111103487, 1111103489, 1111103491, 1111103818, 1111104003, 1111104009, 1111104066, 1111104067, 1111104094, 1111104255, 1111104844, 1111104858, 1111104897, 1111104898, 1111104907, 1111104936, 1111104938, 1111104940, 1111104941, 1111104942, 1111104943, 1111104944, 1111104945, 1111104953, 1111104979, 1111104980, 1111104982, 1111104983, 1111104985, 1111104986, 1111104988, 1111104989, 1111104991, 1111104993, 1111104994, 1111105009, 1111105024, 1111105025, 1111105026, 1111105027, 1111105353, 1111105445, 1111105446, 1111105464, 1111105465, 1111105466, 1111105467, 1111105468, 1111105469, 1111105487, 1111105516, 1111105523, 1111105583, 1111105584, 1111105590, 1111105612, 1111105623, 1111105624, 1111105625, 1111105626, 1111105645, 1111105646, 1111105647, 1111107625, 1111107626, 1111107627, 1111112185, 1111121649, 1111131239, 1111134784, 1111134786, 1111134818, 1111140389, 1111140783, 1111140784, 1111143323, 1111143324, 1111143325, 1111145839, 1111145871, 1111145872, 1111151908, 1111152904, 1111152905, 1111152906, 1111157932, 1111161011, 1111161015, 1111161069, 1111161079, 1111161108, 1111161117, 1111161125, 1111161164, 1111161178, 1111161330, 1111161334, 1111161339, 1111161378, 1111161440, 1111161554, 1111162939, 1111163039, 1111165775
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) SheaMoisture® 2.6oz Deodorant, 2.6oz Antiperspirant or Whole Body item

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) SheaMoisture® 2.6oz Deodorant, 2.6oz Antiperspirant or Whole Body item.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7940051922, 7940051923, 7940051963, 76430202479, 76430202480, 76430202482, 76430202483, 76430202484, 76430202489, 76430202520, 76430202521, 76430202673, 76430202676
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

$3.00 OFF
Garnier® Whole Blends®
$3.00 OFF on ANY TWO (2) Garnier® Whole Blends® shampoo, conditioner or treatment products (excludes: 3oz sizes, twin & value packs)

Garnier® Whole Blends®
$3.00 OFF
$3.00 OFF on ANY TWO (2) Garnier® Whole Blends® shampoo, conditioner or treatment products (excludes: 3oz sizes, twin & value packs).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
36005425208, 60308406338, 60308406339, 60308406340, 60308406341, 60308406342, 60308407792, 60308407837, 60308407838, 60308407839, 60308407840, 60308408312, 60308408313, 60308408851, 60308408859, 60308408860, 60308408861, 60308408867, 60308445923, 60308445926, 60308445931, 60308445933, 60308445935, 60308445937, 60308445938, 60308445939, 60308445946, 60308445948, 60308445949, 60308445950, 60308446212, 60308454331, 60308454335, 60308454385, 60308454955, 60308454956, 60308455965, 60308455966, 60308455969, 60308456069, 60308456070, 60308456071, 60308456072, 60308457290, 60308457291, 60308457341, 60308457342, 60308457459
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on product/quantity specified. NO MORE THAN ONE (1) IDENTICAL COUPON per household per day. ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD. CONSUMER PAYS ANY SALES TAX. VOID IF SOLD, ALTERED, REPRODUCED, EXCHANGED OR TRANSFERRED. No cash back or credit if coupon exceeds selling price. RETAILER: L’Oréal USA, Inc. will reimburse in accordance with the L’Oréal USA Coupon Redemption Policy, to obtain visit: www.nchmarketing.com. This coupon good only when redeemed by you from the consumer at the time of purchasing product indicated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if reproduced or if prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Good only in the continental USA, Alaska and Hawaii. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Cash value is 1/100¢. Mail to: L’Oréal USA 509, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001.

Save $4.00
Non-Drowsy Claritin®
Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin® Cooling Honey Flavored Liquid 2.7oz or larger

Non-Drowsy Claritin®
Save $4.00
Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin® Cooling Honey Flavored Liquid 2.7oz or larger.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4110059540, 4110059541
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

Save $5.00
Astepro® Allergy or Children’s Astepro® Allergy
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) Astepro® Allergy or Children’s Astepro® Allergy product 60 sprays or larger

Astepro® Allergy or Children’s Astepro® Allergy
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) Astepro® Allergy or Children’s Astepro® Allergy product 60 sprays or larger.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4110058990, 4110058991, 4110058992, 4110058993, 4110059000, 4110059371, 4110059543
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

Save $10.00
Non-Drowsy Claritin® or Children's Claritin®
Save $10.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin® or Children's Claritin® 56ct or larger (excludes Claritin-D®)

Non-Drowsy Claritin® or Children's Claritin®
Save $10.00
Save $10.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin® or Children's Claritin® 56ct or larger (excludes Claritin-D®).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4110057296, 4110057567, 4110057685, 4110058099, 4110058127, 4110058519, 4110058530, 4110059524, 4110059787, 4110059860, 4110059881, 4110080964, 4110081083
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

Save $8.00
Astepro® Allergy
Save $8.00 on any ONE (1) Astepro® Allergy product 120 sprays or larger

Astepro® Allergy
Save $8.00
Save $8.00 on any ONE (1) Astepro® Allergy product 120 sprays or larger.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4110058990, 4110058991, 4110059000, 4110059371
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

Save $1.50
Bayer® Aspirin or Bayer® Rapid Relief
Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Bayer® Aspirin 50ct or larger or any Bayer® Rapid Relief product

Bayer® Aspirin or Bayer® Rapid Relief
Save $1.50
Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Bayer® Aspirin 50ct or larger or any Bayer® Rapid Relief product.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
31284301171, 31284310105, 31284310117, 31284310183, 31284310192, 31284310238, 31284311117, 31284350520, 31284351050, 31284351478, 31284352532, 31284353635, 31284353636, 31284353637, 31284353640, 31284353642, 31284354435, 31284355507, 31284355537, 31284355540, 31284355565, 31284355996, 31284356774, 31284359001, 31284359218, 31284359219, 31284359762, 31284359763
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

Save $5.00
Non-Drowsy Claritin® or Children's Claritin®
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) Claritin® or Children's Claritin® 20ct+ or 4oz+ (Excl. Claritin-D® & Claritin® Cooling Honey Flavored Liquid)

Non-Drowsy Claritin® or Children's Claritin®
Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) Claritin® or Children's Claritin® 20ct+ or 4oz+ (Excl. Claritin-D® & Claritin® Cooling Honey Flavored Liquid).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4110008018, 4110057043, 4110057069, 4110057296, 4110057567, 4110057685, 4110058098, 4110058099, 4110058126, 4110058127, 4110058519, 4110058530, 4110059368, 4110059524, 4110059787, 4110059860, 4110059871, 4110059878, 4110059879, 4110059881, 4110080521, 4110080604, 4110080614, 4110080657, 4110080727, 4110080798, 4110080833, 4110080955, 4110080964, 4110081053, 4110081074, 4110081083, 4110081092, 4110081098, 4110081099, 4110081102, 4110081104, 4110081114
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

Save $3.00
AlkaSeltzer Plus
Save $3.00 off any ONE (1) Alka-Seltzer Plus® or Alka-Seltzer Plus® FizzyChews 24ct or larger

AlkaSeltzer Plus
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 off any ONE (1) Alka-Seltzer Plus® or Alka-Seltzer Plus® FizzyChews 24ct or larger.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1650050588, 1650050589, 1650050654, 1650053765, 1650053766, 1650054901, 1650056502, 1650057680, 1650057682, 1650057684, 1650057786, 1650058343, 1650058345, 1650058347, 1650058349, 1650058420, 1650058422, 1650058581, 1650059382, 1650059883, 1650059884, 1650059885, 1650059886, 1650059887, 1650059888, 1650059890, 1650059891, 1650059892, 1650060169, 1650060171
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF ONE (1) COVERGIRL® Eye Product (excludes 1-kit shadows, accessories and travel/trial size)

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF ONE (1) COVERGIRL® Eye Product (excludes 1-kit shadows, accessories and travel/trial size).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
2270004757, 2270004758, 2270004772, 2270004773, 2270006248, 2270006256, 2270006264, 2270006272, 2270008911, 2270009774, 2270009775, 2270009776, 2270009777, 2270009778, 2270009779, 2270009780, 2270012136, 2270012704, 2270012705, 2270012706, 2270012707, 2270013188, 2270013189, 2270013190, 2270025096, 2270025097, 2270025154, 2270046975, 2270046976, 2270046977, 2270047017, 2270047021, 2270047157, 2270047160, 2270057641, 2270057642, 2270057643, 2270057644, 2270057645, 2270057646, 2270057647, 2270057737, 2270057762, 2270057824, 2270057828, 2270057938, 2270058055, 2270058099, 2270058111, 2270058113, 2270058116, 2270058119, 2270058121, 2270063222, 2270063230, 2270063248, 2270063256, 2270063280, 2270070574, 36142253030, 36142253031, 36142260128, 36142260132, 36142260366, 36142260367, 36142267097, 36142279973, 36142279974, 36142283696, 36142283700, 36142283701, 36142286812, 36142286813, 36142286814, 36142289410, 36142289415, 36142289416, 36142289429, 36142293122, 36142293123, 36163000745, 36163000746, 36163007528, 36163007547, 36163012593, 36163012618, 36163022556, 36163023486, 36163026320, 36163027367, 36163027368, 36163028917, 36163028924, 36163029799, 36163039941, 36163039942, 36163040115, 36163040116, 36163043720, 36163045474, 36163047839, 36163052116, 36163052132, 36163052133, 36163052341, 36163052342, 36163055023, 36163055024, 36163055075, 36163055124, 36163055125, 36163055818, 36163055819, 36163056868, 36163057583, 36163059780, 36163059781
Consumer: Only one coupon is redeemable per purchase and only on specified products and sizes. You pay any sales tax. May not be reproduced, purchased, traded or sold. Any other use constitutes fraud. Retailer: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon in acceptance with Coty Coupon Redemption Policy: face value plus 8¢. Send coupons to: Coty US LLC 2119, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A. Void where prohibited. ©2025 COTY US LLC

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF ONE (1) COVERGIRL® Face Product (excludes Cheekers, accessories and travel/trial size)

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF ONE (1) COVERGIRL® Face Product (excludes Cheekers, accessories and travel/trial size).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
810000407, 810000409, 810000415, 810000417, 810000419, 810000782, 810000783, 810000784, 810000785, 810000786, 810000787, 810000788, 810000789, 810000790, 810000794, 810000795, 810000796, 810000928, 810000960, 810000961, 810000967, 810000968, 810000969, 810000970, 810000971, 810000983, 810000984, 810000985, 810000986, 810000990, 810000991, 810000992, 810000993, 810000994, 810000995, 810000996, 810000997, 810000998, 810010035, 810010036, 810010037, 810010038, 810010039, 810010040, 810010041, 810010042, 810010043, 810010044, 810010045, 810010046, 2270000027, 2270000029, 2270000030, 2270000031, 2270000036, 2270000041, 2270000715, 2270000807, 2270000814, 2270000815, 2270000878, 2270003661, 2270003681, 2270003691, 2270003721, 2270003771, 2270005670, 2270005680, 2270005690, 2270005700, 2270005720, 2270007820, 2270007991, 2270008136, 2270008137, 2270008138, 2270008139, 2270008140, 2270008141, 2270008142, 2270008143, 2270008146, 2270008147, 2270008234, 2270008235, 2270008237, 2270009341, 2270009361, 2270009391, 2270012229, 2270012230, 2270012231, 2270012232, 2270012233, 2270012234, 2270012236, 2270012237, 2270012282, 2270012285, 2270012286, 2270012287, 2270012288, 2270012289, 2270012290, 2270012722, 2270025112, 2270025113, 2270025114, 2270025115, 2270025116, 2270025117, 2270025168, 2270025170, 2270045833, 2270045834, 2270045837, 2270046984, 2270046985, 2270057665, 2270057666, 2270057667, 2270057669, 2270057672, 2270057677, 2270057888, 2270057889, 2270057890, 2270057891, 2270057916, 2270057917, 2270057918, 2270057919, 2270058057, 2270058062, 2270058065, 36142253032, 36142253033, 36142253034, 36142253043, 36142253044, 36142267088, 36142270904, 36142272933, 36142272934, 36163007524, 36163007691, 36163007692, 36163007776, 36163012591, 36163012807, 36163012808, 36163012809, 36163022503, 36163022504, 36163022505, 36163024678, 36163024679, 36163024709, 36163024846, 36163024847, 36163029717, 36163029718, 36163033956, 36163040049, 36163043547, 36163043548, 36163043549, 36163043550, 36163043674, 36163045308, 36163045309, 36163045310, 36163048425, 36163054991, 36163054992, 36163057097, 36163057098, 36163061716
Consumer: Only one coupon is redeemable per purchase and only on specified products and sizes. You pay any sales tax. May not be reproduced, purchased, traded or sold. Any other use constitutes fraud. Retailer: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon in acceptance with Coty Coupon Redemption Policy: face value plus 8¢. Send coupons to: Coty US LLC 2119, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A. Void where prohibited. ©2025 COTY US LLC

SAVE $4.00
Colgate Toothpaste
SAVE $4.00 On any TWO (2) Colgate®, Tom's of Maine® or hello® Toothpastes (3oz or larger; excludes Colgate® Cavity Protection, Baking Soda & Peroxide, Sparkling White®, Triple Action, Kids, bonus packs and 3ct pack Toothpastes)

Colgate Toothpaste
SAVE $4.00
SAVE $4.00 On any TWO (2) Colgate®, Tom's of Maine® or hello® Toothpastes (3oz or larger; excludes Colgate® Cavity Protection, Baking Soda & Peroxide, Sparkling White®, Triple Action, Kids, bonus pack.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3500045830, 3500045836, 3500045959, 3500046045, 3500046046, 3500046370, 3500046985, 3500047217, 3500047221, 3500052101, 3500052123, 3500052541, 3500052573, 3500052584, 3500076410, 3500076416, 3500076454, 3500097160, 3500097161, 3500097165, 3500097225, 3500097227, 3500097229, 3500097231, 3500097233, 3500097872, 3500097902, 3500098508, 3500098520, 3500098705, 3500098708, 3500098871, 3500099297, 3500099338, 3500099340, 3500099530, 3500099577, 3500099612, 3500099639, 3500099641, 3500099664, 3500099667, 3500099670, 3500099671, 7732647014, 7732647017, 7732647018, 7732647019, 7732647020, 7732683259, 7732683260, 7732683562, 81915602003, 81915602023, 81915602024, 81915602025, 81915602207, 81915602323, 81915602361, 82785400000, 82785400181, 82785400182, 82785400183, 82785400185, 82785400186, 82785400188, 82785400189, 82785400191, 82785400192, 82785400194, 82785400195, 82785400200, 82785400203, 82785400600, 82785400631, 82785400632, 82785400703, 82785400732, 82785400733, 82785400897, 82785401126, 82785401152, 82785401160, 82785401161, 82785401162, 82785401164, 82785401167, 82785401168, 82785401169, 82785401171, 82785401172, 82785401199, 82785401200, 82785401226, 82785401242, 82785401376, 82785401773, 82785401800, 82785401801, 82785401864
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF PRODUCT & QUANTITY STATED. No more than two (2) identical coupons for same product in same day. Do not send this coupon to Colgate-Palmolive. Void if transferred, sold, auctioned, reproduced or altered from original. You must pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Colgate-Palmolive will reimburse the face value plus up to 10.5¢ handling if submitted in accordance with our Redemption Policy. For policy and/or coupon redemption send to: Colgate-Palmolive 1119, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value 1/100¢. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price may be returned to consumer or applied to transaction. Coupon may not be bought, reproduced, transferred or sold. Void where prohibited or if transferred to any person, firm or group prior to store redemption. Valid only in the USA (not in Puerto Rico). Redeemable at Food, Drug, Discount & other stores accepting coupons. Colgate-Palmolive participates in the CIC® member Coupon Integrity Program

SAVE $4.00
Colgate Products
SAVE $4.00 On any TWO (2) Colgate® 360°® or Colgate Total® Manual Toothbrushes, Adult or Kids Battery Powered Toothbrushes (excludes Optic White® Pro Series® Adult Battery Powered Toothbrush), Mouthwashes or Mouth Rinses (500mL or larger)

Colgate Products
SAVE $4.00
SAVE $4.00 On any TWO (2) Colgate® 360°® or Colgate Total® Manual Toothbrushes, Adult or Kids Battery Powered Toothbrushes (excludes Optic White® Pro Series® Adult Battery Powered Toothbrush), Mouthwa.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3500032029, 3500045459, 3500045460, 3500045461, 3500045540, 3500045541, 3500045569, 3500045695, 3500046638, 3500047088, 3500047241, 3500047242, 3500067111, 3500067112, 3500067122, 3500067123, 3500067125, 3500067126, 3500067153, 3500067154, 3500067158, 3500068045, 3500068046, 3500068048, 3500068176, 3500068743, 3500068768, 3500068782, 3500068783, 3500068817, 3500068818, 3500097217, 3500097218, 3500097219, 3500097220, 3500097221, 3500097222, 3500097497, 3500097499, 3500097506, 3500098083, 3500098085, 3500098087, 3500098089, 3500098090, 3500098097, 3500098201, 3500098395, 3500098506, 3500098526, 3500099011, 3500099446, 3500099447, 3500099453, 3500099622, 3834110449, 5800014070, 5800014071, 5800031145, 82785400431, 82785400436, 82785400438, 82785400480, 82785400486, 82785401084, 82785401085, 82785401086, 82785401680, 82785401681, 82785401692, 82785401693, 82785401694, 82785401695, 82785401716, 82785401741, 82785401764, 82785401869, 82785401875
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF PRODUCT & QUANTITY STATED. No more than two (2) identical coupons for same product in same day. Do not send this coupon to Colgate-Palmolive. Void if transferred, sold, auctioned, reproduced or altered from original. You must pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Colgate-Palmolive will reimburse the face value plus up to 10.5¢ handling if submitted in accordance with our Redemption Policy. For policy and/or coupon redemption send to: Colgate-Palmolive 1119, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value 1/100¢. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price may be returned to consumer or applied to transaction. Coupon may not be bought, reproduced, transferred or sold. Void where prohibited or if transferred to any person, firm or group prior to store redemption. Valid only in the USA (not in Puerto Rico). Redeemable at Food, Drug, Discount & other stores accepting coupons. Colgate-Palmolive participates in the CIC® member Coupon Integrity Program

SAVE $4.00
Colgate Toothpaste
SAVE $4.00 On any ONE (1) Colgate® Optic White® Pro Series® or Renewal Toothpaste (including multipacks) or Optic White® Pro Series® Battery Powered Toothbrush

Colgate Toothpaste
SAVE $4.00
SAVE $4.00 On any ONE (1) Colgate® Optic White® Pro Series® or Renewal Toothpaste (including multipacks) or Optic White® Pro Series® Battery Powered Toothbrush.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3500099338, 3500099340, 3500099577, 82785400018, 82785401199, 82785401200, 82785401226, 82785401242
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF PRODUCT & QUANTITY STATED. No more than two (2) identical coupons for same product in same day. Do not send this coupon to Colgate-Palmolive. Void if transferred, sold, auctioned, reproduced or altered from original. You must pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Colgate-Palmolive will reimburse the face value plus up to 10.5¢ handling if submitted in accordance with our Redemption Policy. For policy and/or coupon redemption send to: Colgate-Palmolive 1119, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value 1/100¢. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price may be returned to consumer or applied to transaction. Coupon may not be bought, reproduced, transferred or sold. Void where prohibited or if transferred to any person, firm or group prior to store redemption. Valid only in the USA (not in Puerto Rico). Redeemable at Food, Drug, Discount & other stores accepting coupons. Colgate-Palmolive participates in the CIC® member Coupon Integrity Program

SAVE $5.00
SAVE $5.00 Off Any ONE (1) FIRST RESPONSE™ 2ct or Greater

SAVE $5.00
SAVE $5.00 Off Any ONE (1) FIRST RESPONSE™ 2ct or Greater.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
2260002020, 2260080005, 2260090125, 2260090126, 2260090127, 2260090133, 2260090140, 2260099964
Valid only for product, size stated. Limit one coupon per consumer. Consumer must pay sales tax. RETAILER: Only US retail distributors of product stated or others as specifically authorized by us may redeem coupon for face value plus 8¢ handling if terms of offer are met. Upon request, retailer must show invoices for enough stock to cover coupons presented. Cash value 1/100¢. Mail to: Church & Dwight Co., Inc., CMS Dept. #33200 Mfr Rcv Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, Ste 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. Void where prohibited, taxed, licensed, or restricted; or if copied, altered, or transferred. Church & Dwight Co., Inc is a part of the CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program ©2025 Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

Save $4.00
Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Dove Body Cream Serum

Save $4.00
Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Dove Body Cream Serum.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/1/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1111105145, 1111105146, 1111105147, 1111105148, 1111105149, 1111105180
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8c, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1c. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

$3.00 OFF
Advanced Eye Relief
$3.00 OFF any ONE (1) Advanced Eye Relief product

Advanced Eye Relief
$3.00 OFF
$3.00 OFF any ONE (1) Advanced Eye Relief product.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/2/2025.
Valid UPC's:
31011900252, 31011902003, 31011902010, 31011902068, 31011902224, 31011902225
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb. PN11627

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 off any ONE (1) Iberogast™ Liquid Drops or Soft Gels

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 off any ONE (1) Iberogast™ Liquid Drops or Soft Gels.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/2/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1650059838, 1650059839, 1650060071
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE on specified product(s), size(s) and quantity stated. LIMIT OF 4 EXACT SAME COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. You pay any sales tax. Void if copied, sold, transferred, altered, or auctioned. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at face value on the specified product(s). We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ if submitted in compliance with the Bayer HealthCare LLC Coupon Redemption Policy, incorporated herein by reference. USE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS MAY CONSTITUTE FRAUD AND MAY VOID ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED. Send coupons to: Bayer HealthCare LLC 1355, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash Value, 1/20th of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A.

SAVE $4.00
Dove Hair
SAVE $4.00 on any TWO (2) Dove Hair Care product (Excludes: Dove Men+ Care products, twin packs, regimen packs, trial and travel sizes)

Dove Hair
SAVE $4.00
SAVE $4.00 on any TWO (2) Dove Hair Care product (Excludes: Dove Men+ Care products, twin packs, regimen packs, trial and travel sizes).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/4/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4589303305, 4589303844, 4589303845, 4589308053, 7940005248, 7940005249, 7940005311, 7940005312, 7940007555, 7940007556, 7940012403, 7940012404, 7940020239, 7940020240, 7940020241, 7940020244, 7940020680, 7940020681, 7940020846, 7940020847, 7940027026, 7940027027, 7940031743, 7940031744, 7940040557, 7940040692, 7940044659, 7940044934, 7940044935, 7940045152, 7940045153, 7940045203, 7940045204, 7940045337, 7940045801, 7940045802, 7940045855, 7940045856, 7940045898, 7940045899, 7940045984, 7940045985, 7940045986, 7940046911, 7940047031, 7940047129, 7940047130, 7940047131, 7940047132, 7940047133, 7940047134, 7940047448, 7940047489, 7940047491, 7940047682, 7940047683, 7940047893, 7940047895, 7940047896, 7940047897, 7940047898, 7940047899, 7940047952, 7940047993, 7940047994, 7940048015, 7940048016, 7940048443, 7940048444, 7940048445, 7940048446, 7940048569, 7940048581, 7940048582, 7940048595, 7940048768, 7940048769, 7940048770, 7940048771, 7940048792, 7940048800, 7940048801, 7940049017, 7940049018, 7940049019, 7940049020, 7940049104, 7940049105, 7940049107, 7940049108, 7940049118, 7940049191, 7940049198, 7940049199, 7940049200, 7940049201, 7940049202, 7940049241, 7940049382, 7940049385, 7940049622, 7940049623, 7940049637, 7940049638, 7940049831, 7940049832, 7940049833, 7940049834, 7940049850, 7940049851, 7940049852, 7940049853, 7940049854, 7940049855, 7940049856, 7940049857, 7940049858, 7940049861, 7940049862, 7940049863, 7940049864, 7940049865, 7940049866, 7940049867, 7940049868, 7940049886, 7940049887, 7940049918, 7940049956, 7940050000, 7940050001, 7940050002, 7940050003, 7940050011, 7940050012, 7940050659, 7940050660, 7940050664, 7940050665, 7940050666, 7940050667, 7940050668, 7940050669, 7940050721, 7940050722, 7940050723, 7940050724, 7940050733, 7940050739, 7940050742, 7940050769, 7940050771, 7940050772, 7940050783, 7940050784, 7940050833, 7940050834, 7940050840, 7940050959, 7940050961, 7940051006, 7940051063, 7940051064, 7940051065, 7940051240, 7940051328, 7940051400, 7940051401, 7940051402, 7940051403, 7940051404, 7940051405, 7940051406, 7940051407, 7940051421, 7940051422, 7940051423, 7940051424, 7940051425, 7940051426, 7940051427, 7940051428, 7940051429, 7940051431, 7940051432, 7940051581, 7940051583, 7940051584, 7940051585, 7940051633, 7940051634, 7940051700, 7940051729, 7940051762, 7940051763, 7940051764, 7940051973, 7940051974, 7940051975, 7940051984, 7940056128, 7940056317, 7940056319, 7940058161, 7940058163, 7940064948, 7940064949, 7940065680, 7940067878, 7940067887, 7940067888, 7940067890, 7940067893, 7940067897, 7940067898, 7940069533, 7940069535, 7940069928, 7940070274, 7940070737, 7940071800, 7940071991, 7940071992, 7940072011, 7940072508, 7940072593, 7940086660, 7940086670, 7940099800, 7940099810, 7940099820
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

$1.00 OFF
$1.00 OFF ONE (1) Golden Star Jasmine Dry 2 lb

$1.00 OFF
$1.00 OFF ONE (1) Golden Star Jasmine Dry 2 lb.
Valid from 2/5/2025 to 3/7/2025.
Valid UPC's:
8596800120, 8596880120
CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per purchase. Void if copied, sold, or transferred. Consumer is responsible for all sales tax. Not eligible for doubling. RETAILER: LT Foods Americas, Inc. will reimburse you the face value of the coupon plus 8 cents handling if submitted in compliance with our coupon redemption policy. Redemption policy available upon request. Send coupon to: LT Foods Americas, Inc. # 1719, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001

Save $2.00
ZzzQuil Sleep Aid
Save $2.00 ONE Vicks ZzzQuil Product (excludes Nasal Strips and trial/travel size).

ZzzQuil Sleep Aid
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Vicks ZzzQuil Product (excludes Nasal Strips and trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5610007506, 5610007508, 5610007688, 5610007689, 5610007866, 32390001396, 32390001398, 32390001399, 32390001401, 32390001531, 32390001619, 32390001839, 32390001881, 32390002443, 32390002833, 32390002837, 32390002839, 32390003151, 32390003313, 32390003314, 32390003334, 32390003335, 32390003802, 32390003803, 32390003856, 32390003858, 32390003859, 32390003878, 32390004015, 32390004016, 32390004031, 32390004032, 32390004034, 32390004089, 32390004093, 32390004113, 32390004140, 32390004236, 32390004271, 32390004272, 32390004273, 32390004298, 32390004306, 32390004307, 32390004416
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
ZzzQuil Liquid Sleep Aid
Save $2.00 ONE ZzzQuil Nasal Strip Product

ZzzQuil Liquid Sleep Aid
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE ZzzQuil Nasal Strip Product.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
32390003296, 32390003297, 32390003298
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $2.00
ZzzQuil Sleep Aid
Save $2.00 ONE Vicks PUREZzzs Product (excludes trial/travel size).

ZzzQuil Sleep Aid
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 ONE Vicks PUREZzzs Product (excludes trial/travel size)..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
32390002886, 32390002997, 32390003021, 32390003022, 32390003040, 32390003041, 32390003045, 32390003049, 32390003071, 32390003072, 32390003073, 32390003096, 32390003097, 32390003116, 32390003117, 32390003118, 32390003122, 32390003123, 32390003149, 32390003200, 32390003201, 32390003202, 32390003317, 32390003318, 32390003319, 32390003366, 32390003752, 32390003753, 32390003754, 32390003782, 32390003783, 32390003784, 32390003785, 32390003798, 32390003799, 32390003800, 32390003936, 32390003937, 32390003939, 32390003995, 32390004009, 32390004012, 32390004021, 32390004022, 32390004043, 32390004044, 32390004045, 32390004046, 32390004087, 32390004091, 32390004092, 32390004108, 32390004109, 32390004118, 32390004124, 32390004125, 32390004143, 32390004148, 32390004149, 32390004154, 32390004168, 32390004229, 32390004230, 32390004231, 32390004232, 32390004233, 32390004237, 32390004245, 32390004246, 32390004247, 32390004250, 32390004252, 32390004253, 32390004254, 32390004255, 32390004266, 32390004281, 32390004283, 32390004284, 32390004285, 32390004287, 32390004288, 32390004305, 32390004327, 32390004328, 32390004341, 32390004349, 32390004350, 32390004351, 32390004360, 32390004433, 32390004434, 32390004435, 32390004436, 32390004437, 32390004438, 32390004458, 32390004459, 32390004465, 32390004478, 32390004479, 32390004530, 32390004531
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $10.00
Save $10.00 ONE Spruce Snap & Spray Weed & Grass Killer 64 oz Powered Starter Kit.

Save $10.00
Save $10.00 ONE Spruce Snap & Spray Weed & Grass Killer 64 oz Powered Starter Kit..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
Dealer: Submission to Procter & Gamble signifies compliance with 'Requirements for Proper Coupon Redemption.' Please visit this link for coupon terms for proper redemption: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/partners_suppliers/PG_Coupon_Terms_of_Proper_Redemption.pdf. Limit of one coupon per item. Consumer: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupons are not authorized if purchasing products for resale. You may pay sales tax. Not valid in Puerto Rico. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager's Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® Facial Moisturizer, Serum or Treatment (excludes Acne, Clearance, Masks,& Trial & Travel size)

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® Facial Moisturizer, Serum or Treatment (excludes Acne, Clearance, Masks,& Trial & Travel size).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7050102121, 7050102122, 7050102123, 7050102124, 7050102373, 7050106482, 7050106486, 7050106631, 7050106919, 7050106963, 7050106964, 7050107823, 7050107835, 7050107862, 7050107864, 7050107865, 7050107872, 7050107873, 7050110013, 7050110248, 7050110250, 7050110389, 7050110391, 7050111036, 7050111047, 7050111049, 7050111098, 7050111107, 7050111108, 7050111355, 7050111356, 7050112121, 8680010251, 8680011347
CONSUMER: This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated. Any other use constitutes fraud. COUPON CANNOT BE BOUGHT, TRANSFERRED OR SOLD. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE AND ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VOID IF TAXED, RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED BY LAW. VOID IF COPIED OR EXPIRED. RETAILER: Kenvue Brands LLC. will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in compliance with Kenvue Brands LLC. Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupons are void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. Cash Redemption Value 1/100 cent. Send coupons to: Kenvue Brands LLC. 1453, NCH, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. © Kenvue Brands LLC 2025

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 off any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® SUN product (excludes travel & trial sizes

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 off any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® SUN product (excludes travel & trial sizes.
Valid from 1/5/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7050104750, 7050111281, 7050111342, 8680006407, 8680006411, 8680006418, 8680006419, 8680006420, 8680006645, 8680006646, 8680006649, 8680006650, 8680006744, 8680006745, 8680006746, 8680006747, 8680006748, 8680006749, 8680006750, 8680006754, 8680006782, 8680006797, 8680006798, 8680007266, 8680007269, 8680007270, 8680007834, 8680010032, 8680010038, 8680010039, 8680010040, 8680010043, 8680010273, 8680010274, 8680010310, 8680010355, 8680010357, 8680010358, 8680010359, 8680010383, 8680011080, 8680011081, 8680011082, 8680011134, 8680011151, 8680011153, 8680011158, 8680011175, 8680011253, 8680011254, 8680011282, 8680011291, 8680011292, 8680011294, 8680019333, 8680019370, 8680019416, 8680019417, 8680019422, 8680019456, 8680019480, 8680019481, 8680019488, 8680019489, 8680022170, 8680028792, 8680068770, 8680068785, 8680068790, 8680068795, 8680086031, 8680087025, 8680087270, 8680087271, 8680087272, 8680087273, 8680087274, 8680087275
CONSUMER: This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated. Any other use constitutes fraud. COUPON CANNOT BE BOUGHT, TRANSFERRED OR SOLD. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE AND ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VOID IF TAXED, RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED BY LAW. VOID IF COPIED OR EXPIRED. RETAILER: Kenvue Brands LLC. will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in compliance with Kenvue Brands LLC. Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupons are void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. Cash Redemption Value 1/100 cent. Send coupons to: Kenvue Brands LLC. 1453, NCH, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. © Kenvue Brands LLC 2025

Save $6.00
Air Wick®
Save $6.00 on any ONE (1) AIR WICK® Essential Mist® Starter Kit

Air Wick®
Save $6.00
Save $6.00 on any ONE (1) AIR WICK® Essential Mist® Starter Kit.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
6233800026, 6233800076, 6233800077, 6233800078, 6233800079, 6233800162, 6233800531, 6233800566, 6233800567, 6233800568, 6233800569, 6233800584, 6233800829, 6233801014, 6233801100, 6233801118, 6233801119, 6233801120, 6233801121, 6233801122, 6233801123, 6233801223, 6233801224, 6233801225, 6233801226, 6233801959, 6233802025, 6233802038, 6233802040, 6233802114, 6233802115, 6233802248, 6233802249, 6233802318, 6233802323, 6233802395, 6233802512, 6233802514, 6233802515, 6233802516, 6233802517, 6233802588, 6233802589, 6233802590, 6233802591, 6233802714, 6233802897, 6233803158, 6233803186, 6233803340, 6233803341, 6233803342, 6233803343, 6233803549, 6233808681, 6233808682, 6233808694, 6233857032, 6233874766, 6233881652, 6233881653, 6233881660, 6233881681, 6233881684, 6233898550, 6233898576, 6233898577, 6233898578, 6233899503, 6233899505, 6233899519, 6233899577
Consumer and Retailer: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF SPECIFIED PRODUCT AND QUANTITY STATED. NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER COUPON(S). LIMIT OF TWO (2) LIKE COUPONS IN SAME SHOPPING TRIP. VOID IF REPRODUCED, PURCHASED, TRADED OR SOLD. ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD. Consumer: You pay any sales tax. Retailer: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon in acceptance with RB Coupon Redemption Policy: face value plus 8¢. Send coupons to: Reckitt Benckiser LLC. Inmar Dept. #26600, Mfr Rcv Office 801 UNION PACIFIC BLVD STE 5 LAREDO TX 78045-9475. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A. Void where prohibited. © 2025 Reckitt Benckiser LLC

Save $4.00
Save $4.00 on any TWO(2) Vaseline® Products (excludes Trial & Travel sizes)

Save $4.00
Save $4.00 on any TWO(2) Vaseline® Products (excludes Trial & Travel sizes).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
30521004222, 30521004288, 30521004355, 30521004359, 30521004360, 30521004464, 30521004465, 30521004487, 30521004506, 30521004643, 30521004644, 30521004646, 30521004670, 30521004674, 30521004676, 30521004678, 30521004760, 30521004761, 30521004777, 30521004791, 30521004803, 30521006927, 30521007114, 30521013441, 30521013442, 30521014254, 30521014255, 30521014301, 30521028730, 30521041638, 30521041639, 30521069100, 30521232600, 30521233500, 30521235200, 30521307700, 30521307900, 30521308400, 30521308700, 30521309100, 30521309300
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any TWO (2) SheaMoisture Facecare or Hand & Body Lotion Items

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any TWO (2) SheaMoisture Facecare or Hand & Body Lotion Items.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
76430201511, 76430201515, 76430201517, 76430201543, 76430201544, 76430201560, 76430201563, 76430201649, 76430201663, 76430201691, 76430201701, 76430201980, 76430201981, 76430201982, 76430201983, 76430201984, 76430202081, 76430202082, 76430202084, 76430202298, 76430202299, 76430202451, 76430202558, 76430202559, 76430202567, 76430202568, 76430202569, 76430202591, 76430202594, 76430202595, 76430202597, 76430202609, 76430202621, 76430220021, 76430220028, 76430220365, 76430220386, 76430220409, 76430220411, 76430220416, 76430220424, 76430220425, 76430220428, 76430220429, 76430220430, 76430220460, 76430221106, 76430221306, 76430223163, 76430227000, 76430227001, 76430227006, 76430227027, 76430227028, 76430227029, 76430227031, 76430227034, 76430227062, 76430227063, 76430228001, 76430229001, 76430229006, 76430229009, 76430229013, 76430229016
LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on products and quantity specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. NO CASH BACK. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8c, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1c. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

SAVE $5.00
SheaMoisture® Hair
SAVE $5.00 on any TWO (2) SheaMoisture® hair product (excludes: single-use packettes, trial and travel size)

SheaMoisture® Hair
SAVE $5.00
SAVE $5.00 on any TWO (2) SheaMoisture® hair product (excludes: single-use packettes, trial and travel size).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
76430201507, 76430201508, 76430201564, 76430201567, 76430201568, 76430201573, 76430201577, 76430201588, 76430201589, 76430201602, 76430201608, 76430201666, 76430201667, 76430201668, 76430201669, 76430201671, 76430201672, 76430201673, 76430201674, 76430201675, 76430201689, 76430201717, 76430201718, 76430201719, 76430201720, 76430201722, 76430201723, 76430201725, 76430201726, 76430201818, 76430201819, 76430201931, 76430201957, 76430201959, 76430201960, 76430202062, 76430202063, 76430202065, 76430202066, 76430202067, 76430202068, 76430202071, 76430202072, 76430202073, 76430202074, 76430202075, 76430202076, 76430202078, 76430202079, 76430202080, 76430202081, 76430202082, 76430202083, 76430202084, 76430202085, 76430202086, 76430202281, 76430202307, 76430202308, 76430202309, 76430202310, 76430202311, 76430202312, 76430202313, 76430202314, 76430202319, 76430202368, 76430202403, 76430202404, 76430202416, 76430202417, 76430202467, 76430202468, 76430202470, 76430202471, 76430202473, 76430202474, 76430202475, 76430202477, 76430202478, 76430202598, 76430202599, 76430202662, 76430202663, 76430202665, 76430202666, 76430219033, 76430219034, 76430219037, 76430219038, 76430219039, 76430219040, 76430219041, 76430219042, 76430219050, 76430219051, 76430219053, 76430219060, 76430219400, 76430219401, 76430219402, 76430219403, 76430219404, 76430219405, 76430219406, 76430220042, 76430220043, 76430220044, 76430220045, 76430220046, 76430220047, 76430220048, 76430220049, 76430220050, 76430220051, 76430220052, 76430220053, 76430220115, 76430220116, 76430220117, 76430220120, 76430220121, 76430220122, 76430220136, 76430220137, 76430220139, 76430220146, 76430220200, 76430220201, 76430220202, 76430220203, 76430220204, 76430220205, 76430220206, 76430220207, 76430220210, 76430220213, 76430220400, 76430220402, 76430220403, 76430220404, 76430220417, 76430220418, 76430220419, 76430220420, 76430220421, 76430220422, 76430220447, 76430220448, 76430220461, 76430220463, 76430220464, 76430220478, 76430220481, 76430220482, 76430220483, 76430220484, 76430220485, 76430220487, 76430220488, 76430220490, 76430220491, 76430220528, 76430220529, 76430220530, 76430220531, 76430220532, 76430220534, 76430220535, 76430220536, 76430220700, 76430220701, 76430220702, 76430220703, 76430220704, 76430220802, 76430220803, 76430220805, 76430220813, 76430220815, 76430220816, 76430220823, 76430220824, 76430220825, 76430220826, 76430220830, 76430220831, 76430220832, 76430220833, 76430220834, 76430220849, 76430220850, 76430221018, 76430221019, 76430221020, 76430221021, 76430221022, 76430221450, 76430221451, 76430221453, 76430221464, 76430221465, 76430221542, 76430221543, 76430221544, 76430221545, 76430221546, 76430221547, 76430221548, 76430221552, 76430221553, 76430221555, 76430221557, 76430221559, 76430221565, 76430221566, 76430221567, 76430221569, 76430221570, 76430221571, 76430221579, 76430221580, 76430221581, 76430221583, 76430221584, 76430221585, 76430221591, 76430221592, 76430221593, 76430221594, 76430221597, 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76430226120, 76430226121, 76430226122, 76430226123, 76430226124, 76430226125, 76430226126, 76430226128, 76430226301, 76430226302, 76430226304, 76430226309, 76430226315, 76430226501, 76430227020, 76430227021, 76430227024, 76430227083, 76430227104, 76430227106, 76430227108, 76430227114, 76430227140, 76430227141, 76430227142, 76430227143, 76430227144, 76430227150, 76430227151, 76430227152, 76430227153, 76430228020, 76430228021, 76430228023, 76430228024, 76430228061, 76430228063, 76430228066, 76430228083, 76430228084, 76430228085, 76430228091, 76430228092, 76430228098, 76430228110, 76430228119, 76430228130, 76430229020, 76430229022, 76430229023, 76430229024, 76430229027, 76430229031, 76430229043, 76430229045, 76430229046, 76430229047, 76430229048, 76430229060, 76430229061, 76430229062, 76430229063, 76430229073, 76430229074, 76430229078, 76430229108, 76430229112, 76430229131, 76430229132, 76430229136, 76430231061, 76430231237, 76430231238, 76430231240, 76430231241, 76430231242, 76430231243, 76430231244, 76430231245, 76430231246, 76430231247, 76430231248, 76430231249, 76430231250, 76430231251, 76430231252, 76430231253, 76430231254, 76430231255, 76430231256, 76430231259, 76430231260, 76430231265, 76430231266, 76430231267, 76430231320, 76430231321, 76430231322, 76430231323, 76430231324, 76430231325, 76430231326, 76430231327, 76430231328, 76430231329, 76430231333, 76430231334, 76430231335, 76430231336, 76430231339, 76430231343, 76430231354, 76430231355, 76430231356, 76430231425, 76430231426, 76430231431, 76430231432, 76430231433, 76430231434, 76430231439, 76430231440, 76430231588, 76430231589, 76430290220, 76430290221, 76430290222, 76430290500, 76430290501, 76430290502, 76430290503, 76430290514
Consumer: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on product/quantity specified and MAXIMUM OF TWO (2) IDENTICAL COUPONS allowed in same shopping trip. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Coupon value may not exceed value of item purchased. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. Retailer: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8¢, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

SAVE $8.00
SAVE $8.00 on any TWO (2) Nexxus® product (excludes Nexxus® 5.1 oz. Wash & Care, Masques Sachets, trial and travel sizes)

SAVE $8.00
SAVE $8.00 on any TWO (2) Nexxus® product (excludes Nexxus® 5.1 oz. Wash & Care, Masques Sachets, trial and travel sizes).
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
60559200001, 60559200002, 60559200003, 60559200004, 60559200503, 60559200507, 60559200512, 60559200513, 60559200518, 60559200519, 60559200520, 60559200521, 60559200526, 60559200527, 60559200571, 60559200572, 60559200583, 60559200589, 60559200592, 60559200616, 60559200618, 60559200623, 60559200642, 60559200675, 60559200676, 60559200682, 60559200683, 60559200684, 60559200725, 60559200726, 60559200729, 60559200730, 60559200752, 60559200757, 60559200758, 60559200791, 60559200792, 60559200795, 60559200796, 60559200797, 60559200798, 60559200823, 60559200824, 60559200825, 60559200826, 60559200827, 60559200828, 60559200831, 60559200832, 60559200833, 60559200834, 60559200836, 60559200837, 60559200866, 60559200867, 60559200876, 60559200877, 60559200881, 60559200887, 60559200888, 60559209175, 60559209176, 60559209275, 60559209276, 60559209304, 60559209314, 60559209316, 60559210553, 60559210573, 60559211053, 60559214053, 60559221053, 60559221553, 60559221573, 60559226343, 60559226344, 60559226346, 60559235632, 60559240965, 60559241072, 60559241617, 60559241618, 60559241638, 60559241641, 60559264663, 60559265618, 60559272482
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE on product/ quantity specified and MAXIMUM OF TWO (2) IDENTICAL COUPONS allowed in same shopping trip. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. COUPON VALUE MAY NOT EXCEED VALUE OF ITEM PURCHASED. Consumer pays sales tax. Redeemable at participating retail stores. Valid only in the U.S. NOT VALID IN PUERTO RICO. RETAILER: Unilever, Inc. 1370, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001 will reimburse the face value of this coupon, plus 8c, if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Cash value 1/100th of 1c. Any use of this coupon not specified herein constitutes fraud. © 2025 UNILEVER

Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) CLEAN & CLEAR® product (excludes single use masks & travel/trial sizes products)

Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) CLEAN & CLEAR® product (excludes single use masks & travel/trial sizes products).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
38137001014, 38137001617, 38137001619, 38137001666, 38137001668, 38137001933, 38137001936, 38137002108, 38137002109, 38137002273, 38137002330, 38137002340, 38137002560, 38137002786, 38137002792, 38137003289, 38137003342, 38137003353, 38137003361, 38137003367, 38137003377, 38137003387, 38137003405, 38137003566, 38137003572, 38137003593, 38137003991, 38137101503, 38137102080, 38137102082, 38137102205, 38137102230, 38137102236, 38137102408, 38137102517, 38137102597, 38137102949, 38137102951, 38137102955, 38137102956, 38137112861, 38137112884, 38137115072, 38137115349, 38137115563, 38137115686, 38137115687, 38137115764, 38137115767, 38137115960, 38137116136, 38137116375, 38137116853, 38137116976, 38137117795, 38137117981, 38137118076, 38137118096, 38137118188, 38137118238, 38137118239, 38137118240, 38137118241, 38137118242, 38137118378, 38137118794, 38137118999, 38137119001, 38137119066, 38137119067, 38137119068, 38137119123, 38137119124, 38137119159, 38137119285, 38137119606, 38137119607, 38137119609, 38137202001, 38137202207
CONSUMER: This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated. Any other use constitutes fraud. COUPON CANNOT BE BOUGHT, TRANSFERRED OR SOLD. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE AND ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VOID IF TAXED, RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED BY LAW. VOID IF COPIED OR EXPIRED. RETAILER: Kenvue Brands LLC. will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in compliance with Kenvue Brands LLC. Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupons are void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. Cash Redemption Value 1/100 cent. Send coupons to: Kenvue Brands LLC. 1453, NCH, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. © Kenvue Brands LLC 2025

Save $2.50
Save $2.50 off any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® Liquid Cleanser (excludes bars, discontinued items, trial/travel sizes, concentrate refill packs, makeup removers & wipes)

Save $2.50
Save $2.50 off any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® Liquid Cleanser (excludes bars, discontinued items, trial/travel sizes, concentrate refill packs, makeup removers & wipes).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7050101180, 7050102700, 7050104717, 7050104718, 7050104790, 7050105021, 7050105035, 7050106090, 7050106095, 7050106422, 7050106423, 7050106424, 7050106432, 7050106433, 7050106453, 7050106636, 7050106641, 7050106901, 7050106968, 7050106969, 7050110123, 7050110216, 7050110217, 7050110272, 7050111099, 7050111150, 7050111274, 7050111275, 7050140026, 7050140027, 7050187295
CONSUMER: This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated. Any other use constitutes fraud. COUPON CANNOT BE BOUGHT, TRANSFERRED OR SOLD. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE AND ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VOID IF TAXED, RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED BY LAW. VOID IF COPIED OR EXPIRED. RETAILER: Kenvue Brands LLC. will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in compliance with Kenvue Brands LLC. Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupons are void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. Cash Redemption Value 1/100 cent. Send coupons to: Kenvue Brands LLC. 1453, NCH, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. © Kenvue Brands LLC 2025

Save $4.00
Save $4.00 off any TWO (2) NEUTROGENA® Cleansing Towelettes 25ct or larger

Save $4.00
Save $4.00 off any TWO (2) NEUTROGENA® Cleansing Towelettes 25ct or larger.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7050102527, 7050105100, 7050105105, 7050105355, 7050110119, 7050110308, 7050110352, 7050111090, 7050120008, 7050120014, 7050125032, 7050125105, 7050131544, 7050131546, 7050137393
CONSUMER: This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated. Any other use constitutes fraud. COUPON CANNOT BE BOUGHT, TRANSFERRED OR SOLD. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE AND ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VOID IF TAXED, RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED BY LAW. VOID IF COPIED OR EXPIRED. RETAILER: Kenvue Brands LLC. will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in compliance with Kenvue Brands LLC. Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupons are void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. Cash Redemption Value 1/100 cent. Send coupons to: Kenvue Brands LLC. 1453, NCH, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. © Kenvue Brands LLC 2025

SAVE $3.00
Mucinex or Delsym
SAVE $3.00 on Any ONE (1) Mucinex or Delsym product, excluding Instasoothe

Mucinex or Delsym
SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 on Any ONE (1) Mucinex or Delsym product, excluding Instasoothe.
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
36382400815, 36382400820, 36382400836, 36382400840, 36382400850, 36382400886, 36382401064, 36382401465, 36382401470, 36382401477, 36382401478, 36382401565, 36382401866, 36382401969, 36382402066, 36382402307, 36382402314, 36382402328, 36382402346, 36382404124, 36382405026, 36382405033, 36382405620, 36382405636, 36382405640, 36382405718, 36382405736, 36382407207, 36382407214, 36382407228, 36382407246, 36382412504, 36382417163, 36382417165, 36382417563, 36382417565, 36382417772, 36382417775, 36382419052, 36382419120, 36382419144, 36382419220, 36382419320, 36382420120, 36382420144, 36382421264, 36382421366, 36382421367, 36382421368, 36382421464, 36382421467, 36382421822, 36382424220, 36382425612, 36382426166, 36382426268, 36382426271, 36382426272, 36382426273, 36382426274, 36382427055, 36382427057, 36382427263, 36382427265, 36382427464, 36382427663, 36382427665, 36382427764, 36382427864, 36382427967, 36382451067, 36382458616, 36382459024, 36382459516, 36382460064, 36382460069, 36382460071, 36382468616, 36382468824, 36382469216, 36382469222, 36382481991, 36382481994, 36382483436, 36382490994, 36382493908, 36382496080, 36382496314, 36382499508, 36382499514, 36382499515, 36382499516, 36382499526, 36382499527, 36382499530, 36382499531, 36382499532, 36382499538, 36382499547, 36382499618, 36382499696, 36382499697, 36382499730, 36382499731, 36382499750, 36382499787, 36382499788, 36382499789, 36382499794, 36382499823
Consumer and Retailer: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF SPECIFIED PRODUCT AND QUANTITY STATED. NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER COUPON(S). LIMIT OF TWO (2) LIKE COUPONS IN SAME SHOPPING TRIP. VOID IF REPRODUCED, PURCHASED, TRADED OR SOLD. ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD. Consumer: You pay any sales tax. Retailer: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon in acceptance with RB Coupon Redemption Policy: face value plus 8¢. Send coupons to: RB Health. Inmar Dept. #63824, 1 Fawcett Drive, Del Rio, TX 78840. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Good only in the U.S.A. Void where prohibited. ©2025 RB HEALTH

Save $1.50
Save $1.50 on ONE (1) Palmer's® Product (excludes trial sizes, Swivel Stick®, Lip Balms, Soaps, Hair Sachets)

Save $1.50
Save $1.50 on ONE (1) Palmer's® Product (excludes trial sizes, Swivel Stick®, Lip Balms, Soaps, Hair Sachets).
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/8/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1018102300, 1018102370, 1018102510, 1018102513, 1018102520, 1018102525, 1018102539, 1018102593, 1018103100, 1018103235, 1018103238, 1018103242, 1018103245, 1018103265, 1018103270, 1018103275, 1018103278, 1018103280, 1018103285, 1018103287, 1018103288, 1018103313, 1018103320, 1018103380, 1018103408, 1018103510, 1018103511, 1018103512, 1018103513, 1018103516, 1018103517, 1018103518, 1018103519, 1018103520, 1018103522, 1018103543, 1018103550, 1018103573, 1018103598, 1018103810, 1018103900, 1018104000, 1018104008, 1018104009, 1018104017, 1018104031, 1018104035, 1018104037, 1018104050, 1018104052, 1018104064, 1018104070, 1018104076, 1018104091, 1018104100, 1018104105, 1018104109, 1018104116, 1018104119, 1018104123, 1018104128, 1018104129, 1018104130, 1018104134, 1018104138, 1018104139, 1018104153, 1018104158, 1018104159, 1018104165, 1018104170, 1018104171, 1018104172, 1018104173, 1018104180, 1018104187, 1018104189, 1018104195, 1018104264, 1018104272, 1018104280, 1018104296, 1018104335, 1018104350, 1018104351, 1018104352, 1018104355, 1018104359, 1018104371, 1018104372, 1018104376, 1018104378, 1018104391, 1018104392, 1018104393, 1018104399, 1018104439, 1018104510, 1018104545, 1018104565, 1018104566, 1018104573, 1018104580, 1018104670, 1018104680, 1018104701, 1018104710, 1018104744, 1018104771, 1018104773, 1018104784, 1018104785, 1018104801, 1018104802, 1018104803, 1018104810, 1018104980, 1018105000, 1018105008, 1018105165, 1018105170, 1018105180, 1018105280, 1018105335, 1018105355, 1018105593, 1018105594, 1018105595, 1018105810, 1018107230, 1018107239, 1018107380, 1018107386, 1018107515, 1018107529, 1018107550, 1018107555, 1018107595, 1018107636, 1018107650, 1018107706, 1018107710, 1018108000, 1018108001, 1018113265, 1018113280, 1018114000, 1018114008, 1018114165, 1018114180, 1018114565, 1018114580, 1018115008, 1018115165, 1018115180
Consumer: Limit one coupon per purchase on product specified. Void if reproduced, transferred, used to purchase products for resale or where prohibited/regulated by law. Redeemable at your favorite participating drug, mass merchandise or food store. Consumer pays sales tax. Retailer: You are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon in accordance with the E.T. Browne Drug Co., Inc. coupon redemption policy, available upon request. We will reimburse you for the face value plus 8¢ handling. Void where prohibited. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Send coupons to: E.T. Browne Drug Co. 1192, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001.

SAVE $2.00
Arm Hammer Litter
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER Black Box Litter, Clump & Seal or Slide Litter

Arm Hammer Litter
SAVE $2.00
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER Black Box Litter, Clump & Seal or Slide Litter.
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/9/2025.
Valid UPC's:
3320000183, 3320000184, 3320000185, 3320000992, 3320002142, 3320002143, 3320002202, 3320002204, 3320002291, 3320002292, 3320094196, 3320097353, 3320097354, 3320097356, 3320097357, 3320097359, 3320097360, 3320097428
Valid only for product, size stated. Limit one coupon per purchase. Consumer must pay sales tax. RETAILER: Only US retail distributors of product stated or others as specifically authorized by us may redeem coupon for face value plus 8¢ handling if terms of offer are met. Upon request, retailer must show invoices for enough stock to cover coupons presented. Cash value 1/100¢. Mail to: Church & Dwight Co., Inc., CMS Dept. #33200 Mfr Rcv Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, Ste 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. Void where prohibited, taxed, licensed, or restricted; or if copied, altered, or transferred. Church & Dwight Co., Inc is a part of the CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. ©2025 Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 any ONE (1) Differin® acne product

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 any ONE (1) Differin® acne product.
Valid from 1/28/2025 to 3/10/2025.
Valid UPC's:
30299022008, 30299022057, 30299022072, 30299022106, 30299022108, 30299022120, 30299085108, 30299413100, 30299413200, 30299413700, 30299460600, 30299460900, 30299461100, 30299491010, 30299491040, 30299491300, 30299492030, 30299492045
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER SPECIFIED ITEM(S) PURCHASED. LIMIT 2 LIKE COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred or exchanged. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. You must pay sales tax where applicable. RETAILER: Galderma Laboratories, L.P. will redeem this coupon per policy found at http://prodnch.wpengine.com/wp content/uploads/2021/07/Galderma-Laboratories Coupon-Redemption-Policy.pdf. GOOD ONLY IN THE USA, APOs, FPOs. Cash value: 1/20?. Mail to: Galderma Laboratories 1740, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001.

Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Theraflu product

Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Theraflu product.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/10/2025.
Valid UPC's:
30067116957, 30067120350, 30067122076, 30067298180, 30067298190, 30067298200, 30067298240, 30067327240, 30067328130, 30067328520, 30067331970, 30067332000, 30067434939, 30067434942, 30067435009, 30067435014, 30067435023, 30067642606, 30067642611, 30067642706, 30067791606, 30067791706, 30067791806, 30067791812, 30067791912, 30067812406, 30067812516, 30067812708, 30067812808, 30067813008, 30067813208, 30067813620, 30067813720, 30067813840
Redeemable at food, drug and mass merchandise stores. CONSUMER: Limit 1 coupon per purchase of indicated product(s). You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Haleon group of companies will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 12¢ Handling Fee if submitted in compliance with our Redemption Policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Coupon is void if altered, transferred, exchanged, sold or auctioned, copied or if prohibited by law. Good only in USA and at APOs, FPOs. Send coupons to: Haleon group of companies, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. ©2025 Haleon group of companies. Read and follow label directions.

Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Robitussin product

Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Robitussin product.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/10/2025.
Valid UPC's:
30031209404, 30031209448, 30031209554, 30031209561, 30031209581, 30031301800, 30031301820, 30031301850, 30031301860, 30031301870, 30031340682, 30031340743, 30031340774, 30031869213, 30031869312, 30031870419, 30031871510, 30031871513, 30031871612, 30031871813, 30031871818, 30031871910, 30031871920, 30031873612, 30031873712, 30031873912, 30031873918, 30031873942, 30031874120, 30031874220, 30031874320, 30031875012, 30031875018, 30031875112, 30031875118, 30031875212, 30031875612, 30031875618, 30031875712, 30031875718, 30031875812, 30031875818, 30031875912, 30031876012, 30031876212, 30031876504, 30031876508, 30031876516, 30031877012, 30031877018, 30031877112, 30031877118, 30031878440, 30031878518, 30031878618, 30031879030, 30031879340, 30031879440
Redeemable at food, drug and mass merchandise stores. CONSUMER: Limit 1 coupon per purchase of indicated product(s). You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Haleon group of companies will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 12¢ Handling Fee if submitted in compliance with our Redemption Policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Coupon is void if altered, transferred, exchanged, sold or auctioned, copied or if prohibited by law. Good only in USA and at APOs, FPOs. Send coupons to: Haleon group of companies, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. ©2025 Haleon group of companies. Read and follow label directions.

Save $2.00
Advil Respiratory
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Advil Respiratory product

Advil Respiratory
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Advil Respiratory product.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/10/2025.
Valid UPC's:
30573018010, 30573018021, 30573018416, 30573018432, 30573018810, 30573019001, 30573019010, 30573019020, 30573019601, 30573019610, 30573019620, 30573019901, 30573019911, 30573019921
Redeemable at food, drug and mass merchandise stores. CONSUMER: Limit 1 coupon per purchase of indicated product(s). You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Haleon group of companies will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 12¢ Handling Fee if submitted in compliance with our Redemption Policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Coupon is void if altered, transferred, exchanged, sold or auctioned, copied or if prohibited by law. Good only in USA and at APOs, FPOs. Send coupons to: Haleon group of companies, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. ©2025 Haleon group of companies. Read and follow label directions.

Save $2.00
Cat Chow®
Save $2.00 on ONE (1) 3.15 lb bag of Cat Chow® Naturals Dry Cat Food

Cat Chow®
Save $2.00
Save $2.00 on ONE (1) 3.15 lb bag of Cat Chow® Naturals Dry Cat Food.
Valid from 1/1/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780011322, 1780017156, 1780018169
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at http://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions . Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE $4.00
Cat Chow®
SAVE $4.00 on ONE (1) 13 lb or larger bag of Cat Chow® Naturals Dry Cat Food

Cat Chow®
SAVE $4.00
SAVE $4.00 on ONE (1) 13 lb or larger bag of Cat Chow® Naturals Dry Cat Food.
Valid from 1/1/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780014500, 1780016257, 1780017162, 1780017163, 1780017957
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at http://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions . Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

General Mills Fruit Snacks
SAVE $1.00 ON ONE when you buy ONE BOX any flavor/variety 12 COUNT OR LARGER Betty Crocker™ Fruit by the Foot™ fruit snacks

General Mills Fruit Snacks
SAVE $1.00 ON ONE when you buy ONE BOX any flavor/variety 12 COUNT OR LARGER Betty Crocker™ Fruit by the Foot™ fruit snacks .
Valid from 2/1/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1600014705, 1600014879, 1600016213, 1600016713, 1600017884, 1600022659, 1600022788, 1600022866, 1600041909, 1600044561
Void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. One coupon per purchase of specified product(s). Good only in USA, APOs & FPOs. CONSUMER: No other coupon may be used with this coupon. Consumer pays any sales tax. RETAILER: General Mills will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus handling if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 cent. Send to GENERAL MILLS 8, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso TX 88588-0001 or an authorized clearinghouse.

Pillsbury™ Frozen
SAVE $1.00 ON TWO when you buy TWO any flavor/variety Pillsbury™ Frozen Products listed: Toaster Strudel™ • Toaster Scrambles™ • Grands!™ Frozen Biscuits • Frozen Pie Crust • Frozen Waffles • Mini Cinnis™

Pillsbury™ Frozen
SAVE $1.00 ON TWO when you buy TWO any flavor/variety Pillsbury™ Frozen Products listed: Toaster Strudel™ • Toaster Scrambles™ • Grands!™ Frozen Biscuits • Frozen Pie Crust • Frozen Waffles • Mini Cin.
Valid from 2/1/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1800010339, 1800011396, 1800011967, 1800012575, 1800013166, 1800013169, 1800013582, 1800013583, 1800013584, 1800013585, 1800013873, 1800013875, 1800013876, 1800013877, 1800042433, 1800042587, 1800042688, 1800042689, 1800042691, 1800042692, 1800042696, 1800042697, 1800042698, 1800042742, 1800042744, 1800042792, 1800042793, 1800044759, 1800044762, 1800044763, 1800046661, 1800046662, 1800047609, 1800047741, 1800047742, 1800047748, 1800073412, 1800085133, 1800085134, 1800085138, 1800085516, 1800085517, 1800085518, 1800085558
Void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. One coupon per purchase of specified product(s). Good only in USA, APOs & FPOs. CONSUMER: No other coupon may be used with this coupon. Consumer pays any sales tax. RETAILER: General Mills will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus handling if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 cent. Send to GENERAL MILLS 8, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso TX 88588-0001 or an authorized clearinghouse.

Pillsbury™ Refrigerated
SAVE $1.00 ON TWO when you buy any TWO Pillsbury™ Refrigerated Baked Goods Products

Pillsbury™ Refrigerated
SAVE $1.00 ON TWO when you buy any TWO Pillsbury™ Refrigerated Baked Goods Products .
Valid from 2/1/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1800000013, 1800000014, 1800000017, 1800000031, 1800000032, 1800000048, 1800000058, 1800000059, 1800000061, 1800000075, 1800000076, 1800000079, 1800000085, 1800000098, 1800000099, 1800000108, 1800000109, 1800000112, 1800000123, 1800000124, 1800000127, 1800000128, 1800000134, 1800000158, 1800000159, 1800000164, 1800000182, 1800000183, 1800000185, 1800000186, 1800000187, 1800000188, 1800000206, 1800000207, 1800000210, 1800000211, 1800000216, 1800000218, 1800000219, 1800000235, 1800000236, 1800000254, 1800000260, 1800000261, 1800000315, 1800000316, 1800000317, 1800000318, 1800000338, 1800000401, 1800000402, 1800000415, 1800000420, 1800000465, 1800000468, 1800000501, 1800000507, 1800000509, 1800000512, 1800000526, 1800000724, 1800000725, 1800000731, 1800000735, 1800000757, 1800000918, 1800010019, 1800010681, 1800010763, 1800011272, 1800011273, 1800011559, 1800011624, 1800011709, 1800011759, 1800011761, 1800011899, 1800011925, 1800011927, 1800011928, 1800011929, 1800011931, 1800011932, 1800011933, 1800011934, 1800011935, 1800011936, 1800011937, 1800011938, 1800011961, 1800012196, 1800012274, 1800012349, 1800012436, 1800012438, 1800012439, 1800012447, 1800012449, 1800012462, 1800012467, 1800012555, 1800012594, 1800012625, 1800012689, 1800012784, 1800013079, 1800013081, 1800013082, 1800013126, 1800013133, 1800013243, 1800013244, 1800013423, 1800013424, 1800013425, 1800013426, 1800013428, 1800013521, 1800013528, 1800013602, 1800013686, 1800013703, 1800013708, 1800013734, 1800013739, 1800013783, 1800013784, 1800013786, 1800013837, 1800013855, 1800026347, 1800026751, 1800026752, 1800028712, 1800028794, 1800036293, 1800040097, 1800040739, 1800040756, 1800042171, 1800042841, 1800042842, 1800042843, 1800042844, 1800043034, 1800043599, 1800045675, 1800047699, 1800048218, 1800048461, 1800049516, 1800081772, 1800081773, 1800081775, 1800081778, 1800081781, 1800082477, 1800084272, 1800084273, 1800085134
Void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. One coupon per purchase of specified product(s). Good only in USA, APOs & FPOs. CONSUMER: No other coupon may be used with this coupon. Consumer pays any sales tax. RETAILER: General Mills will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus handling if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 cent. Send to GENERAL MILLS 8, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso TX 88588-0001 or an authorized clearinghouse.

SAVE $1.00 ON FOUR when you buy FOUR CANS any flavor/variety Progresso™ OR Old El Paso™ Soup (excludes dry mixes)

SAVE $1.00 ON FOUR when you buy FOUR CANS any flavor/variety Progresso™ OR Old El Paso™ Soup (excludes dry mixes) .
Valid from 2/1/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4119601000, 4119601012, 4119601013, 4119601022, 4119601032, 4119601051, 4119601061, 4119601088, 4119601095, 4119601111, 4119601112, 4119601121, 4119610149, 4119610162, 4119610163, 4119610164, 4119610185, 4119610187, 4119610192, 4119610193, 4119611064, 4119611065, 4119611066, 4119611067, 4119611068, 4119611072, 4119611185, 4119611186, 4119611663, 4119611664, 4119611678, 4119612249, 4119612251, 4119612326, 4119612327, 4119612328, 4119612329, 4119612332, 4119612361, 4119612362, 4119612363, 4119612615, 4119612989, 4119612991, 4119612992, 4119612993, 4119613069, 4119613071, 4119613102, 4119613103, 4119613283, 4119613301, 4119613305, 4119613306, 4119613307, 4119613308, 4119613309, 4119613418, 4119613554, 4119613608, 4119613609, 4119613612, 4119613613, 4119613614, 4119613632, 4119613633, 4119613643, 4119613648, 4119613649, 4119613655, 4119613716, 4119613803, 4119613804, 4119613917, 4119613974, 4119613976, 4119613978, 4119640472, 4119640481, 4119640482, 4119640483, 4119641076, 4119641201, 4119641932, 4119641933, 4119641942, 4119642377, 4119644082, 4119645281, 4119645384, 4119645385, 4119645893, 4119646055, 4119647603, 4119648674, 4119649232, 4119649233, 4119649282, 4119674073, 4119674074, 4119680546, 4119680548, 4119691036, 4119691064, 4119691068, 4119691074, 4119691075, 4119691084, 4119691085, 4119691093, 4119691094, 4119691113, 4119691116, 4119691138, 4119691157, 4119691181, 4119691183, 4119691401, 4119691403, 4119691407, 4119691408, 4119691415, 4119691416, 4119691418, 4119691502, 4119691505, 4119691507, 4119691513
Void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. One coupon per purchase of specified product(s). Good only in USA, APOs & FPOs. CONSUMER: No other coupon may be used with this coupon. Consumer pays any sales tax. RETAILER: General Mills will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus handling if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 cent. Send to GENERAL MILLS 8, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso TX 88588-0001 or an authorized clearinghouse.

SAVE 50¢ ON TWO when you buy TWO PACKAGES of any Annie's™ Mac & Cheese

SAVE 50¢ ON TWO when you buy TWO PACKAGES of any Annie's™ Mac & Cheese.
Valid from 2/1/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1356200004, 1356200006, 1356200045, 1356200056, 1356200057, 1356200058, 1356200059, 1356200060, 1356200061, 1356200062, 1356200137, 1356200138, 1356200142, 1356200143, 1356200144, 1356200170, 1356200176, 1356200221, 1356200256, 1356200257, 1356211169, 1356211172, 1356211173, 1356211174, 1356211178, 1356211181, 1356211627, 1356211628, 1356211629, 1356211666, 1356211779, 1356211781, 1356211782, 1356211783, 1356211824, 1356211825, 1356212117, 1356212118, 1356212119, 1356212121, 1356212303, 1356212353, 1356212887, 1356212889, 1356212891, 1356212945, 1356213155, 1356213368, 1356213369, 1356213371, 1356213372, 1356213414, 1356213415, 1356213548, 1356213715, 1356213838, 1356213854, 1356213914, 1356213915, 1356230011, 1356230014, 1356230016, 1356230039, 1356230050, 1356230060, 1356230062, 1356230063, 1356230069, 1356230084, 1356230088, 1356230092, 1356230097, 1356230098, 1356230099, 1356230210, 1356236342, 1356236347, 1356247875, 1356249323, 1356249901, 1356261001, 1356261002, 1356261006, 1356261010, 1356261051
Void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. One coupon per purchase of specified product(s). Good only in USA, APOs & FPOs. CONSUMER: No other coupon may be used with this coupon. Consumer pays any sales tax. RETAILER: Annie's will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus handling if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 cent. Send to ANNIE'S 8, NCH Marketing Services, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso TX 88588-0001 or an authorized clearinghouse.

SAVE $2.00
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) 14 lb or larger bag of Beneful® Dry Dog Food

SAVE $2.00
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) 14 lb or larger bag of Beneful® Dry Dog Food.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/14/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780010063, 1780010064, 1780010065, 1780018184, 1780018440, 1780018441, 1780018444, 1780018446, 1780018447, 1780018448, 1780018450, 1780018451, 1780018456, 1780018457, 1780018545, 1780018546
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at https://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

Save $6.00
Save $6.00 on any TWO (2) OGX® Hair Products (excludes trial/travel sizes)

Save $6.00
Save $6.00 on any TWO (2) OGX® Hair Products (excludes trial/travel sizes).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
2279660103, 2279660108, 2279661021, 2279661022, 2279661023, 2279661031, 2279661032, 2279661034, 2279661041, 2279661042, 2279661043, 2279661051, 2279661052, 2279661054, 2279661055, 2279661061, 2279661062, 2279661064, 2279661071, 2279661072, 2279661073, 2279661081, 2279661082, 2279661083, 2279664003, 2279664004, 2279664012, 2279664013, 2279664021, 2279664022, 2279664023, 2279664032, 2279664033, 2279664035, 2279664036, 2279664041, 2279664042, 2279664043, 2279664046, 2279664051, 2279664052, 2279664054, 2279664073, 2279664081, 2279664091, 2279664200, 2279664201, 2279690010, 2279690011, 2279690013, 2279690014, 2279690020, 2279690021, 2279690040, 2279690060, 2279690061, 2279690080, 2279690081, 2279690090, 2279690092, 2279690093, 2279690095, 2279690120, 2279690121, 2279690122, 2279690123, 2279690140, 2279690141, 2279690142, 2279690150, 2279690151, 2279690160, 2279690161, 2279690180, 2279690181, 2279690701, 2279690702, 2279690722, 2279690761, 2279691005, 2279691006, 2279691008, 2279691014, 2279691015, 2279691054, 2279691091, 2279691092, 2279691093, 2279691094, 2279691095, 2279691096, 2279691263, 2279691421, 2279691422, 2279691424, 2279691431, 2279691432, 2279691443, 2279691498, 2279691499, 2279691582, 2279691598, 2279691599, 2279691601, 2279691602, 2279691603, 2279691604, 2279691608, 2279691611, 2279691612, 2279691613, 2279691614, 2279691616, 2279691617, 2279691618, 2279691620, 2279691645, 2279691647, 2279691670, 2279691671, 2279691673, 2279691674, 2279691675, 2279691679, 2279691680, 2279691681, 2279691685, 2279691691, 2279691692, 2279691693, 2279691697, 2279691751, 2279691752, 2279691753, 2279691811, 2279691812, 2279691814, 2279691815, 2279691816, 2279691832, 2279691836, 2279691837, 2279691848, 2279691849, 2279691859, 2279691886, 2279691887, 2279691891, 2279691892, 2279691893, 2279691894, 2279691923, 2279691993, 2279691994, 2279693223, 2279694054, 2279694091, 2279694092, 2279694095, 2279694096, 2279694097, 2279694098, 2279697620, 5280067376, 5280067377, 5280067378, 5280067467, 5280067487, 5280067488, 5280067495, 5280067496, 5280067498, 5280067508, 5280067513, 5280067516, 5280067517, 5280067518, 5280067520, 5280067550, 5280067551, 5280067586, 5280067587, 5280067592, 5280067593, 5280067594, 5280067595, 5280067598, 5280067599, 5280067657, 5280067658, 5280067659, 5280067660, 5280067663, 5280067664, 5280067675, 5280067677, 5280067679, 5280067687, 5280067688, 5280067689, 5280067690, 5280067691, 5280067703, 5280067704, 5280067841, 5280067842, 5280067843, 5280067844, 5280067845, 5280067846, 5280067847, 5280067848, 5280067865, 5280067866, 5280067888, 5280068048, 5280068049, 5280068050, 5280068051, 5280068052, 5280068055, 5280068060, 5280068061, 5280068081, 5280068082, 5280068108, 5280068109, 5280068110, 5280068112, 5280068113, 5280068114, 5280068133, 5280068176, 5280068180, 5280068181, 5280068182, 5280068183, 5280068184, 5280068185, 5280068186, 5280068187, 5280068188, 5280068189, 5280068190, 5280068191, 5280068192, 5280068193, 5280068194, 5280068195, 5280068196, 5280068197, 5280068199
CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product(s). Void if expired, reproduced, altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, or exchanged to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption, or where prohibited or restricted by law. Any other use constitutes fraud. Consumer: You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Vogue International LLC will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in accordance with Vogue International LLC Coupon Redemption Policy (available upon request). Mail coupons to: NCH Marketing Services 1453 PO Box 880001 El Paso, Tx 88588-0001. Cash Value 1/100¢. No cash back if coupon value exceeds selling price.

Save $3.50
Save $3.50 on any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® ACNE product (excludes trial/travel & bar soaps)

Save $3.50
Save $3.50 on any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® ACNE product (excludes trial/travel & bar soaps).
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
7050101710, 7050101712, 7050101750, 7050101790, 7050102204, 7050102354, 7050102461, 7050102463, 7050102480, 7050102583, 7050102590, 7050102820, 7050102830, 7050105325, 7050105340, 7050105345, 7050105360, 7050105365, 7050105370, 7050105375, 7050106000, 7050106068, 7050106162, 7050106224, 7050106406, 7050106427, 7050106428, 7050106429, 7050106430, 7050106431, 7050106436, 7050106437, 7050106438, 7050106765, 7050106942, 7050106951, 7050107000, 7050110003, 7050110004, 7050110058, 7050110061, 7050110256, 7050110297, 7050110322, 7050111067, 7050111161, 7050111690, 7050112102, 7050115366, 7050119307, 7050119492, 7050119497, 7050121162, 7050122369, 7050125375, 7050127026, 7050127029, 7050127032, 7050137394, 7050140028, 7050140029, 7050171213
CONSUMER: This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated. Any other use constitutes fraud. COUPON CANNOT BE BOUGHT, TRANSFERRED OR SOLD. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE AND ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VOID IF TAXED, RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED BY LAW. VOID IF COPIED OR EXPIRED. RETAILER: Kenvue Brands LLC. will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in compliance with Kenvue Brands LLC. Coupon Redemption Policy. Coupons are void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. Cash Redemption Value 1/100 cent. Send coupons to: Kenvue Brands LLC. 1453, NCH, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. © Kenvue Brands LLC 2025

SAVE $6.00
SAVE $6.00 on ONE (1) 12 ct box (10 oz tubs) of Beneful® Wet Dog Food

SAVE $6.00
SAVE $6.00 on ONE (1) 12 ct box (10 oz tubs) of Beneful® Wet Dog Food.
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780016951, 1780017966, 1780018621
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE $1.50
SAVE $1.50 on THREE (3) individual 10 oz tubs of Beneful® Wet Dog Food

SAVE $1.50
SAVE $1.50 on THREE (3) individual 10 oz tubs of Beneful® Wet Dog Food.
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780010764, 1780010963, 1780010964, 1780010965, 1780010967, 1780010968, 1780012859, 1780012861, 1780015494, 1780015496, 1780015498, 1780016962, 1780016966
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

Save $1.00
Burts Bees
Save $1.00 on ONE (1) Burt's Bees® Rescue Lip

Burts Bees
Save $1.00
Save $1.00 on ONE (1) Burt's Bees® Rescue Lip.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
79285065442, 79285065883, 79285066036, 79285066226, 79285066227, 79285066228
CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE of products and quantities stated. LIMIT OF 4 IDENTICAL COUPONS PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY. Coupons not authorized if purchasing products for resale. Only original coupons accepted. Copying, selling, reposting or auctioning of coupons is prohibited and constitutes fraud. Overage will not be provided in exchange for any coupons (i.e., NO CASH BACK). You pay sales tax. Valid in USA, APOs and FPOs only. Void where taxed, restricted or prohibited. RETAILER: You are authorized to act as our agent to redeem this coupon in accordance with the Burt’s Bees coupon redemption policy (available upon request). We will reimburse you for face value plus up to $0.12 handling if submitted in accordance with our redemption policy. Send coupons to: Burt’s Bees 2122, NCH Marketing Services, P.O Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Burt’s Bees participates in the CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program.

$8.00 OFF
$8.00 OFF on TWO (2) packages of Refresh® Eye Drops (excludes Refresh Tears® 15mL, Refresh Plus® 30ct, and Refresh Contacts® 12mL)

$8.00 OFF
$8.00 OFF on TWO (2) packages of Refresh® Eye Drops (excludes Refresh Tears® 15mL, Refresh Plus® 30ct, and Refresh Contacts® 12mL).
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
30023031204, 30023040370, 30023050601, 30023066704, 30023079830, 30023311010, 30023324015, 30023341630, 30023341660, 30023378210, 30023430710, 30023430720, 30023449130, 30023451530, 30023455430, 30023545910, 30023548750, 30023577330, 30023663010, 30023663208, 30023663410, 30023695210, 30023695430, 30023715160, 30023920515
CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. This coupon good only on product sizes and varieties indicated. RETAILER: We will reimburse you face value plus 8 cents, if submitted in compliance with AbbVie, Inc. Coupon Redemption Policy dated 07/25/06, available upon request. Consumer must pay sales tax. Good only in USA. Send coupons to: AbbVie Inc. 1224, P.O. Box 880001 El Paso, TX 88588-0001. Cash value 1/100 cent. © 2025 AbbVie. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

SAVE $3.00
Friskies Party Mix
SAVE $3.00 on ONE (1) 20 oz or larger canister of Friskies® Party Mix® Cat Treats

Friskies Party Mix
SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 on ONE (1) 20 oz or larger canister of Friskies® Party Mix® Cat Treats.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5000016979, 5000016981, 5000050037, 5000050041, 5000050357, 5000050476, 5000050478, 5000054459, 5000054461, 5000054463, 5000054465, 5000054467, 5000054469, 5000054471, 5000096302, 5000096308, 5000096310
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE 75¢
Friskies Party Mix
SAVE 75¢ on ONE (1) 2.1 oz - 6 oz pouch of Friskies® Party Mix® Cat Treats

Friskies Party Mix
SAVE 75¢
SAVE 75¢ on ONE (1) 2.1 oz - 6 oz pouch of Friskies® Party Mix® Cat Treats.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5000016923, 5000016925, 5000016927, 5000016929, 5000017132, 5000017179, 5000017181, 5000017183, 5000017185, 5000023795, 5000023891, 5000029268, 5000029271, 5000029377, 5000029391, 5000029424, 5000029430, 5000029436, 5000050069, 5000050071, 5000050073, 5000050251, 5000054564, 5000054566, 5000057441, 5000057443, 5000057541, 5000057584, 5000057699, 5000057823, 5000058087, 5000058598, 5000058601, 5000058603, 5000066072, 5000066075, 5000066079, 5000066082, 5000096464, 5000096474
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE 75¢
Friskies Lils
SAVE 75¢ on ONE (1) 1.2 oz - 1.55 oz package of Friskies® Lil’ Gravies®, Lil’ Grillers, Lil’ Shakes®, Lil’ Soups® or Lil’ Slurprises® Cat Food Complement

Friskies Lils
SAVE 75¢
SAVE 75¢ on ONE (1) 1.2 oz - 1.55 oz package of Friskies® Lil’ Gravies®, Lil’ Grillers, Lil’ Shakes®, Lil’ Soups® or Lil’ Slurprises® Cat Food Complement.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5000000133, 5000000135, 5000000136, 5000000148, 5000000149, 5000000254, 5000050121, 5000050123, 5000050125, 5000050127, 5000050489, 5000050492, 5000050495, 5000054379, 5000054381, 5000054383, 5000054385, 5000065977, 5000065979, 5000065981, 5000065983
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 on ONE (1) 8 ct or larger box (1.2 oz - 1.55 oz packages) of Friskies® Lil' Cat Food Complements

SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 on ONE (1) 8 ct or larger box (1.2 oz - 1.55 oz packages) of Friskies® Lil' Cat Food Complements.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5000017296, 5000050455, 5000050456, 5000050506, 5000054390, 5000054444, 5000054445, 5000065990, 5000066056, 5000066062, 5000066063, 5000066104, 5000066106, 5000066108
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 on any ONE (1) Eroxon ED Treatment Gel 4 ct.

Save $3.00
Save $3.00 on any ONE (1) Eroxon ED Treatment Gel 4 ct..
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
Redeemable at food, drug and mass merchandise stores. CONSUMER: Limit 1 coupon per purchase of indicated product(s). You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Haleon group of companies will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 12¢ Handling Fee if submitted in compliance with our Redemption Policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Coupon is void if altered, transferred, exchanged, sold or auctioned, copied or if prohibited by law. Good only in USA and at APOs, FPOs. Send coupons to: Haleon group of companies, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. ©2025 Haleon group of companies. Read and follow label directions.

Save $8.00
Save $8.00 on any ONE (1) Flonase Spray 120 ct or larger

Save $8.00
Save $8.00 on any ONE (1) Flonase Spray 120 ct or larger.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
35310020020, 35310020050, 35310020143, 35310020225, 35310020227, 35310020265, 35310020266, 35310020334, 35310022957
Redeemable at food, drug and mass merchandise stores. CONSUMER: Limit 1 coupon per purchase of indicated product(s). You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Haleon group of companies will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 12¢ Handling Fee if submitted in compliance with our Redemption Policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Coupon is void if altered, transferred, exchanged, sold or auctioned, copied or if prohibited by law. Good only in USA and at APOs, FPOs. Send coupons to: Haleon group of companies, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. ©2025 Haleon group of companies. Read and follow label directions.

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) Flonase Spray 60ct to 90ct

Save $5.00
Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) Flonase Spray 60ct to 90ct.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/15/2025.
Valid UPC's:
35310020010, 35310020125, 35310020215, 35310020230, 35310020525, 35310020526, 35310022889, 35310024862, 35310029008, 35310029426, 35310029616
Redeemable at food, drug and mass merchandise stores. CONSUMER: Limit 1 coupon per purchase of indicated product(s). You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: Haleon group of companies will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 12¢ Handling Fee if submitted in compliance with our Redemption Policy. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Coupon is void if altered, transferred, exchanged, sold or auctioned, copied or if prohibited by law. Good only in USA and at APOs, FPOs. Send coupons to: Haleon group of companies, P.O. Box 880001, El Paso, TX 88588-0001. ©2025 Haleon group of companies. Read and follow label directions.

SAVE 75¢
SAVE 75¢ on THREE (3) individual 3 oz cans of Beneful® Wet Dog Food

SAVE 75¢
SAVE 75¢ on THREE (3) individual 3 oz cans of Beneful® Wet Dog Food.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/16/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780015292, 1780015295, 1780015298, 1780015941, 1780015943, 1780015945, 1780018970, 1780018973, 1780018976, 1780019287, 1780019289, 1780019291
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at https://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE 50¢
SAVE 50¢ on ONE (1) 3 ct carton (3 oz cans) of Beneful® Wet Dog Food

SAVE 50¢
SAVE 50¢ on ONE (1) 3 ct carton (3 oz cans) of Beneful® Wet Dog Food.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/16/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780015293, 1780015296, 1780015300, 1780015947, 1780015949, 1780015951, 1780018971, 1780018974, 1780018977, 1780019300, 1780019302, 1780019304
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at https://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE $2.00
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) 12 ct or larger package (3 oz cans) of Beneful® Wet Dog Food

SAVE $2.00
SAVE $2.00 on ONE (1) 12 ct or larger package (3 oz cans) of Beneful® Wet Dog Food.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/16/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1780015512, 1780017469, 1780018620, 1780018980, 1780019083, 1780019084, 1780019293
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at https://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions. Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE 75¢
Kelloggs Cereal
SAVE 75¢ on any ONE Kellogg's® Glazed Donut Holes Cereal

Kelloggs Cereal
SAVE 75¢
SAVE 75¢ on any ONE Kellogg's® Glazed Donut Holes Cereal.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/16/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4119210714, 4119210716, 4119210885, 4119210887, 4119210889, 4119210891
CONSUMER: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of product indicated. Limit of ONE like coupons in same shopping trip. Consumer pays sales tax. Coupon may not be bought, reproduced, transferred or sold. No cash value. NO CASH BACK. Void where taxed, restricted or prohibited. RETAILER: We will redeem this coupon in accordance with our redemption policy, copies available upon request. Cash Value 1/100¢. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Mail coupons to: WK Kellogg Sales LLC 1811, PO Box 880001, EL Paso, TX 88588-0001 © 2025 WK Kellogg Co WK Kellogg Co participates in the CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program 62009668

SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 on ONE (1) 12 lb - 18.5 lb bag of Friskies® Indoor Dry Cat Food

SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 on ONE (1) 12 lb - 18.5 lb bag of Friskies® Indoor Dry Cat Food.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
5000037640, 5000057580
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at http://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions . Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on ONE (1) 3.15 lb bag of Friskies® Indoor Dry Cat Food

SAVE $1.00
SAVE $1.00 on ONE (1) 3.15 lb bag of Friskies® Indoor Dry Cat Food.
Valid from 2/9/2025 to 3/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
NOT FOR RESALE. Coupon void if altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, exchanged or where prohibited or restricted by law. CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program. CONSUMER: Limit one coupon per specified item(s) purchased. No cash or credit in excess of shelf price awarded. Any other use constitutes fraud. RETAILER: Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, Inmar Dept #17800, 801 Union Pacific Blvd, STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045, USA will redeem this coupon per our Nestlé Coupon Redemption Policy found at http://www.purina.com/terms-and-conditions . Consumer must pay sales tax where applicable. Valid in the USA, incl. APOs/FPOs/Possessions/Territories. Cash value: 1/80?.

$4.00 OFF
$4.00 OFF any ONE (1) Alaway Antihistamine Eye Drops product

$4.00 OFF
$4.00 OFF any ONE (1) Alaway Antihistamine Eye Drops product.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
31011902240, 31011902241, 31011960192
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb. PN11626

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF any ONE (1) Opcon-A Antihistamine and Redness Reliever Eye Drops

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF any ONE (1) Opcon-A Antihistamine and Redness Reliever Eye Drops.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/22/2025.
Valid UPC's:
31011902090, 31011902178
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb. PN11628

SAVE $1.50
Kelloggs Cereals
SAVE $1.50 on any TWO Kellogg's® Special K®, Froot Loops®, Frosted Flakes® and/or Kashi® Cereals

Kelloggs Cereals
SAVE $1.50
SAVE $1.50 on any TWO Kellogg's® Special K®, Froot Loops®, Frosted Flakes® and/or Kashi® Cereals.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/23/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1862710139, 1862711359, 1862711369, 1862711501, 1862711569, 1862711571, 1862711573, 1862711579, 1862711583, 1862711599, 1862711601, 1862711603, 1862711605, 1862711607, 1862711609, 1862711611, 1862711613, 1862711615, 1862711621, 1862770312, 1862770339, 1862770348, 3800001621, 3800024299, 3800025450, 3800026601, 3800027009, 3800027011, 3800028186, 3800028190, 3800028201, 3800028722, 3800029227, 3800029398, 3800029426, 3800091488, 4119210017, 4119210019, 4119210027, 4119210029, 4119210031, 4119210033, 4119210094, 4119210245, 4119210249, 4119210251, 4119210253, 4119210255, 4119210262, 4119210264, 4119210272, 4119210328, 4119210330, 4119210360, 4119210363, 4119210365, 4119210367, 4119210369, 4119210397, 4119210430, 4119210442, 4119210739, 4119210743, 4119210881, 4119210915, 4119211000, 4119211008, 4119211089, 4119211093, 4119211097, 4119211099
CONSUMER: Limit ONE coupon per purchase of product indicated. Limit of ONE like coupons in same shopping trip. Consumer pays sales tax. Coupon may not be bought, reproduced, transferred or sold. No cash value. NO CASH BACK. Void where taxed, restricted or prohibited. RETAILER: We will redeem this coupon in accordance with our redemption policy, copies available upon request. Cash Value 1/100¢. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Mail coupons to: WK Kellogg Sales LLC 1811, PO Box 880001, EL Paso, TX 88588-0001 © 2025 WK Kellogg Co WK Kellogg Co participates in the CIC® Member Coupon Integrity Program 62009668

$0.75 OFF
$0.75 OFF ONE (1) Kikkoman® Product 10oz or Larger

$0.75 OFF
$0.75 OFF ONE (1) Kikkoman® Product 10oz or Larger.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/29/2025.
Valid UPC's:
4139000002, 4139000003, 4139000005, 4139000006, 4139000064, 4139000080, 4139000082, 4139000090, 4139000105, 4139000107, 4139000110, 4139000111, 4139000113, 4139000135, 4139000145, 4139000160, 4139000191, 4139000192, 4139000460, 4139000702, 4139000703, 4139000706, 4139000739, 4139000740, 4139000802, 4139000808, 4139000902, 4139000904, 4139001025, 4139001028, 4139001030, 4139001035, 4139001040, 4139001052, 4139001054, 4139001056, 4139001110, 4139001185, 4139001455, 4139001456, 4139001465, 4139001466, 4139001470, 4139001504, 4139001540, 4139001766, 4139002024, 4139002026, 4139002030, 4139002032, 4139002034, 4139002036, 4139002050, 4139002060, 4139002070, 4139002081, 4139002082, 4139002103, 4139002107, 4139002150, 4139002216, 4139002301, 4139002302, 4139002309, 4139002400, 4139002404, 4139002408, 4139002412, 4139002432, 4139002435, 4139002436, 4139002437, 4139002443, 4139002444, 4139003152, 4139003153, 4139004760, 4139004765, 4139005000, 4139005006, 4139005022, 4139005030
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Biofreeze Overnight
Save $3.00 On any ONE (1) Biofreeze® Overnight select products

Biofreeze Overnight
Save $3.00
Save $3.00 On any ONE (1) Biofreeze® Overnight select products.
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/29/2025.
Valid UPC's:
73112400393, 73112444414, 73112444415, 73112444429, 73112444454
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$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF on ONE (1) Biofreeze® item (excluded travel sizes)

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$2.00 OFF on ONE (1) Biofreeze® item (excluded travel sizes).
Valid from 2/2/2025 to 3/29/2025.
Valid UPC's:
73112400003, 73112400004, 73112400006, 73112400007, 73112400008, 73112400100, 73112400171, 73112400277, 73112400348, 73112400380, 73112400384, 73112444486
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Save $1.00
Save $1.00 on Any ONE (1) Lysol® Disinfectant Spray

Save $1.00
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Valid from 2/16/2025 to 3/29/2025.
Valid UPC's:
1920002845, 1920074186, 1920079325, 1920079326, 1920079329, 1920080833, 1920080834, 1920083853, 1920083854, 1920085088, 1920087870, 1920087871, 1920089946, 1920092985, 1920092987, 1920096226, 1920097172, 1920097173, 1920097174, 1920097175, 1920098357, 1920098365, 1920098366, 1920098367, 1920098483, 1920099432, 1920099777, 1920099778, 1920099784, 1920099803, 1920099883, 1920099884
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SAVE $3.00
SAVE $3.00 on ONE (1) Penetrex Joint & Muscle Therapy Intensive Concentrate Roll-On Gel or Cream

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Valid from 2/1/2025 to 3/31/2025.
Valid UPC's:
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$4.00 OFF
$4.00 OFF any ONE (1) 7.5 mL LUMIFY Redness Reliever Eye Drop

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Valid from 2/16/2025 to 4/6/2025.
Valid UPC's:
31011953725, 31011953748
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb. PN11575

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF any ONE (1) 2.5 mL LUMIFY Redness Reliever Eye Drop

$2.00 OFF
$2.00 OFF any ONE (1) 2.5 mL LUMIFY Redness Reliever Eye Drop.
Valid from 2/16/2025 to 4/6/2025.
Valid UPC's:
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb. PN11575

$4.00 OFF
$4.00 OFF Any ONE (1) Biotrue Hydration Plus 10 fl oz or larger

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$4.00 OFF Any ONE (1) Biotrue Hydration Plus 10 fl oz or larger.
Valid from 2/7/2025 to 5/16/2025.
Valid UPC's:
31011903997, 31011903998, 31011904150
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb.

$5.00 OFF
$5.00 OFF Any ONE (1) Biotrue Solution 10oz (Original or Hydration Plus)

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$5.00 OFF Any ONE (1) Biotrue Solution 10oz (Original or Hydration Plus).
Valid from 2/7/2025 to 5/16/2025.
Valid UPC's:
31011903586, 31011903909, 31011903997, 31011904150
CONSUMER: Only one coupon redeemable per purchase on product specified at retail locations only. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. You pay any sales tax. RETAILER: We will reimburse you at face value plus 8¢ handling per coupon if used in compliance with the Bausch + Lomb Coupon Redemption Policy (CRP#1) incorporated herein by reference. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, expired, taxed, restricted, prohibited by law or used to purchase products for resale. Limit one coupon per purchase of specified product; limit 2 identical coupons per household per day. Cash value 1/20th of 1¢. Not redeemable for more than purchase price. Good only in USA. Mail to: Bausch + Lomb, Inmar Brand Solutions Dept. 10119, Mfr. Rcv. Office, 801 Union Pacific Blvd., STE 5, Laredo, TX 78045-9475. © 2025 Bausch + Lomb.